Tuesday 13.12. 2016

Who was here:

Ian Penfold (co-chair) / Marcia Lawman (co-chair, PB rep)
Geoff Belsham (Basingstoke Mencap) / Alison Cooper (Parity for Disability)
Fi Biggs (Healthwatch Hampshire) / Claire Hudson (HCC)
Tania Peckham (Farnborough Community Link and Parkview) / Helga Firth-Bernard (parent/carer)
Ann Barker (parent/carer) / Mandy Grahamsley (safeguarding consultant, HCC)
Bernard Pearcey (parent/carer) / Marion Queinby (BSL interpreter)
Carrie Moorhouse (BSL interpreter) / Linzi Holt (Liaise Loddon)
Lee Dauscha (Leon’s co-worker) / Nicki Bishop (Speakeasy Advocacy supporting Leon)
Leon Major (LIG rep) / Nikki Mulligan (Speakeasy Advocacy supporting Marcia)
Florence Garland (admin)

Apologies:Mo Rowe, Laura Timms, Rosemary Goodrich, Stuart Vail, Simon Cartland, Lizzie Meager

Notes of the last meeting

Minutes agreed.

Matters arising

Apologies from Lizzie. She will come next month.

Healthwatch Hampshire – Fi Biggs

** 5 events across North Hampshire and Surrey last month to get feedback on mental health services **

Most people want their GP to understand mental health issues

Fi and the team have worked on a media clip/video that they have shown at GP training last week. Flo and Fi will arrange for the video to be shown at the LIG in February.

Increase appointment time for people with learning disabilities

GPs to go through their lists of people with learning disabilities and check that people have their annual health check.one person had not seen their GP for 8 years.

Easy read version of documents/letters

We will arrange more time for feedback (at the February meeting).

thank you to Geoff and the team at Basingstoke Mencap who will take over the Blue LIG accounts from Speakeasy soon. No bank charges however no cheques will be issued so everything will be paid directly through the bank.

Hampshire LD Partnership Board

Many ideas at the Partnership Board last week for the LD plan review. Jess is organising a working group on the 5th January to go through those ideas. We are still not sure about the format.

Marcia went to Speakeasy AGM on Friday. Everyone knew who Marcia was.

Shared Lives – Claire Hudson (HCC)

The shared lives is what used to be called the old placement scheme.

The scheme is set up by HCC and Claire is the registered CQC manager.

The plan is to double the size of the scheme with currently 120 carers and make it more effective.

On 10th January 2017, they will be launching the new ways of working (policies, paperwork, recording etc).

Claire said that there are not many carers in the North of the County so recruitment will take place on February/March 2017 in Basingstoke/Farnborough/Camberley and Aldershot (in the libraries).

Claire also added that a DVD will be created to explain what it is like to be a carer and also a service user at Shared Lives.

In Basingstoke, there are only 2 carers. In the Blue LIG there are 15 families who provide respite and long stay. 2 or 3 carers provide day care.

Other things:

Medication training needed for all carers. Each carer will have 4 days of formal supervision a year and carers will meet every quarter. There are unannounced visits and if any concern about the anything, the carer is very welcome to ask for help or information.

Safeguarding – Mandy Grahamsley (HCC)

(It used to be called Adult protection)

It is a statutory requirement under the Care Act.

There is plenty of awareness with the children services department but there is not much awareness about adults with learning disabilities. The scheme is different from children services.

There are really good things going on and the team has issued a new alerters guide, a smart phone app (See It, Stop It, App link) and there is a dedicated phone line. There is also a training video which can be downloaded from the website (if no wifi, the office can provide you with a file).

Making safeguarding personal: if someone has had a safeguarding issue, there will be a conversation with the individual about what they want to do with the situation they are in. So if there is a meeting going on about safeguarding, the person can get involved if they want to (or have a rep).

Safeguarding and governance team

The team works with providers/CQC etc. Early intervention if required.

Mate Crime: making friend with someone with the sole purpose of exploiting them.

Supportive communities: : is about people doing more to support each other in their own communities. Two disadvantages were raised by Ian and Ann: No DBS checks are made on volunteers and there is a potential risk of volunteers being accused of something they have not done. HCC has a duty of care though.

To see a video clip about Supportive Communities:Clickhere.

Other things:

Apologies from Linzi for next time.

Alison mentioned the external day opportunities day services specification. She was disappointed that Prof Mansell’s 2010 report (Raising our sights) was not mentioned. The training specification for staff is obsolete (now called a care certificate). Are we ignoring people with complex needs?

Someone said that generally, policies are procedures are geared towards people with less complex needs. Ian thought Supporting Living is great for people who have less complex needs. Sometimes residential is better if people are well looked after. However, if supporting living is well thought-out (for example with specially designed flats), it might be good also for people with complex needs. Staff who work with people with complex needs should have more training and be paid more. It is a difficult job.

Linzi and Alison – teething problems with Connect to support website. They will try again.

Geoff mentioned Fluid Motions’ panto at the Vine School in Basingstoke in the week. Mencap has also be awarded (from Tesco) a £12,000 grant to refurbish the garden and workshop (it was needed).

Step One from café Project – end of project but looking at different options

And keeping to New Year Resolutions – a “weight” type programme is being put in place at Basingstoke Mencap……

Have a lovely Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year

Please note that 11th April meeting has now been changed to 4th April.

Have a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year

Dates for your diaries

The next meeting will be on 3rd January 2017 Elizabeth Hall, Hook, 10.30 am to 12.30 pm latest


3 January

14 February

14 March

4 April (date has been changed)

23 May

20 June (amended)

18 July (amended)

12 September

10 October

14 November

12 December

Elizabeth Hall, Raven Road, Hook RG27 9HH (room 4).
10.30 am to 12.30 pm
free parking