SLO is a process to document a measure of educator effectiveness based on student achievement of content standards. SLOs are a part of Pennsylvania’s multiple-measure, comprehensive system of Educator Effectiveness authorized by Act 82 (HB 1901).
Section 1: Classroom Context
Name / Grade Level / Total Number of Students
School / Class Frequency
(How often does the class meet in a week?) / Typical class size
Class/Course Title / Typical Class Duration
(e.g., 45 minutes) / Interval of Instruction
Identify Student Population
All students included in SLO / Student Category / General Education / Special Education
Specify: (e.g., ED, LD, etc.) / ELL
Specify: (level 1, level 2, etc.) / Gifted
Check all that apply
☐ Accommodations
☐ Adaptations
☐ Modifications / Number of Students
Section 2: SLO Goal
Goal Statement
An SLO Goal should be Specific, Measurable, Aligned to Standards, Relevant, and Time-Bound (SMART)
Identify the big and core ideas and indicate approved standards for the course aligned to the SLO by referencing the PA Common Core, other PA Standards and/or National Standards that align with the Goal Statement
Explain why this learning is important for this class/course/content (consider College and Career Readiness Skills and School Improvement Plans)
Section 3a: Assessments (Performance Measure*)
How will student achievement be measured?
Title of Assessment / Acuity®
Assessments aligned to PA ELP
Brigance (low incidence students take PASA)
Developmental Reading Assessment®
Fitness Assessment
Fitness gram
Health Education Assessment Project
Performance-based assessment
Research Based computerized assessment
(e.g., Study Island)
Teacher-created assessment / Type / District-designed Measures and Examinations
Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests
Industry Certification Examinations
Student Projects
Student Portfolios
How will assessments be used to measure student growth in this class? / Metric / Growth (change in student performance by the end of the SLOs process)
Mastery (attainment of a defined level of achievement)
Growth and Mastery
How often will assessments, including formatives, be administered during the SLO interval?
What tools or resources are needed to administer the assessment? / Scoring Tools
How will the assessment be scored?
Performance Reporting / Student performance on the assessment will be communicated using the Progress Monitoring Chart.
Accommodations / All accommodations are noted and documented on the Progress Monitoring Chart found in the SLO Handbook.
Assessment Fairness
How have you ensured that the measure is designed to assess student learning objectively and fairly?
Administration and Scoring Personnel
How have you ensured that the assessment will be administered and scored consistently?

*Performance Measure (PM): an assessment tool used to measure the knowledge and skills acquired by students

Section 3b: Set Growth and Mastery Targets (Performance Indicators**)
Target Setting Strategy What approach have you selected to determine growth targets? / Growth to Mastery
Common Growth
Banded or Tiered Growth
Rubric Increase or Status Growth
Half the Gap
Individualized or Differentiated Growth Targets
Rationale for Targets
Why is this method appropriate for setting targets for these students in this class? Why are these targets rigorous but attainable?

**Performance Indicators (PI): A description of the expected level of achievement in the SLO population based on the Performance Measure

Section 3c: Teacher Expectations
0% to 64% of students
will meet the targets / Needs Improvement
65% to 70% of students
will meet the targets / Proficient
71% to 89% of students
will meet the targets / Distinguished
90% to 100% of students will meet the targets
Section 4: SLO Submission
This section is completed by administration and/or designated person appointed to review and approve SLO. / Date of Submission ______
Date(s) of Resubmission (if applicable) ______
Reviewer: ______Role: ______
☐ SLO is approved
☐ SLO needs to be resubmitted
☐ SLO approved after resubmission ______
(Reviewer Initials)

Teacher Signature ______Date______

Section 5: SLO Adjustment
Use this section when extenuating circumstances arise and teachers have to adjust a student’s performance indicator target. Written explanation along with proof must be submitted. / Date of Submission for Adjustment ______
Type of Documents Provided: ______
Reason for Adjustment(s):
Student Code / Diagnostic Assessment / Original Growth Target / Adjusted Growth Target
Reviewer: ______Role: ______
☐ SLO approved for adjustment
☐ SLO adjustment denied
(Reviewer’s Initials)
Section 6: SLO Completion /
Teacher Rating / Distinguished (3)
Proficient (2)
Needs Improvement (1)
Failing (0) / Notes/Explanation /

Teacher Signature ______Date______

Evaluator Signature ______Date______