Sway SwayParish Council

Members of the Sway Parish Council’s Planning & Transport Committee are Summoned to a Meeting to take place at the Jubilee Field Pavilion on Thursday11thJune 2015 at 7.30pm.

This is an Open Public Meeting to which all members of the public and press are welcome to attend.


Please Note - The Planning Applicationslisted willbe AvailableFor Viewing From 7.15pm

  1. Apologies
  1. Declarations of Interest
  1. Minutes of the meeting held on the 28thMay (copy attached) and Matters Arising
  1. Outcome of Planning Applications Considered at Previous Meetings (including those Applications referred to the NFNPA Planning Development Control Committee) and Related Matters
  1. New Tree Preservation Orders –None
  1. Applications For Tree Works/New Planning Applications

Application No. / Site Address / Proposed Works
TPO/15/0505 / Oakleigh Cottage, Station Road, Sway / Prune 1 x Oak tree
15/00374 / Cavalier Cottage, Mead End Road, Sway / Replacement outbuildings
15/00375 / Busketts House, Brighton Road, Sway / Extension to pool house to create swimming pool enclosure
15/00380 / Sway Butchers, Station Road, Sway, / Single storey rear extension
15/00379 / Sunnydene, Manchester Road, Sway / First floor rear extension; pitched roof to existing front dormer
15/00376 / The Old School House, Church Lane, Sway / 5no. detached dwellings; sheds; access; widening of footpath; associated landscaping (demolition of existing buildings)
15/00313 / Westwards, Birchy Hill, Sway / 2 metre high fence and gates
15/00328 / 14 Anderwood Drive, Sway / Addition of two dormer windows and a roof light to facilitate first floor habitable accommodation
  1. Update on Planning Enforcement (May Parish Enforcement List not yet available but when uploaded will be linked from the right hand column of under "Parish Enforcement List"
  1. Planning Inspectorate and Enforcement Appeals

Appeal 3006387 / Land of Limolands Farm, Vaggs Lane, Hordle SO41 0FP. / Appeal against the refusal of 14/00817: Construction of a 14 hectare solar farm, to include solar panels to generate electricity, associated plant buildings; perimeter fencing; cctv cameras; landscaping and associated works.
  1. NFNPA Planning Development Control Committee (next meeting 16 June 12015)
  1. Other Planning Issues
  1. Reviewing New or Amended Policies from External Bodies such as the NFNPA, NFDC, DCLG
  1. Report by the Parish Council’s Transport Representative
  1. Roads, Hedges and Ditches
  1. Community SpeedWatch
  1. Correspondence and Any Other Business
  1. Review of Terms of Reference
  1. Date of Next Meeting:-TBA……………...

SEBrayleyDate 04th June2015

Susan Brayley

Clerk to Sway Parish Council



Email address

Agenda item 3


not yet checked, corrected, amended, conformed or approved

Sway Parish Council Planning and Transport Committee

A meeting of the Planning and Transport Committee was held at the Jubilee Field Pavilion, Station Road, Sway on Thursday 28th May 2015.

Present: CllrStephen Tarling (Chair), Cllr Kevin Cripps (Vice-Chair), Cllrs Peter Dance, Hugh Marchant, Alex Pepper and Melanie Seacombe.

Also in attendance: Susan Brayley (Parish Clerk), John Warden (Transport Representative), Len Thomas (Community Speed Watch Representative), a member of the press and 8 members of the public.

As Chair of the 2014/15 P&TC Committee, Cllr Tarling took the Chair until item 1 – to elect a Chair of the Committee had been decided.

PT15/1 – To elect a Chair of the Committee:-

Cllr Tarling was nominated by Cllr Marchant; seconded by Cllr Dance. There being no further nominations, the vote in favour of Cllr Tarling’s nomination was unanimous in favour.

PT15/2 - To elect a Vice Chair of the Committee:-

Cllr Cripps was nominated by Cllr Dance; seconded by Cllr Seacombe. Cllr Marchant was nominated by Cllr Cripps; seconded by Cllr Seacombe. Cllr Dance observed that it was generally considered that it was in the interests of new Cllrs to take a year to understand the workings of the Parish Council and its Committees before taking on higher responsibilities.

Subsequent vote was in favour of Cllr Cripps by a majority.

Cllr Tarling welcomed Cllrs Marchant, Pepper and Seacombe to the P&TC, observing Cllr Marchant had proved his interest by regular attendance at previous meetings, Cllr Seacombe had contributed greatly already due to her work on the development and adoption of the Sway VDS and that Cllr Pepper had already put in six years work as a Parish Cllr at Hordle, where Planning Applications were heard in the full Council meetings.

PT15/3 – Apologies


PT15/4 - Declarations of Interest

Cllr Marchant declared his membership of the NFA (New Forest Association).

PT15/5 - Minutes of the Meeting held on the 16th April 2015 and Matters Arising

The minutes of the meeting held on the 16th April 2015 were approved and signed by the Chair with one correction. There were no matters arising.

PT15/6 - Outcome of Planning Applications Considered at Previous Meetings

The following NFNPA Planning Decisions were reported:-

15/00100 - 2 Forest Heath Cottages, Station Road. - Installation of a velux window to allow use of storage area as bedroom. Grant

15/00205 - Hazelhurst Farm, Flexford Lane- Single storey infill extension; external alterations; cladding. Grant Subject to conditions

15/00136 - Silver Birches, Westbeams Road - Single storey extension –

Grant Subject to conditions

15/00238 - Kings Hyde House, Kings Hyde - One and two storey extensions; creation of bay windows; cladding Withdrawn

15/00244 - 12 Setthorns Road- Application for a Certificate of lawful Development for Proposed single storey rear extension and use of existing side building: Raise no objection

15/00207 - Berwyn, Manchester Road - Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development for Proposed use of room as office. Approval Without Conditions

Appeal 2216554 - Heathey Lodge, Station Road- Erection of a fence - Appeal dismissed

Appeal 2216553 - Heathey Lodge, Station Road- NFNPA Enforcement Case EN/13/0236 Unauthorised development - front fence adjacent to a highway in excess of 1m.-

Appeal dismissed

PT15/7 - New Tree Preservation Orders


PT15/8 – Applications for Tree Works / New Planning Applications

1)Applications for Tree Works

Cllr Seacombe (Tree Representative) started her report with the following statement:-

I would like to suggest to the committee that all TPO applications should be filled in correctly and give sufficient information to be able to give a reasoned report.

If not it does not seem unreasonable to refuse permission. This was unanimously agreed.

TPO/15/0444 - Willerton, Westbeams Road: Prune 2 Oaks – Cllr Seacombe reported as follows - This poorly filled out application made it very difficult to assess which two trees were applicable from the existing row of trees at the rear of the property.From an amenity aspect a row of trees is visible above the rooftops from both Westbeams Road and the Cemetery behind St Luke’s church and therefore considered to be of great value to the village.The request to reduce the crowns by 10ft is impossible to gauge and is therefore difficult to assess the risk to fences and outbuildings, however this would be a considerable amenity loss and would therefore recommend refusal of the application.

Both Cllr Dance and the Chair concurred with Cllr Seacombe’s observations re both the application and that pruning should be for the benefit of the tree.

It was unanimously agreed to express P&TC’s dismay that the form had not been completed satisfactorily and should be rejected with following observations:-

  1. Any work carried out is based on the health and longevity of the tree
  2. If the NFNPA tree officer considers it necessary, that minimal pruning takes place to alleviate perceived risk to adjacent outbuildings

TPO/15/0433 - Forest Heath House, Station Road: Prune 1 Pine –Cllr Seacombe reported as follows - The pine tree is of great amenity value to the Parish of Sway and stands prominently for all to see from many vantage points but especially from Station Road.

The three lowest primary limbs relating to the application do not appear to be causing any problems save that of shading various aspects of the garden and patio. Shading issues are not considered enough of a reason to remove the limbs from the tree relating to the application. The application is too vague concerning those limbs that might affect the property by causing possible damage in the future.

Cllr Dance raised concerns over maintaining the symmetry of the tree, Cllr Seacombe repeated that the primary concerns must be to remove the dead and dying wood.

The following response was agreed – Sway P&TC Policy was not to encourage branch removal due to shading, however the Tree Representative had noted the following that may have health and safety implications –

  1. It was however noted that there is a significant amount of dead wood in the tree that would benefit from removal.
  2. There is one limb that might in future cause damage to the upper floor of the building.
  3. There might in future be limbs that affect the amenity cables running between the branches of the tree parallel to Station Road

However we would request that conditions be added that this H&S work should be carried out maintaining the symmetry and amenity value of the tree.

2)New Planning Applications

15/00253 - Forest Haven (Formerly Crisdene), Jordans Lane, Sway. - Replacement dwelling; garage. Neither the applicant nor their agent attended the meeting, although the agent had sent a copy of a letter to the Clerk for distribution to each member of the P&TC.

A number of members of the public (neighbours) attended the meeting and one gave a brief report on their objections as already outlined in a letter to the NFNPA Planning Officer and copied to P&TC members.

P&TC members discussed the application and were in agreement that the development was too large, contravened a number of NFNPA planning policies, the Sway VDS and was out of keeping with the area. It was unanimously agreed to submit the following response to the NFNPA Planning Officer:-

Option 4. We recommend REFUSAL, for the reasons listed below

This clearly exceeds the limits of DP10. Recent surveys of residents confirm that Sway needs all the small dwellings we can keep, and to replace a small dwelling with something of 250% of the floor size is not acceptable (and it is not within the footprint of the dwelling it replaces). This alone would immediately invite refusal.

We also feel that even if DP10 was not in force, that the proposal is too large and massive for the plot, not a suitable style for the New Forest – there is too much glass, it overlooks adjacent properties, the application does not respect the site which is adjacent to the SPA (CP2), the ridge height in comparison to neighbouring properties is not clear, and the garage is too large.

This application contravenes NPPF para 115, the NFNPA Core Policies DP10, DP1, CP1, CP2, CP7, CP8, DP6, CP12, DP9, the NFNPA Design Guide section on New and Replacement Dwellings, and the Sway Village Design Statement Guidelines on Modern / New Build on page 22

15/00312 - Chapel House, Coombe Lane, Sway. First floor rear extension; Juliette balcony.

Both Cllrs Marchant and Cripps observed they could see no problem with this application describing as a modest increase to existing. Cllr Seacombe reported there was an Oak Tree on the plot that could be affected in the future. It was then unanimously agreed to submit the following response to the NFNPA Planning Officer:-

Option 1 - We recommend PERMISSION, for the reasons listed below, but would accept the decision reached by the National Park Authority's Officers under their delegated powers.


  1. This is an acceptable design – and even eliminates a bit of flat roof; and does not adversely affect any neighbours or the street scene. We would suggest a condition on matching facing materials, roofing and windows. We assume the associated holiday let / B&B has any required change of use permission.
  2. We have concerns that the large oak tree could be impacted by the extension, could we please request that a tree officer visit and advise if a TPO is required on this tree.

15/00249 Arnewood Court Farm House, Barrows Lane, Sway.Detached garage with home office over; Brick wall with entrance gates; window alterations.

It was observed that Sway P&TC had had dealings with the applicants before, had been promised much, which was ignored once the application had gone through. Many concerns were raised regarding the ignoring of the implications and requirements of it being in a conservation area, and of all previous concomitant recommendations.

It was unanimously agreed to submit the following response to the NFNPA Planning Officer:-

Option 4. We recommend REFUSAL, for the reasons listed below

We are extremely wary because previous promises in the course of this development have not been kept. We recommend the applicants study the section on the Sway Tower Conservation Area in the NFNPA“Brockenhurst, The Weirs and Sway Conservation Area Character Appraisals” booklet. We ask the officer to ensure that each and every one of the previous conditions has been followed.

We feel the large garage is far too high and should not have a first floor (this contravenes DP12). In this conservation area the windows should have wooden frames (see Conservation Area Appraisal). IF the brick wall and entrance is to be at the front, parallel to the listed wall, then it is too high – we would ask that the Sway Village Design Statement guidance is followed; and/or the “EXISTING WALL TO BE RETAINED” as marked on the previous plans, and which were subsequently demolished, be replaced. We feel this application contravenes NPPF paragraph 115 (and sections 11 and 12), NFNPA policies CP7, CP2, CP8, DP6 and DP12, does not follow the guidance of the Conservation Area Character Appraisal and is not supported by the Sway Village Design Statement.

If this were to be granted we strongly recommend that a condition be added to ensure a landscaping plan is first agreed and that it issympathetic to the Conservation Area and the adjacent Listed Buildings; and includes the rebuilding of the curved walls to match theoriginaldemolished ones to the satisfaction of theNFNPA, and includes a suitable planting and maintenance of trees, and that the garage height is reduced and has only storage space in the roof, and the windows have wooden frames of a type to be first agreed by the NFNPA.

15/00329 One Oak, Middle Road, Sway. Single storey extension; roof alterations to facilitate first floor accommodation; 3 No. dormer windows; rooflights; pitched roof to existing garage and porch.

After a brief discussion it was unanimously agreed to submit the following response to the NFNPA Planning Officer:-

Option 1. We recommend PERMISSION, for the reasons listed below, but would accept the decision reached by the National Park Authority's Officers under their delegated powers

Firstly we would ask that the original floor area be checked carefully. From the submitted plans we believe the “As Existing” may be a small dwelling (and if so we would recommend refusal).

The design and size is not dissimilar to that of adjacent dwellings, but care would need to be taken to use appropriate facing and roofing materials so as not to make the local street scene too oppressive. Any comments from neighbours should be carefully considered.

If granted we would want to see: the officer to check the plans carefully; conditions on matching facing materials; surface water disposal agreed; pervious driveways, patio, paths, hardstanding; and a front fence to meet the guidelines of the Sway VDS.

15/00345 Myrtle Cottage, Sway Road, Pennington: Glasshouse; replacement outbuilding; new customer car park; new boundary wall; access alterations.

The applicant did not attend the meeting. A member of the public (neighbour), stated her objects and concerns. The Chair observed that this was the second application made, the first (worryingly similar) had been withdrawn. The traffic implications and lack of detail re services (Toilets, Surface Water, etc.) were all raised and discussed and concerns at the lack of consultee response re traffic impact to one of the busiest ‘C’ class roads in the country from HCC was also stated.

It was unanimously agreed to submit the following response to the NFNPA Planning Officer:-

Option 5. We are happy to accept the decision reached by the National Park Authority's Officers under their delegated powers.

As with the previous application, there is insufficient detail presented, and local residents have serious concerns about road safety - we would want Hampshire Highways to check, as we note that this is at the end of a fast stretch of one of the busiest C class roads in the county, just opposite a residential spur road.

If the application were to be granted conditions should be added in respect of:

  • Correcting and completing the application form which is clearly incorrect. Further details are needed to be able to make a sound judgement.
  • An agricultural case for the glasshouse and outbuildings should be made before development starts.
  • Surface water disposal must be agreed and should be entirely on site.
  • The proposed opening hours detailed in the ‘Brief Planning Statement’ should be the maximum allowed opening hours.
  • Trees and hedges necessary for screening to be maintained.
  • No further impermeable surfacing to be added without express permission.
  • Removal of further permitted development rights.
  • Further detailing including the height of the glasshouse to be agreed before development may start.

Action: The Clerk to convey the above responses to the Planners of the New Forest National Park Authority.