GLA KEY ACTION 1 COURSE: 22nd – 26th August, 2016
Coordinators: Chris Souvlis: Ray Kirtley:
Safety & Risk Education – UK Perspectives Investigated
Monday 22:from 9 to 11 am workshop brainstorming and general planning of the units.
Tuesday 23: from 9 to 11 am workshop about the difference between hazard and risk and creation of the first activity.
Wednesday 24:from 9 to 11 am workshop about risk assessment and creation of the second activity.;
from 12.00 to 1.30 pm Train with Chris Souvlis to Hoxton to visit Hackney College laboratories guided by Leon Durrant, Science Technician at Hackney Community College
Thursday 25:from 9 to 11 am workshop about hazard and risk in specific laboratories and creation of the third activity;
from 11 to 12.30 am meeting with Erica de Carvalho, a safety specialist at John Donne Academy
20.30 Cultural Activity
Friday 26:from 9 to 11 am workshop about hazard and risk in everyday life and creation of the fourth activities.
Education in the UK:
Eurydice report on Education in England:
The Global Learning Association ( is the not-for-profit trading arm of the UK Global Learning Association for Schools, a charitable organisation formed in 1996. GLA Associates have current or recent experience as International Education Advisers for Local Authorities, as Global Education Co-ordinators, in other advisory posts or as trainers and advisers to government departments. The majority of our Associates are also qualified teachers and some have recent experience of headships or other senior management posts.
Current and recent involvement in training by GLA Associates includes etwinning in Poland and Ukraine; classroom English for non-specialist linguists in the UK; International Dimension Training in Oxfordshire, Erasmus + Key Action 1 Course delivery, etc.
Questions to discuss with UK representatives:
1) Is there a specific person responsible for safety planning in each school?
2) Does the school supervise the students during the entrance and the exit?
3) Who is responsible if there is an accident during the breaks between the lessons or when the students move from one classroom to another?
4) Who is responsible if a student gets hurt on the stairs?
5) How do you try to prevent and manage bullying and cyber bullying?
6) Who is responsible if there is an accident during lessons especially lab ones, gym ones and cooking ones?
7) Is there a strict relationship between the size of a classroom and the maximum number of student it can contain?
8) Do you have fire drills on a regular basis?
About excursions and educational trips:
9) what responsibilities does the teacher have?
10) Is there a strict ratio between the number of students and the number of teachers?
About laboratory activity:
11) what is the lab technician's task? Does he/she interact with the students? Does he/she help the teacher to supervise the students?
12) Are there different teachers to teach the theoretical part and the practical part of a subject e.g. Chemistry? If so, do they work simultaneously with the class?
13) What happens if a student doesn't use the protection devices e.g. goggles? Does the school give the students the protection devices?