- File is for HMDA/CRA processing year:2015
- Number of records: 75880
- Census tract numbers for the entire nation, Puerto Rico and four Island Areas are represented on this file.
- Census tract numbers are from the 2010 Census Demographics.
- The Census Bureau released the summary files for the four Island Areas (Guam, US Virgin Islands, etc.)in June 2013. Therefore, the 2015 FFIEC Census File includes demographics for the Islands areas necessary for CRA/HMDA purposes.
- The Census Bureau released the Urban/Rural block level data in September 2012. Therefore, the2015 FFIEC Census Fileincludes the Urban/Rural flag.
- Metropolitan Statistical Area/Metropolitan Division (MSA/MD) definitions are for the edit processing year indicated.
- Small counties are counties with a population of no more than 30,000. Small counties have 999999 in the census tract field and ‘S’ in the Small County Flag field. The individual tracts are also represented in this file for small counties and are flagged ‘S’. Island Area tracts are flagged ‘I’.
- If theDemographic Data Flagcontains an ‘X’, the persons/population and/or median family income (tract level) is zero or data were suppressed by the Census bureau for reasons of confidentiality. Island Area tracts contain ‘I’ in this flag.
- Principal Cities are indicated in the 2015 FFIEC Census data release. Principal City definitions are dependent on Office of Management and Budget data adopted in the 2015 Census file.
- What in previous data releases had been known as HUD Estimated Median Family Income is now known as FFIEC Estimated Median Family Income.
- Median incomes within MSA/MD boundaries are the MSA/MD Median Family Incomes. Those median incomes outside of MSA/MDs (MSA/MD=99999) are the Median Family Incomes for non-metro areas of the state.
- Starting with 2012, the FFIEC Census File uses the 2006-2010 American Community Survey (ACS) for the majority of its demographic fields, with selected 2010 Census Summary File 1 tables used for population related fields. This contrasts to previous years when the FFIEC Census used Census 2000 Summary File 3 and Summary File 1 data as the basis for the file.
Instructions on performing edit verifications of MSA/MD /state/county/tract combinations:
- The MSA/MD code will equal99999 if the state/county/tract falls outside of a Metropolitan Statistical Area/Metropolitan Division.
- Refer to the HMDA or CRA edits to understand the logic of verifying geographic code combinations. The edit logic for HMDA and CRA differ slightly. (The edits may be obtained by calling the HMDA Assistance Line at (202) 452-2016 and/or the CRA Assistance Line at (202) 872-7584. You may also request a copy via electronic mail at and/ or via Internet at and/or
Geographic and other changes in the 2015 FFIEC Census File:
- On February 28, 2013 OMB released the revised delineations of Metropolitan Statistical Areas. The revised MSA/MDdelineations apply to HMDA and CRA data collected on or after January 1, 2014. The delineations were initially incorporated in the 2014 FFIEC Census file and will continue to be used in the 2015 FFIEC Census file and forward.
- Because of the implementation of the new OMB delineations, the FFIEC has recalculated the FFIEC Estimated MSA/MD (or Statewide Non-Metro) Median Family Income in the cases where a boundary change has occurred, using a similar methodology as was used in the 2014 FFIEC Census file. See FFIEC Estimated Medians section in the Appendix for more details.
- The following county changes are adopted in the 2015 FFIEC Census file:
- Alaska Counties:
- Changed county name for Alaska county (state 02, county 195) from "Petersburg Census Area" to "Petersburg Borough".
- Please note that although there were fluctuations in the tract boundaries for other Alaskan counties listed on the Census County changes website ( there were no actual changes in the county or tract codes.
- Virginia Counties:
- Bedford (independent) city, Virginia (state 51, county 515) changed to town status and was added to Bedford County (state 51, county 019).
- Removed Bedford (independent) city, Virginia small county record (state 51, county 515, tract 999999)
Beginning 2004, Census race category “Some Other Race” is no longer collected for HMDA. “Some Other Race” should be added into the category “Two or More Races” for HMDA reports.
Beginning 2003, OMB's civil rights monitoring guidelines are used with HMDA reports.
All of the 366underwater tracts (tract =990000 and tract not equal to 999999) are included on this file.
Summary of Census counties:
State / County / Metro.Counties / Non-Metro.
Counties / MSA* / MD in
11 MSA
United States / 51 / 3142 / 1166 / 1976 / 381 / 31
Puerto Rico / 1 / 78 / 69 / 9 / 7
Island Areas / 4 / 13 / 13
Total / 56 / 3233 / 1235 / 1998 / 388 / 31
*HMDA/CRA MSA count = Total MSA count – MSA with MD count + MD count = 388-11+31=408
There are no split tracts in the 2015FFIEC Census File.
For HMDA purposes, it is optional for a HMDA reporter to code census tract numbers or ‘NA’ for small counties. If an institution is both a HMDA and CRA reporter, refer to the census tract reporting section in Appendix A of the HMDA Getting It Right Guide.
For CRA purposes, 1998 was the first year that a CRA reporter could code census tracts in any county as ‘NA’. This option is used if the business or farm can only provide a Rural Route or P.O. Box for its address and the institution is not able to determine a geocode based on the information provided.
American Samoa, Guam, The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands are not valid for HMDA purposes (used for CRA reporting only). Population and housing data for these Island Areas are included. The Island Areas use different surveys than the U.S.; therefore, population and housing items may come from different census table numbers. The list below shows these items and their corresponding census tables.
Field Name / U.S. / U.S. Virgin Islands / American Samoa, Guam, The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana IslandsPersons/Population / SF1.P1(1) / SF.P1(1) / SF.P1(1)
Total Housing Units / B25001(1) / SF.H1(1) / SF.H1(1)
Households, count / B19001(1) / SF.PBG46(1) / SF.PBG48(1)
Median Household Income in 2009 (tract level) / B19013(1) / SF.PBG47(1)tract / SF.PBG49(1)tract
MSA/MD Median Household Income / B19013_1 at MSA level/Calculated from B19001 As necessary / SF.PBG47(1)state / SF.PBG49(1)state
Families, Count / B19101(1) / SF.PBG65(1) / SF.PBG71(1)
Median Family Income in 2009 (tract level) / B19113(1) / SF.PBG66(1)tract / SF.PBG72 (1) tract
MSA/MD Median Family Income / B19113(1) at MSA level/Calculated from B19101 As necessary / SF.PBG66(1)state / SF.PBG72(1) state
Total Housing Units, Urban / Not Available / SF.H2(2) / SF.H2(2)
Total Housing Units, Rural / Not Available / SF.H2(5) / SF.H2(5)
Total Housing Units, Occupied (Occupancy Status) / B25002(2) / SF.H3(2) / SF.H3(2)
Total Housing Units, Vacant (Occupancy Status) / B25002(3) / SF.H3(3) / SF.H3(3)
Total Occupied Housing Units, Owner Occupied (Tenure) / B25003(2) / SF.H4(2+3) / SF.H4(2+3)
Total Occupied Housing Units, Renter Occupied (Tenure) / B25003(3) / SF.H4(4) / SF.H4(4)
Total Population, Urban / SF1.P2(2) / SF.P2(2) / SF.P2(2)
Total Population, Rural / SF1.P2(5) / SF.P2(5) / SF.P2(5)
MSA/MD Median Family Income Percentage / B19113(1) tract/
B19113(1)MSA / SF.PBG66 (1)tract/
SF.PBG66 (1)state / SF. PBG72 (1)tract /
SF. PBG72 (1)state
Small county flag, demographic data flag and urban/rural flag will contain ‘I’ for the Island Area tracts.
Record Information
2015 / OMB MSA/MD / Non-Metro or MSA/MD = 99999 / TotalTracts w/o small counties / 61794 / 12340 / 74134
Small Counties / 311 / 1435 / 1746
Records on File / 62105 / 13775 / 75880
State/County / 3233
MSA/MD/State/County / 1235 / 1998 / 3233
Number of CRA Distressed or Underserved Tracts / 4057 / 4057
NotesPage 1 of 3June 29, 2015
Note: See Appendix for additional information.
Descriptive File Name: / Census File Format for use with 2015 HMDA/CRA Data
Notes: / Data Source column: SF1 indicates the data source is the 2010 Census Summary File 1; ACS indicates the data source is the 2006-2010 American Community Survey; Other indicates the data source comes from data other than one of the files provided by the Census Bureau (check Appendix for more information); NA indicates the data is not included in the file but is still present in the index for compatibility reasons.
Data Type column: AN – alphanumeric (character); N – numeric (zoned decimal)
Other - Board Calculated
Index / Description / Max Length / Data Type / Data Source / Source Field
1 / Key field. HMDA/CRA collection year / 4 / AN / Other
2 / Key field. MSA/MD Code / 5 / AN / Other
3 / Key field. FIPS state code / 2 / AN / Other
4 / Key field. FIPS county code / 3 / AN / Other
5 / Key field. Census tract. Implied decimal point. / 6 / AN / Other
6 / Principal city flag. 0=not principal city 1=principal city / 1 / AN / Other
7 / Small county flag. T=tract record S=small county I=Island Area / 1 / AN / Other
8 / Split tract flag. N=tract number occurs w/in one MA S=split between MAs / 1 / AN / Other
9 / Demographic data flag. X=Tot persons/population or median family income is 0 D=tot persons/population and median family income are not 0 I=Island Area / 1 / AN / Other
10 / Urban/rural flag. U=urban R=rural M=mixed I=Island Area / 1 / AN / Other
11 / Median Family Income of MSA in which tract resides / 8 / N / ACS / B19113_1 at MSA level or calculated from B19101 As necessary
12 / Median Household Income of MSA in which tract resides / 8 / N / ACS / B19013_1 at MSA levelor calculated from B19001 As necessary
13 / Tract median family income as a percentage of the MSA/MD median family income. Two decimal places, truncated. / 6 / Decimal(6,2) / Other
14 / FFIEC Estimated MSA/MD Median Family Income / 8 / N / Other
Total Population
Index / Description / Max Length / Data Type / Data Source / Source Field
15 / Total persons / 8 / N / SF1 / P0010001
16 / Total families / 8 / N / ACS / B19101_1
17 / Total households / 8 / N / ACS / B19001_1
18 / Total female population / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120026
19 / Total male population / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120002
20 / Total population minus white alone population / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090001-P0090005
21 / Minority population as percent of tract population to two decimal places / 6 / N / SF1 / When P0090001 is 0, then 0. Else, (P0090001-P0090005)*100.00/P0090001
Hispanic Or Latino, And Not Hispanic Or Latino By Race
Index / Description / Max Length / Data Type / Data Source / Source Field
22 / Total population Hispanic and Non-Hispanic / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090001
23 / Total population Hispanic only / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090002
24 / Total population Non-Hispanic / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090003
25 / Total population Non-Hispanic one race / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090004
26 / Total population Non-Hispanic White / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090005
27 / Total population Non-Hispanic Black/African American / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090006
28 / Total population Non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090007
29 / Total population Non-Hispanic Asian / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090008
30 / Total population Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090009
31 / Total population Non-Hispanic some other race / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090010
32 / Total population Non-Hispanic two or more races / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090011
33 / Total population Non-Hispanic exactly two races / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090012
34 / Total population Non-Hispanic White and Black / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090013
35 / Total population Non-Hispanic White and American Indian/Alaska Native / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090014
36 / Total population Non-Hispanic White and Asian / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090015
37 / Total population Non-Hispanic White and Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090016
38 / Total population Non-Hispanic White and some other race / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090017
39 / Total population Non-Hispanic Black and American Indian/Alaska Native / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090018
40 / OMB civil rights Non-Hispanic Black / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090006+P0090013
41 / OMB civil rights Non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090007+P0090014
42 / OMB civil rights Non-Hispanic Asian / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090008+P0090015
43 / OMB civil rights Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090009+P0090016
44 / OMB civil rights Non-Hispanic Some Other Race / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090010+P0090017
45 / OMB civil rights Non-Hispanic Two or More Races / 8 / N / SF1 / P0090011-P0090013-P0090014-P0090015-P0090016-P0090017
Hispanic Or Latino Origin By Race
Index / Description / Max Length / Data Type / Data Source / Source Field
46 / Total population Hispanic by race / 8 / N / SF1 / P0050010
47 / Total population Hispanic White / 8 / N / SF1 / P0050011
48 / Total population Hispanic Black/African American / 8 / N / SF1 / P0050012
49 / Total population Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native / 8 / N / SF1 / P0050013
50 / Total population Hispanic Asian / 8 / N / SF1 / P0050014
51 / Total population Hispanic Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander / 8 / N / SF1 / P0050015
52 / Total population Hispanic some other race / 8 / N / SF1 / P0050016
53 / Total population Hispanic two or more races / 8 / N / SF1 / P0050017
Index / Description / Max Length / Data Type / Data Source / Source Field
54 / Total population by race / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080001
55 / Total population one race / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080002
56 / Total population White / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080003
57 / Total population Black/African American / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080004
58 / Total population American Indian/Alaska Native / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080005
59 / Total population Asian / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080006
60 / Total population Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080007
61 / Total population some other race / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080008
62 / Total population two or more races / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080009
63 / Total population exactly two races / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080010
64 / Total population White and Black / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080011
65 / Total population White and American Indian/Alaska Native / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080012
66 / Total population White and Asian / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080013
67 / Total population White and Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080014
68 / Total population White and some other race / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080015
69 / Total population Black and American Indian/Alaska Native / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080016
70 / OMB civil rights Black / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080004+P0080011
71 / OMB civil rights American Indian/Alaska Native / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080005+P0080012
72 / OMB civil rights Asian / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080006+P0080013
73 / OMB civil rights Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080007+P0080014
74 / OMB civil rights Some Other Race / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080008+P0080015
75 / OMB civil rights Two or More Races / 8 / N / SF1 / P0080009-P0080011-P0080012-P0080013-P0080014-P0080015
Urban And Rural
Index / Description / Max Length / Data Type / Data Source / Source Field
76 / Total population urban and rural / 8 / N / SF1 / P0020001
77 / Total population urban only / 8 / N / SF1 / P0020002
78 / Total population inside urbanized area / 8 / N / SF1 / P0020003
79 / Total population inside urban clusters / 8 / N / SF1 / P0020004
80 / Total population rural only / 8 / N / SF1 / P0020005
Other - Farm / Nonfarm
Index / Description / Max Length / Data Type / Data Source / Source Field
81 / Total population farm / 8 / N / NA
82 / Total population nonfarm / 8 / N / NA
Household Type (Including Living Alone) By Relationship
Index / Description / Max Length / Data Type / Data Source / Source Field
83 / Total population-household type / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_1
84 / Total population in households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_2
85 / Total population in family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_3
86 / Total population householder in family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_4
87 / Total male householders in family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_5
88 / Total female householders in family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_6
89 / Total spouse householder in family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_7
90 / Total children in family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_8
91 / Total natural born children in family households / 8 / N / NA
92 / Total adopted children in family households / 8 / N / NA
93 / Total step children in family households / 8 / N / NA
94 / Total grandchildren in family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_9
95 / Total brothers or sisters in family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_10
96 / Total parents in family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_11
97 / Total other relatives in family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_12
98 / Total non-relatives in family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_13
99 / Total population in non-family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_19
100 / Total male householders in non-family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_21
101 / Total male householders living alone in non-family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_22
102 / Total male householders non living alone in non-family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_23
103 / Total female householders in non-family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_24
104 / Total female householders living alone in non-family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_25
105 / Total female householders not living alone in non-family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_26
106 / Total nonrelatives in non-family households / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_27
107 / Total population in group quarters / 8 / N / ACS / B09016_33
Other - Institutionalized / Non-Institutionalized
Index / Description / Max Length / Data Type / Data Source / Source Field
108 / Total institutionalized population / 8 / N / NA
109 / Total non-institutionalized population / 8 / N / NA
Relationship By Household Type (Including Living Alone) For The Population 65 Years And Over
Index / Description / Max Length / Data Type / Data Source / Source Field
110 / Total population 65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_1
111 / Total population in households - 65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_2
112 / Total population in family households - 65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_3
113 / Total population householder in family households - 65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_4
114 / Total male householders in family households - 65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_5
115 / Total female householders in family households - 65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_6
116 / Total spouse householder in family households - 65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_7
117 / Total parents in family households - 65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_8
118 / Total other relatives in family households - 65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_9
119 / Total non-relatives in family households - 65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_10
120 / Total population in non-family households - 65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_11
121 / Total male householders in non-family households - 65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_13
122 / Total male householders in non-family households living alone - 65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_14
123 / Total male households not living alone in non-family households-65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_15
124 / Total female householders in non-family households - 65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_16
125 / Total female householders in non-family households living alone - 65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_17
126 / Total female households not living alone in non-family households-65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_18
127 / Total non-relatives in non- family households - 65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_19
128 / Total population in group quarters - 65 years and over / 8 / N / ACS / B09017_20
Other - Institutionalized / Non-Institutionalized - 65 And Over
Index / Description / Max Length / Data Type / Data Source / Source Field
129 / Total institutionalized population - 65 years and over / 8 / N / NA
130 / Total non-institutionalized population - 65 years and over / 8 / N / NA
Sex By Age
Index / Description / Max Length / Data Type / Data Source / Source Field
131 / Total population - sex by age / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120001
132 / Total male population / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120002
133 / Total male population under 5 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120003
134 / Total male population 5 to 9 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120004
135 / Total male population 10 to 14 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120005
136 / Total male population 15 to 17years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120006
137 / Total male population 18 to 19 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120007
138 / Total male population 20 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120008
139 / Total male population 21 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120009
140 / Total male population 22 to 24 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120010
141 / Total male population 25 to 29 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120011
142 / Total male population 30 to 34 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120012
143 / Total male population 35 to 39 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120013
144 / Total male population 40 to 44 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120014
145 / Total male population 45 to 49 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120015
146 / Total male population 50 to 54 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120016
147 / Total male population 55 to 59 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120017
148 / Total male population 60 to 61 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120018
149 / Total male population 62 to 64 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120019
150 / Total male population 65 to 66 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120020
151 / Total male population 67 to 69 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120021
152 / Total male population 70 to 74 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120022
153 / Total male population 75 to 79 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120023
154 / Total male population 80 to 84 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120024
155 / Total male population 85 years and over / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120025
156 / Total male population under 15 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120003+P0120004+P0120005
157 / Total male population 15 to 17 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120006
158 / Total male population 18 to 24 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120007+P0120008+P0120009+P0120010
159 / Total male population 25 to 39 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120011+P0120012+P0120013
160 / Total male population 40 to 49 years / 8 / N / SF1 / P0120014+P0120015