Fall 2011


Teacher Education Candidate: Kaleigh Patterson, Emily Duncan, Rinese Hanson

Date of Implemented Lesson Plan: 10-4-2011

Specific Lesson Topic: Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Stage 1 The Desired Results
Georgia Physical Education Standard(s) / PE3.5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
b. Demonstrates the ability to work successfully with a partner or with a small group.
PE3.6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self expression, and/or social-interaction.
b. Participates in cooperative problem solving activities.
Specific Learning Objective(s)
Psychomotor / Team Building, Problem Solving Skills, Communication, Cognitive Thinking, and Physical Activity
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Assessment(s) Strategy (tied to objective(s) above) / For this assignment, you do not have to provide assessment evidence. However, do consider how you might know that students have reached your set objective(s).
Stage 3 Learning Plans
Materials Needed: / Blindfold, Papers labeled Group One and Group Two
Class Formations/Student Grouping: / For Energizer, it will be a the group as a whole
For the Activity, it will 2 groups of 10-15 students
Sequence of Teacher Actions:
*Motivation/Attention Getter/Set Induction/Introduction
Teacher One: Kaleigh Patterson / I will explain the attention getter, then I will ask the students if they like ice cream. I will tell the students to hold their fist up to their chin like how you would hold an ice cream cone. This will keep the students quiet because if done properly, they will not be able to talk.
Then I will introduce the Hokey Pokey to the whole group for the energizer activity.
*Significant Teacher Actions to Guide the Focal Activity
Teacher Two: Emily Duncan / I will explain the activity 1 that we are going to be doing: The Human Knot. I will be giving the ground rules and instructions on how the activity will be started, take place, and how a winner is chosen.
*Technology enrichment (Select a website pertinent to your activity that parents/students may access.) / http://leadership.uoregon.edu/resources/exercises_tips/team_builders/human_knot
Sequence of Student Actions:
*Student Engagement During Lesson
(What will students actually be doing? This is where you describe the actual activities in greater detail.)
* Student Demonstration of Meeting Objective(s) / Warm-Up: Hokey Pokey (Kaleigh Patterson)
1.  I will get the students to form a circle with general space (meaning, having enough room to dance so no one gets hit while still “holding their ice cream”)
2.  I will ask the students to raise their right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg, point to their head, and wiggle the whole body
3.  I will start by leading the dance with the students singing with me
4.  After this activity, Mrs. Emily will take over
Activity 1: The Human Knot (Teacher 2- Emily Duncan)
1.  I will number off the students by giving them a number either 1 or 2, by going in order down the line.
·  Ex. Starting with person #1, give them a 1, then the next person gets a 2, then the next gets a 1, and so forth and so on until every student in the classroom has received either a 1 or 2.
2.  Now, I will have each student find their group of 1’s and 2’s. Group 1 will have a place in the room and group 2 will have a place in the room.
·  Make sure there is enough room for the students to spread out without hitting and touching the other group.
3.  Have the groups pick a team leader by asking the group members whose birthday is closest to the date of the activity (October 3rd, 2011)
4.  I will now tell Group 1 to form a circle holding hands with the person beside them, same for Group 2.
5.  Now the groups need to condense and make a tight circle, while still holding hands.
6.  Next the groups need to stop holding the hand of the person next to them
7.  Now have the students in the groups grab hold of someone’s hand who is not beside them
·  Ex. Someone diagonally or vertically, or horizontal to them.
8.  Now the competition between Group 1 and Group 2 starts by trying to untangle their group and form their original circle without letting of the hand they are holding.
Cool Down: Top Gear
1.  I will explain the game Top Gear to the students, I will ask the students to imagine they are driving in a car and as I call out the various gears the students must accelerate or decelerate depending on the gear that is called. Gear 5 is for running and goes down to gear one for walking.
Teacher Action:
*Lesson Closure/Wrap-Up/Transition
Teacher Three: Rinese Hanson / I will be explaining the cool down.
Adaptations for Exceptional Students (How will you modify for students with disabilities?) / Once a group has finished and their group has become untangled and back to their original circle, the following are ways to complicate the activity:
1.  Blindfolding members of the group using a scarf
·  This allows the students to see what it would be like to have a visual disability
2.  Having the team leader become mute and they are not allowed to tell everyone how to become untangled
·  This allows students to see what it would be like to have a speech disability
If a child has a disability and cannot see, you can have someone (the team leader) tell the student in details which way to move.
Related Activities/Extensions:
(How could students take what they learned from the lesson to apply at home or elsewhere?) / Team Building, Problem Solving Skills, Communication, Cognitive Thinking, and Physical Activity
Integration or Connection to Other Content Areas:
(Try to think of ways to bring in course content to the lesson activity.) / Math, Musical,

Lesson Plan Agenda:

Warm-Up: Hokey Pokey (Teacher 1- Kaleigh Patterson)

1. I will get the students to form a circle with general space (meaning, having enough room to dance so no one gets hit while still “holding their ice cream”)

2. I will ask the students to raise their right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg, point to their head and wiggle their whole body

3. I will start by leading the dance with the students singing with me

4. After this activity, Mrs. Emily will take over

(5 minutes)

Activity 1: The Human Knot (Teacher 2- Emily Duncan)

1.  I will number off the students by giving them a number either 1 or 2, by going in order down the line.

·  Ex. Starting with person #1, give them a 1, then the next person gets a 2, then the next gets a 1, and so forth and so on until every student in the classroom has received either a 1 or 2.

2.  Now, I will have each student find their group of 1’s and 2’s. Group 1 will have a place in the room and group 2 will have a place in the room.

·  Make sure there is enough room for the students to spread out without hitting and touching the other group.

3.  Have the groups pick a team leader by asking the group members whose birthday is closest to the date of the activity (October 3rd, 2011)

4.  I will now tell Group 1 to form a circle holding hands with the person beside them, same for Group 2.

5.  Now the groups need to condense and make a tight circle, while still holding hands.

6.  Next the groups need to stop holding the hand of the person next to them

7.  Now have the students in the groups grab hold of someone’s hand who is not beside them

·  Ex. Someone diagonally or vertically, or horizontal to them.

8.  Now the competition between Group 1 and Group 2 starts by trying to untangle their group and form their original circle without letting of the hand they are holding.

(10-15 Minutes)

Cool Down: Top Gear (Teacher 3- Rinese Hanson)

1.  I will explain the game Top Gear to the students, I will ask the students to imagine they are driving in a car and as I call out the various gears the students must accelerate or decelerate depending on the gear that is called. Gear 5 is for running and goes down to gear one for walking.

(5 Minutes)