April 21, 2009
Rev: B
MDTL Acid Work Safety Review
Etching identifier number: ______Date Acid Mixed:______
Description of samples to be etched:Acid Formula:______
Process Specification Number:
Pre-Acid Work Safety Review
The acid procedure is being performed during the operating hours of the FNAL Medical Dept.
The calcium gluconate gel antidote has not expired.
The ‘HF Use in Progress’ lighted sign and the audible alarm system is activated
Other laboratory workers in the area have been informed that hydrofluoric acid will be used and they have been warned not to enter the wet chemistry area in 36a Neuqua.
Personnel that will work within the acid work zone have been identified and their trainingand TDacid work authorization have been verified. (List personnel and training dates below. Note: a print-out from TRAIN is also sufficient.)
Name / HF First AidTD-000003-CR-01 / Chem. Hyg.
TD505101-MDTL / HazCom
FN000156 / Classroom / OJT
A third person has beenidentified as the Area Safety Monitor. (List individual below.) This person has had the following training: TD-000003-CR-01, TD505101-MDTL, FN000156, and FN 000404.
Name:ID Number: ______Date: ______
The eyewashhas been tested and is working properly.DO NOT TEST THE SAFETY SHOWER!
The portable Eagle Gas Monitor and stationary Beacon 110 Gas Monitor HF acid detectors have been calibrated, checked and are working.
The hood exhaust is providing the required air flow.
Personnel know the location of the HF antidote, calcium gluconate.
The location of the HF rated gel sorbent powder, sorbent pads, pillows, and chemical sorbent dikes used for an acid spill is known by personnel.
Each individual’s response in an emergency has been discussed.
The equipment and any additional engineering controls needed for acid work have been prepared.
The hood setup for the acid etching/polishingis complete and the process can start.
Post-Acid Work Clean-up
Waste acid has beenplaced in Nalgene jugs, labeled with the contents, and stored in an acid carrier for future use. The acid container must be stored in one of the ventilated and locked areas. Used BCP stored in a refrigerator. The cap has been tightly secured.
Acidic water will be managed in accordance with FESHM 8025 (pH); all labware rinsed with basic water and then cleaned using normal laboratory cleaning procedures.
Unused acids returned to their respective locked storage using acid carriers and the bottles’ cap has been tightly secured.
The ‘HF Use in Progress’ lighted sign and the audible alarm system have been deactivated.
Signature(s) of individual(s) participating:
ID Number: ______Date: ______
ID Number: ______Date: ______
ID Number: ______Date: ______
ID Number: ______Date: ______
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