New York State Child Passenger Safety Advisory Board
Dear Technician Candidate,
As the members of the New York State Child Passenger Safety Advisory Board, we would like to welcome you into the Child Passenger Safety Program. Thank you for taking time to become a child passenger safety technician. As C. Everett M.D. Koop former U.S. Surgeon General said
“If a disease were killing our children at the rate unintentional injuries are,
the public would be outraged and demand that this killer be stopped”
According to NHTSA, over 78% of child seats are not installed properly, which could lead to death or injury in the event of a crash. We all hope that you find this training informative and worth the time that it will take. You will receive valuable information during the next few days that will assist you in building your foundation as a Child Passenger Safety Technician. This is the first step in the training that will prepare you to properly educate parents and caregivers on the proper installation of their child safety seats.
The New York State Child Passenger Safety Advisory Board was created in January 2004 as a result of the CPS task force meetings held statewide in 2003. The CPS Advisory Board advises the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee on child passenger safety issues and promotes a higher level of skill, knowledge, and participation of technicians and instructors to improve child passenger safety in all regions of New York State. Members of the Board were chosen to represent 14 regions of the state, as well as, special interests regarding child passenger safety. Each Regional Coordinator has been given the responsibility to help improve communication, provide assistance and program direction, address regional problems and issues, and assure that the Child Passenger Safety Standards of Performance are upheld.
We recommend that you visit the Governor Traffic Safety Committee’s website at for more information about the NYS CPS Advisory Board, your local Regional Representative, list of local CPS Instructors & Technicians and to learn about activities occurring in your region. If at any time you have a question, idea, suggestion or anything that you feel that the board should be made aware of please feel free to contact your regional representative. Your representative is also your contact person for future CPS classes. A copy of all the board members, the Child Passenger Safety Standards of Performance and a description of standing committees are enclosed.
Our goal is to reduce the risk of injury and death. By making the commitment to become to become a certified technician, you have joined us in accomplishing this critical mission
New York State Child Passenger Safety Advisory Board