Recruitment Pack

Member of the




October 2016

Independent Remuneration Panel Recruitment Pack Index

  1. Letter to Applicants
  1. A description of the functions of the Panel
  1. The Person Specification for a member of the Panel
  1. An application form.

Application to serve as an Independent Member of the Independent

Remuneration Panel

Thank you for your recent enquiry about becoming an Independent Member of the Independent Remuneration Panel. I am very pleased that you have expressed an interest in the position. We are looking to recruit 1 new member, with a community representation background, for example a serving member of the voluntary, community or faith sector. This member will join our other two panel members, one of which has a business background and the other, a local authority background.

The appointment process is as follows: -

You must return the completed application form by noon on Friday 4 November 2016, either by post (at the address shown above) or e-mail .

Your application will then be considered and a shortlist of candidates for interview will be produced. You will be notified if you have been short listed and invited for interview, which will take place on Tuesday 15 November at Fylde Town Hall in St Annes.

The interview process will take the form of question and answers. If you want to know anything more about the process, please contact Tracy Morrison (01253) 658521 or Ian Curtis on (01253) 658506.

The Role of the Independent Remuneration Panel

Fylde Borough Council comprises 51 councillors who are elected to determine the policies and priorities for the local area. Councillors undertake a wide range of roles and receive financial allowances in accordance with a Members’ Allowances Scheme which sets out the payments to be made for each role. Although primarily concerned with determining payments to councillors, the scheme also provides for allowances to be paid to a small number of non-elected, co-opted members.

In accordance with the relevant legislative requirements, the council has established an Independent Remuneration Panel. This Independent Remuneration Panel has the function of providing the council with advice on its Members’ Allowances Scheme and the nature and level of allowances to be paid. The council must have regard to this advice when reviewing or amending its scheme.

The Government’s approach is to enable councils to determine the amounts to be payable to elected members, having regard to local circumstances; but to sharpen the accountability by having to appoint a local panel whose members are required to be independent of the council.

The Role of the Independent Member

• To receive reports/proposals from Officers of the Council in connection with the Members’ Allowance Scheme.

• To formulate a view as to any appropriate changes to the Members’ Allowance Scheme.

• To attend meetings of the IRP, as appropriate, and contribute to the production of recommendations to be put before the Council.

If you would like to talk about what would be involved, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Tracy Morrison

Director of Resources


The Council is required by law to establish the Independent Remuneration Panel. The role and responsibilities of the Panel is set out below: -

1. To make recommendations to the Council as to:

(a) the amount of basic allowance that should be payable to its elected members. Basic allowance is a flat rate allowance payable to all councillors.

(b) the responsibilities or duties which should lead to the payment of a Special Responsibility Allowance and as to the amount of such an allowance. Special Responsibility Allowance is payable for those councillors who have significant additional responsibilities.

(c) the duties for which a travelling and subsistence allowance can be paid and as to the amount of this allowance.

(d) the amount of co-optees’ allowance. This is an allowance payable to people who are co-opted onto the councils committees.

(e) whether the authority’s allowances scheme should include an allowance in respect of the expenses of arranging for the care of children and dependants and if it does make such a recommendation, the amount of this allowance and the means by which it is determined

(f) whether any allowance should be backdated to the beginning of a financial year in the event of the scheme being amended.

(g) whether annual adjustments of allowance levels may be made by reference to an index, and, if so, for how long such a measure should run.

2. The panel may itself consider recent research on the role of councillors, or perhaps seek information about the work of other independent remuneration panels.

3. The time commitment of Panel Members will vary, for example you may be asked to only sit for one meeting in a year.

4. The Council will meet travel and any other reasonable expenses.

5.This background note aims to address some of the questions potential candidates might have about the Panel’s work. If you have other questions which you wish to ask before deciding whether to apply please telephone Ian Curtis on (01253) 658506 or Tracy Morrison on (01253) 658521.



To be eligible for appointment, a person must not be disqualified from holding office as a member of the Local Authority. Accordingly, any person who is recommended for appointment will be required to confirm that he/she is not disqualified. Details of the disqualifications are set out overleaf.

Prospective members should:-

  1. Have an understanding of Local Government and broader community issues.
  2. Have the ability to act impartially.
  3. Be aged over 18.
  4. Not be a Councillor of any Local Authority [including Town/Parish Councils].
  5. Not be directly related to, or a close friend of, a Fylde Borough Councillor or Officer of the Council.
  6. Not be employed by Fylde Borough Council.
  7. Not be a member of any political party.
  8. Be able to analyse information, ask pertinent questions and maintain confidentiality.
  9. Be able to attend meetings during normal office hours.

The competencies the selection panel will be looking for are set out below:

Criteria / Competency
Education and
Qualifications /
  • Good general standard of education, sufficient to understand complex arrangements and issues

Experience, Knowledge and
Understanding /
  • Decision making role in some previous capacity (not necessarily management)
  • Lead role in either paid or unpaid capacity
  • Knowledge of reasonably complex organisations

Skills /
  • Literate and numerate
  • Capable of analysing moderately complex written information
  • Confident and effective communicator within a small group
  • Good team member

Personal qualities and
commitment /
  • Commitment to the needs of the local community
  • Interest in local government
  • Affinity with the values of public service
  • Evident probity

Other factors /
  • Be able to attend occasional daytime meetings


Summary of Sections 80 and 81 of the Local Government Act 1972

1. A person shall be disqualified from being appointed if he/she:-

a) Holds any paid office or employment with the Authority;

b) Is a person who has been adjudged bankrupt or made a composition or arrangement with his/her creditors;

c) Has, within five years from the day of his/her appointment, been convicted of any offence and had passed upon him/her a sentence of imprisonment (whether suspended or not) for a period of not less than three months without the option of a fine;

d) Has been convicted of a corrupt or illegal practice under Part III of the Representation of the People Act 1983;

e) Is disqualified for membership for a specified period by order of the Court because of his/her involvement in expenditure contrary to law, and

f) Is disqualified from membership for five years following an Auditor’s certificate that a loss or deficiency has been caused by his/her wilful misconduct while a member of a Local Authority.

2. The disqualification attaching to a person by reason of having been adjudged bankrupt ceases:

a) On his/her discharge from bankruptcy unless the bankruptcy order made against the person is previously annulled; and

b) If the bankruptcy order is so annulled, on the date of the annulment.

3. The disqualification attaching to a person by reason of his/her having made a composition or arrangement him/her ceases:-

a) On the date on which payment is completed if he/she pays the debt in full; or

b) In any case, on the expiration of five years from the date on which the terms of the deed of composition or arrangement are fulfilled.


Individuals who wish to be considered for the appointment as a Member of the Fylde Borough Council Independent Remuneration Panel are requested to provide the following information to support their application. All information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence and will only be used for the purposes of selecting Panel members. Please feel free to use a separate continuation page if you wish to expand upon your answer to any question outlined below.


To the best of my knowledge I declare that the information contained in this application form is accurate and correct. I understand and agree that:

(a) The provision of false information may result in disqualification from the recruitment process.

(b) The information provided on this application may be stored and processed by Fylde Borough Council for a period of 6 months for recruitment purposes and if successful the information will be stored on personal file and processed for the purpose of Panel membership.

(c) Canvassing of Officers or Members of the Council or any Committee, directly or indirectly for any appointment will disqualify my application.

(d) All information contained in this form will be treated as strictly confidential, and used only for recruitment purposes.

(e) I am not disqualified from membership of the Panel on any of the grounds set out on page 6 of this application pack.

Date ______


The closing date for receipt of applications is no later than noon Friday 4 November 2016

Please submit your completed application form plus any other supporting material to:

Ian Curtis

Head of Governance

Fylde Borough Council

The Town Hall

St Annes Road West

Lytham St Annes



Or by email