Instructor Certification Quick Check Handout
1.Successfully complete General Instructor Development (GID)
2.Complete the 4-hour General Instructor Apprenticeship with 12 months of completing GID (September 22, 2018)
- Apprenticeship Lesson Plan class must be approved for DCJS credit through the Academy Director
- Must be 4 hours in duration
- Must be evaluated by a DCJS certified General Instructor with 3-years of instructor experience
- If the Apprenticeship is not completed within the required twelve months, the student must repeat the entire instructor course, no exceptions.
3.Agency Training Officer must complete a DCJS Instructor Applications, IC-1.
4.Apprenticeship Instructor Evaluation Form and completed IC-1 must be submitted to Tara Markley, Professional Development Unit @ the NVCJA for processing prior to their submission to DCJS
5.Once DCJS certifies the instructor, their instructor certification period is valid for a maximum of 3-years. To maintain their certification, instructors must attend an Instructor Recertification before the end of the third year. This applies to all DCJS instructor certifications.
- All instructor must prove that they have taught a minimum of 8 hours of training in each of their instructorship otherwise they do not qualify to attend an instructor re-certification class.
- To prove they are in compliance with the mandated training hours, instructor must have an Instructor training record (ITR) on file at the Academy prior to attending a recertification class. If there isn’t an ITR on file the student will be sent home and not allowed to attend the Recert class.
- is a link to the Academy’s website where copies of the following forms can be downloaded:
- Apprenticeship Instructor Evaluation Forms
- Partial In-Service Credit (PIC) Forms
- DCJS Instructor Application Form (IC-1)
- Instructor Training Record (ITR)
Northern VirginiaCriminalJusticeAcademy
Apprenticeship Instructor Evaluation Form
Please print/type in the blocks below:
Apprentice Instructor Name: / Course: / Evaluator Name:Agency: / Lesson Title: / Evaluator Agency:
Date: / Start & Finish Times: / Training Site:
This Form must be accompanied by a comprehensive Lesson Plan created and used by the apprenticeship instructor, Student Evaluations of the Course and the Instructor, and a completed DCJS Application for Instructor Certification Form.
Evaluators will enter the following performance codesinto the provided Code area below: “S” for Satisfactory, “U” for Unsatisfactory and “N/A” for areas that were Not Applicable
Presentation Elements / Code / Comments
Lesson Plan:
Had an appropriate Agency / Academy format……..
Provided for an organized presentation……….……...
Presentation Skills:
Instructor was prepared to start class on time………...
Instructor was dressed appropriately…………………
Demonstrated a smooth Introduction………………...
Identified the Instructional Goal & Objectives…….....
Presented the class in a clear logical order……………
Taught with confidence & enthusiasm……………….
Did not digress from the Lesson Plan…………………
Knew the material being taught…………….……….
Provided useful examples & illustrations…………….
Demonstrated good voice control & inflection……….
Displayed authority & control over the classroom…
Demonstrated a professional demeanor using meaningful movements & gestures……………..…….
Evaluators will enter the following performance code in the provided area: “S” for Satisfactory, “U” for an Unsatisfactory and “N/A” for areas that were not applicable.
Presentation Elements / Codes / Comments
Training Aids:
Aids were used effectively……..…………………..…
Aids were current and in good condition………….…
Handout Material: was organized & current…………
Student Involvement:
Instructor used a variety of questioning techniques….
Instructor kept the students motivated & interested…
Instructor encouraged student participation…………..
Instructor handled the student’s questions effectively
Course Review:
Reviewed the Goal & Objectives……………….……..
Summarized the course content……….……………...
Used Visual Aids in the Review……..…….…………
Included questions to the students for feedback………
Presentation Strength:
Areas of Improvements:
Applicant Instructor Signature: / Evaluator’s Signature:
Updated: 12/05