2010Worship Arts
Team Application
…know them that labor among you…1 Thessalonians 5:12
[ ] New [ ] Renewal
Name: / Date:Address: / [ ] Male [ ] Female
City: / State: / Zip:
Home Phone: / Cell Phone:
Date of Birth: / SSN #:
Email Address:
Marital Status: [ ] Single [ ] Married [ ] Separated [ ] Divorced [ ] Widowed
Spouse’s Name:
Number of children: / Ages:
Date Saved: / Date Spirit Filled: / Date Water Baptized:
P.M.C. Preferred method of contact: (please check one) [ ] Email [ ] cell [ ] home [ ] text
For use in emergencies, special events, etc.
[ ] Yes [ ] NoAre you a member of EastValleyChurch?
[ ] Yes [ ] NoDo you attend consistently? If not, why? ______
[ ] Yes [ ] NoCan you commit to the best of your ability attending all training sessions and meetings?
[ ] Yes [ ] NoCan you commit to serve consistently for 2010? If not, why?______
[ ] Yes [ ] NoAre you available Wednesday evenings?
[ ] Yes [ ] NoDo you tithe?
[ ] Yes [ ] NoDo you support and agree with the Senior Pastor’s vision for EVC?
[ ] Yes [ ] NoHave you ever been accused of being abusive (physically or verbally)?
[ ] Yes [ ] NoDo you now or have you during the past year smoked or been intoxicated by alcohol or illegal drugs?
[ ] Yes [ ] NoAre you now involved in or over the past year been involvedin any illicit (unlawful) sexual activity (i.e. fornication, adultery, homosexuality, pornography, etc.) or anything else not mentioned?
[ ] Yes [ ] NoHave you ever been accused of abusing a child physically or sexually?
[ ] Yes [ ] NoAre you involved in any activity that would give the appearance of evil (i.e. living with a roommate of the opposite sex to save money, frequenting bars and/or clubs,posting inappropriate pictures and/or text on your Facebook/Twitter, etc.)?
[ ] Yes [ ] NoWould you agree to a background check if necessary?
[ ] Yes [ ] NoHave you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony (other than traffic tickets?) If yes, please briefly explain. ______
Briefly describe your strengths:What church did you attend prior to coming to EastValley?
What areas of ministry were you involved in there?
How long have you attended EastValley? _____ years _____ months
I am interested in serving in the following way(s):
[ ] Vocal [ ] Band [ ] Specials [ ] Dance [ ] Drama [ ] Administration
[ ] Other ______
VocalRange:[ ] Soprano [ ] Alto [ ] Tenor [ ] Bass
Instrument(s): ______
How many years have you sung/played? ______
Have you sung/played on a worship team in the past? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Please briefly tell us about your personal testimony:Please describe things that you do on a regular basis to grow in your relationship with Christ (for example: group ministry, personal prayer, daily devotions, Bible study, etc.):
Applicant’s Comments:
Applicant’s Signature: ______
Office Use Only
Date application received: _____/_____/____Received by: ______
Date [ ] Approved [ ] Denied _____/_____/____
[ ] Background Check (if applicable)
Date Welcome Letter sent: _____/_____/____
Assignment: ______
Revised 5/2010
2010Worship Arts Team Covenant
In addition to the guidelines created by the Worship Arts staff for involvement at EastValley, we ask that you agree to follow a list of values that we believe to be important as it relates to our ability to function as a healthy team of leaders. Our goal would be that each of us would commit and uphold these values in order to foster a healthy and unified team.
As a Team Leader, I covenant and uphold the purposes of the team by:
- Preserving a spirit of unity, realizing that within the bond of unity God commands his blessing. (Ephesians 4:3) (Psalm 133:1)
- Holding my gifts loosely and not comparing myself, my gifts, my abilities or my opportunities to serve to that of otherson the team. (Psalm 123:2)
(1 Corinthians 12:22-25)
- Taking the personal responsibility to regularly prepare myself spiritually to be the most effective team member I can be outside of rehearsals and services. (2 Corinthians 8:5)
- Remaining open to input and guidance from my team leaders and fellow teammates. (Hebrews 13:17)
- Cultivating a lifestyle outside of the church that represents Christ’s principals and values. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
- Demonstrating respect to my teammates by coming to practices prepared and on time on the dates I am scheduled. (Philippians 2:2)
- Eliminating gossip or disparaging conversations about my teammates or team leaders. (1 Thessalonians 5:11) (1 Corinthians 12:26)
- Carrying an attitude of patience and encouragement with all of my teammates no matter where they are in their development and gift strength.
(Hebrews 10:24) (1 Corinthians 12:26)
- Carrying an attitude of humility and honor no matter what my position or opportunities may be on the team. (1 Chronicles chapter 22)
- Being faithful to develop my own personal talents by way of personal practice and/or music lessons, studies, workshops, etc. (Matthew 25)