1. Purpose

Thisdocument articulatestheroleof the University ATEMInstitutionalCoordinators(IC)andoutlinesthemechanismswhichsupporttheundertakingofthisrole.

  1. Scope

InstitutionalCoordinatorsplayapivotalroleindevelopingandmaintainingATEM’sprofilewithin the University,servingasanimportantlinkbetweenmembers,the Universityandtheprofessionalbody.

The University will seek expressions of interest to appoint 3 ATEM Institutional Coordinator positions to represent the ATEM Bass; NSW/ACT and Queensland regions covering allUniversity campuses.

3.Institutional Coordinator Role


While members join ATEM the Association, the focus of their work and the focus of professional education and training is at the ATEM regional and institutional level. Regions need to have a strong presence at each institution to strengthen the link between local institutions and the region. The Coordinator has a number of responsibilities as outlined below, supported by the University ATEM Governance Committee, the ATEM regional committee, the ATEM Secretariat and Council. Under the guidance of the Regional Chair, Institutional Coordinators will develop and implement a local annual plan to ensure the strengthening of ATEM presence on University campuses.

3.2Promoting Professional Development Activities

One of the key roles of the Coordinator is to provide an institutional contact for ATEM and to actively promote ATEM activities and member benefits to ACU staff. This can involve:

  • collaborating with other Institutional Coordinators
  • distributing professional education and training information
  • assisting with the organisation of specific gatherings to promote networking and professional development
  • attending meetings
  • reporting on institutional activities to the region; ATEM Regional Chairs and Manager Capability & Development


Coordinatorsare aninstitutionalcontactforATEMandare expected toactivelypromoteATEMactivitiesandmemberbenefits.Thiscaninvolve:




(d)liaising with the Manger Capability & Development and HR Communications Officer


Institutional Coordinatorsareexpected to:


(b)represent the University at ATEM

(c)organise and coordinate ATEM events within the University

ACU ATEM Institutional Coordinator Requirements May 2017


4.Reciprocity (ATEM)

Inexchangeforbeing aCoordinator:

(a)the Institutional coordinator will be provided with ATEM membership by the University or the ATEM Secretariat


5.Time Release

Coordinators will be provided with time release of 3 hours per month.


ArangeofresourcesareinplacetosupporttheworkoftheInstitutionalCoordinators.Supportcomesfrom the University;regionalandcentralbodies ofATEM.Resourcesinclude:

(a)Guidance and support from the Manager Capability & Development and University ATEM Governance Committee

(b)LocalInstitutionalCoordinatorcommunityunderdirectionof theRegionalChairs(ordelegate)

(c)Access to funding from the University and/or ATEM for hosting of local ATEM events


In the event that an Institutional Co-coordinator is inactive in the role, the UniversityATEM Governance Committee reserves the right to recommend to ATEM that another appointment to the position be made.



Institutional Coordinators will be nominated by the University following a call for expressions of interest to be appointed for a term of between two and three years. The recruitment and appointment of Institutional Coordinators is undertaken at the ATEM regional level, with Regional Chairs having oversight of appointment processes.


Upon appointment, all Institutional Coordinators will be invited to meet with the Manager Capability & Development as well as the University ATEM Governance Committee. Coordinators will be issued with a welcome pack provided by ATEM to assist them with taking up their role. The contents of this pack may include the following:



(c)ATEM InstitutionalCoordinatorPolicy





(g)University ATEM membership list


The Coordinator is expected to attend meetings of the University ATEM Governance Committee and to liaise regularly with the Manager Capability & Development as well as other ACU staff as required to fulfill the requirements of the Coordinator role.


TheCoordinatorisexpectedtoreport on institutional activities to the region; ATEM Regional Chairs and the University ATEM Governance Committee.


Professional Development for Professional Staff Policy

10.Requirements Review

Thisdocument willbereviewedeverytwelve months.


Manager Capability & Development

ACU ATEM Institutional Coordinator Requirements May 2017