German IIRoom 440
Teacher: Lisa Worthington-Groce (“Frau W”)
B.A., M.A.T., National Board Certified Teacher-World Languages
Parents: Students:
Required Materials:- Online course materials & assorted handouts
- 2 composition notebooks (Schreibheft & Wortschatzheft)- NOT spiral-bound!
- 3-ring binder & looseleaf paper
- pens/pencils, dry-erase markers
- Komm Mit! Level II textbook (classroom copy)
Quarter Grade:
- 40% Productive Language Skills (Writing & Speaking)
- 40% Receptive Language Skills (Reading & Listening)
- 10% Independent Practice (Homework, Quizzes)
- 10% Guided Practice (Class activities)
- Semester 1 (40% of final):
- Semester 2 (40% of final):
- Exam (20% of final)
Grading Scale:
90-100 A 70-79 C 0-59 F
80-89 B 60-69 D
Course Overview:In this course, you will build upon what you learned in German I by expanding your vocabulary & grammar skills to enable you to interact more in depth on issues of everyday life. We will focus on the skills of speaking and listening, but reading and writingwith greater accuracy will also play an important role. We’ll learn through a variety of activities (role plays, story reading & writing, skit writing & performance, partner work, videos & podcasts, TPRS, debates, etc.).
The following topics & skills will be covered:
- People (Appearance, Personality, & Interests)
- Fairy Tales
- Vacation & Travel
- Food & Markets; Shopping & Advertisements
- Illness & Health
- Sports & Entertainment
- Media & Communication
- Geography, Culture & History
- Describing/narrating in detail (in present & conversational past tenses)
- Giving adviceOffering short persuasive arguments
Skills:By the end of the German II course, you should be able to describe people & places in more detail, discuss likes & dislikes on a variety of topics, narrate a short story or fairy tale in past or present tense, describe past and future events, purchase a ticket & interact with others when traveling, ask for & give directions, describe the geography of German-speaking countries, describe a trip or vacation, explain an injury or illness, offer advice, debate a topic. Emphasis will also be placed on knowledge & analysis of the products, practices, and perspectives of German-speaking cultures.
German Class Policies & Procedures
Mobile Devices: Because class participation & attentiveness play such an integral role in achieving success in a language course, use of mobile devices (cell phones) during class time is strictly prohibited unless being used in a teacher-directed activity. Per the NWHS World Language Department policy effective since 2015-16, mobile devices will be collected at the beginning of each class period, stored by the teacher in a safe location, and returned to students before class ends. Unapproved use of mobile devices will be considered non-compliance & will result in consequences according to the NWHS Student Handbook (up to & including 2 days of OSS).
Written work & Code of ethics: Work submitted to Frau W should include the following label in the upper right-hand corner: first & last name, date, class period. The work should also include the page # or assignment title at the top of the paper. The use of translators is prohibited and will constitute cheating, which will result in a 0 on the assignment and possible referral to administration! This includes the use of websites or apps such as Google Translator as well as over-reliance on German-speaking friends and family members for completing graded assignments. Work you submit should be your own!
Classroom Expectations:
- The #1 rule in this class is RESPECT!
- Students will engage fully in each and every class. This means paying attention, participating in all activities and speaking as much German as possible.
- Students will follow proper classroom protocol: raising hand to speak, only speaking when called upon, listening to others without interrupting.
- Students will arrive to class on time. The Germans are known for their punctuality. This means being in your seat with all materials. Students will use the bathroom between classes, except in emergency cases. Our class time is precious!
- All school rules apply & Frau Worthington-Groce is in charge!
1st offenseVerbal warning
2nd offensePhone call home (and possible after-school detention)
3rd + offensePhone call home & referral to administration
Classwork:Participation is a very important part of German class. This includes actively taking part in group work, volunteering during class discussions, attempting to use the German you are learning, etc. I do not expect you to be perfect, but I do expect you to try. Also, do not hesitate to ask questions! If you need extra help, tutoring is available. I want you to succeed, so just ask!
Vocabulary Notebooks & Composition Journals: Students will complete vocabulary notebooks which will be graded on a quarterly basis. Students will also keep a daily composition journal to develop their writing skills. This will be graded for completion & thought processes (not grammatical accuracy) several times per quarter.
Homework:There will be homework several times per week and it will periodically be collected for a more formal grade. There are 2 types of homework in German class:
- Spot-checked: drill activities, question worksheets, etc.
Max grade: 100Min grade: 50
- Collected: thought activities, free response, etc.
Max grade: 100Min grade: 0
On days when I do not collect it, I will do a brief check to make sure the student has the assignment. The student will then receive a 100 for a completed assignment, a 70 for partial completion, and a 50 for not having done the assignment. Late collected homework will not be eligible for maximum credit. At the end of the quarter, I will drop your lowest homework grade. If all homework is completed, your lowest quiz grade will be dropped! Note: Work may be done in pencil, pen (blue/black ink), or may be typed.
Food/Drink:Per the student handbook, food & drinks are not to be consumed during class time unless there is an official “Essentag” or if someone has a doctor-documented health reason. The only exception is water. No chewing gum is permitted in class!
Bathroom: Students will be permitted three free “Pinkelpausen” per quarter. Students should have Frau W signPinkelpausethe pass & sign out of the classroom. AdditionalPinkelpausen in a quarter will result in lost participation points or require after-school makeup time. Any passes remaining at the end of the quarter can be traded in for bonus points added to the quarter “Guided Participation” grade. No bathroom breaks will be permitted in the first and final 5 minutes of class.
Excused absences:Work missed because of an excused absence must be completed within 3 days of returning to school. Speak with a reliable classmate for missed notes and check with Frau W before or after class. You may also consult the website for homework assignments. If you know that you will be absent, please inform Frau W ahead of time so that missed assignments can be communicated.
Tardies: Be on time to class! This means you are in your seat ready to begin when the bell rings. After the first tardy (warning), additional tardies will result in after-school detention, lunch detention, or ISS. See school tardy policy for more details.
Tutoring:Frau Worthington-Groce will hold tutoring in classroom 440 most mornings before school from 8:30-8:45am and on Monday & Wednesday afternoons from 3:50-4:30pm. Tutoring will also be available during Delayed Start Wednesday once each month & from members of the National German Honor Society (see Frau W for details).
Website:I keep my website updated on a daily basis, including nightly homework assignments, upcoming events, info about extracurricular activities, & useful links. Please bookmark the web address:
Additional Opportunities:
German Club-Meets one to two times per month to eat in German restaurants, watch German movies, make gingerbread houses, volunteer at local events, and take part in other fun-filled activities. Monthly through school year
Einshoch6 concert-Select students will travel to Broughton High School in Raleigh, NC to attend a concert by the German band Einshoch6(composed of hip hop & classical musicians). October 23, 2017
National German Honor Society-NGHS recognizes outstanding scholars who have excelled not only in their general academic studies but also in German language courses. We typically complete one service project each year & members offer tutoring to students in lower levels of German. Membership is open after completion of 3 semesters of German & the application period will take place in February 2018, followed by an induction ceremony in late April/early May.
National German Exam- standardized online test. Top performers can qualify for a fully-funded 3 week trip to Germany & other awards. January 2018
German Day- Held at UNC-Greensboro, this is a day of friendly competition (in German) with other middle & high schools in NC. Competitions include skit & song performance, trivia contest, poetry recitation, spelling bee, extemporaneous speaking, and art & photography contests. March 2018
GAPP Exchange to Germany-Students from our partner school near Augsburg, Germany will live with NWHS host families for two weeks in March 2018 and American host siblings will travel to Germany for two weeks (June 18-July 3) to experience German high school life along with other excursions. March & June/July 2018
Step into GermanBundesligat Total, GI Award of Excellence,& Germany Info Center Contests-Competitions in soccer trivia, video creation, video questions, essay-writing offered throughout the year by various organizations committed to supporting the study of German in the United States. Throughout the school year: see website!
Tips for learning a 2nd (or 3rd…) language!!!
- SPEAKLISTEN to German as often as you can!
- Make FLASHCARDS (virtual or paper) to review vocabulary words.
- Make homework/testCORRECTIONS & ASK questions often!
- DO NOT CRAM for quizzes or rush through your homework.
- TEACH others! Share what you learn with parents, siblings, or friends.
- USE YOUR NATIVE LANGUAGE & CREATE MNEUMONIC DEVICES to help you learn. When you learn a new German phrase, try to make a connection between it and a word you already know.