Richard F. Rowland Scholarships will be awarded each year to members of the Marysville High School graduating class. Scholarship applicants will be considered on the following factors: high school record, personal character and citizenship, academic aptitude, need for financial aid in obtaining a college education and plans for entering the teaching profession. Applicants should rank in the upper one-half of their graduating class.
The amount of each scholarship award will be approximately $300 and will be for use during the freshman year of college. The money will be deposited with the registrar of the college and credited to the student's fees or tuition at a rate of $150 per semester. The student may attend any accredited college where his or her work will lead toward a degree in education.
All application forms must be returned to the Guidance Office at Marysville High School. The two confidential references are to be completed by persons other than faculty and administration of Marysville High School or relatives and members of the applicant's immediate family. Ministers, employers, family friends, etc., would be appropriate persons to ask to complete the references.
Please type or print in black ink all entries on the application form.
Marysville High School
Marysville, Kansas
Guidance Counselor
Marysville High School
Marysville, Kansas
Name of Applicant Home Address
has applied for the Richard F. Rowland Scholarship. In order to complete the application and
bring it to our selection committee for evaluation, would you please answer the following
questions as fully and frankly as possible. You may be assured that your remarks will be held
How long have you known the applicant?______What has been your
relationship to the applicant?______.
(Check the description which best applies)
A. In comparison with other students whom you have known, how would you rate this
applicant's general academic ability?
_____A superior student; consistently outstanding in all academic work.
_____A good student; consistently above average in academic work and
and occasionally superior in some.
_____An average student; does well in some academic work and not so well
in others.
_____A fair student; below average but generally passing in all academic work.
_____No opportunity to observe.
A. Which statement best describes this applicant's initiative and sense of responsibility?
_____Has keen sense of responsibility and initiative.
_____Reliable. Shows good initiative.
_____Average sense of responsibility and initiative.
_____Apt to depend on others. May need pushing.
_____Avoids responsibilities. Initiative doubtful.
_____No opportunity to observe.
B. Which one statement best describes the applicant's moral character?
_____Without hesitation a person of the very highest moral integrity.
_____A fine person who often displays excellent moral quality.
_____A person of good moral character; probably much like the average
person in moral structure.
_____Occasionally his/her behavior might raise questions as to his/her moral integrity.
_____Not able to judge.
C. Which statement best describes this applicant's emotional stability and use of good
_____Very well balanced. Always uses good judgement.
_____Good command of self. Usually makes good decisions.
_____Generally poised. Judgement is average.
_____A little sensitive or irritable. Jumps to conclusions.
_____Easily ruffled. Soundness of judgement is doubtful.
_____No opportunity to observe.
D. Would you care to make any comments about this applicant's personal character or
A. Which of the following statements best describes your estimate of the applicant's
need for financial assistance?
_____No financial help is necessary to attend college beyond that within the
parents' means.
_____Some financial help would be useful but is not absolutely essential to
college attendance.
_____Some financial help is necessary in order for the applicant to attend college
_____Considerable financial help is necessary if applicant is to attend college.
_____Not able to judge.
B. Would you care to make any comments about this applicant's need for financial
IV. Explain why you feel this person would or would not be a good candidate for
teacher training.
Date Completed Your Signature and Position
Thank you for your time and effort in completing this form. Your answers and comments will
be helpful to us in evaluating this student's application for the Richard F. Rowland Scholarship.
Scholarship Committee
Parents’ names:
Date of birth:
What course of study would you like to pursue in college?
List any distinctions or honors you have won while in high school, scholastic or otherwise.
List extracurricular and community activities in which you have participated during the last four years.
Give a brief description explaining why you need financial assistance for college.
Write a paragraph explaining why you want to become a teacher.