Maths Quest Maths A Year 12 for Queensland Chapter 5 Navigation WorkSHEET 5.1 3

WorkSHEET 5.1 Navigation Name: ______


1  / The diagram below represents the Earth, with centre P.
(a)  State the position of D, I and H.
(b)  PI is a radius of the Earth. Name another 3radii.
(c)  Give the magnitude of:
(i) angle NPF
(ii) angle NPG
(iii) angle DPF
(iv) angle NPB. / (a)  D 40°N, 60°W
I 30°S, 20°E
H 20°S, 50°E
(b)  PH, PC, PB etc.
(c)  (i) 90°
(ii) 70°
(iii) 40°
(iv) 130° / 8
2  / Using the diagram in question 1, find the shortest distance in nautical miles from:
(a)  N to F
(b)  N to D
(c)  D to F
(d)  D to E. /

/ 4
3  / Find the shortest distance from the South Pole to:
(a)  (20°S, 150°E)
(b)  (10°N, 85°W)
(c)  the equator. /

/ 6
4  / Find the shortest distance from (42°N, 110°E) to:
(a)  (15°N, 110°E)
(b)  (18°S, 110°E). /
/ 4
5  / Convert to minutes:
(a)  1°
(b)  8°
(c)  25°
(d)  3.5°
(e)  18°37΄
(f)  36°24.5΄. /

/ 6
6  / Find the unknowns.

/ 6
7  / A plane flies over the point (27°18΄S, 153°E) and exactly 3 minutes later, over the point (27°50΄S, 153°E). Find the speed of the plane in knots. / / 3
8  / A vessel departs (28°12΄S, 154°E) at 6.30am and sails north to (24°40΄S, 154°E) averaging 8.5 knots. Find the ETA. / 6

Approximate ETA is almost 7.30 am the following day.
9  / Convert the true course to a compass course for the given variation.
(a)  106°T, variation 10° east
(b)  194°15΄T, variation 8°25΄ west. /
/ 4
10  / The bearing of a tower from a cliff is 143°. What is the expected bearing of the cliff from the tower? / / 3