IPRO Director’s Message—February 2018


The AmPRO/IPRO brands work with instructors, coaches, officials, and programmers in the field. Past ‘messages’ have cut across each category in order to provide valuable information for our constituency. We often re-visit certain areas in order to validate such a stance. This article discusses themes for a successful instructor. Organization/Explanation & Demonstration/Error Detection/Interpersonal Skills/Knowledge Base.

Organization—Having the wherewithal to create a timeline integrating preparation, operation, and evaluation. Each element is critical for success. Falling behind in phase one will warrant a ‘catch up’ mode which usually results in disarray and poor management throughout the endeavor. Take the time to go through each phase independently and notate ideas/events in writing.

Explanation/Demonstration--The assumption is that we are looking at a long-term relationship with our client base. We require the skill set to justify what we say. Working with others requires an understanding of the many avenues for learning and teaching. Everyone learns differently; therefore, having multiple options to communicate and receive a message is critical for success. Be succinct with your words, and be technically sound when demonstrating a hitting/movement fundamental. If the performance of a task is beyond your scope, do not include it as part of your presentation. Identify the weak or absent areas and work to make them part of your portfolio.

Error Detection—Most individuals are able to identify mistakes. More importantly is the ability to provide cues for changing behavior. Start with one behavioral change-- grip, position alteration, longer deliberation. If a long term (lifestyle) change is required, make sure the student is willing and able to invest the time, energy, and the expense. Once confirmed, move forward!

Interpersonal Skills—auditory, postural, verbal, and visual. Stage presence can overcome some flaws in areas listed above. Remember that we want to have a baseline from which to work with all of our students. Once we understand the concepts, let’s practice the skills so that the overall success ratio is increased. Then we insert our own personality to drive our students to learn, build, prosper, and enjoy the experiences. Encourage them to return for future sessions.

Knowledge Base—Learning is an evolution; it never stops! On and off court experiences, reading, sharing our history with others in the field, investigating other disciplines, learning from failures, and having an open mind, will reap benefits. Be eager to learn, to share knowledge with others, and to grow as an individual and as an integral part of the community.


Pan American Championships; Temuco, Chile March

South American Championships; Cochabamba, Bolivia May

IRF World Championships; Shanghai, China August

34th IRF World Senior Championships; Albuquerque, NM August

IRF World Junior Championships; location tbd November

Pan American Games; Lima, Peru(2019) July


Gearbox signs agreement for Official Ball of IRF—recently establishing a 3 year agreement with the IRF for use in most of its events. The ProPenn Green racquetball will still be used for the World Senior Championships.

Olympic Channel & IRF—check out recent Junior World Championship matches from Minneapolis, Minnesota. We will slowly build our archive for viewing pleasure. In addition the IRF has stored matches from International events on YouTube for the past 15 years.

Upgrading—anyone interested in upgrading their status within the instructional hierarchy, is encouraged to let us know. The first step is to complete the upgrade written exam, followed by a review of practical and hitting skills.

Renewals—Please make sure you are current in order to receive the AmPRO liability insurance package from Loomis and Lapann Insurance Group. Renewals are: 1 year ($30), 3 years ($75), and Lifetime ($300).

Quote of the month:

‘I don’t always say what I mean; but, I usually say something similar’

Eugene Ormondy

Ampro-IPRO 6201 Copper NE Albuquerque, NM 87108 USA (505) 321-1110

Globalracquetball.com Internationalracquetball.com