IMAGES project – Final report – version 1
1.1Investigation of statistical links between the motivations and social and economic indicators
1.1.1Principles of the approach
The investigation of links between farm socio-economic indicators and farmer motivations is a key element for extending the analysis of the farmers interviews to a larger population than the interviewed ones. Such an extension is required in order to use the results in a model involving a larger population than the interviewed one.
In general, more or less complete socio-economic data bases of socio-economic data of the farm population are available. If a link between some of these available socio-economic indicators exist, then it is possible to associate to each socio-economic description of a farm, the likely motivations of the farmer.
One can expect that the statistical link between the indicators and the motivations will be weak, because it would be really surprising to find a kind of determinism linking these two types of variables. It is very likely that the motivations depend also strongly on different psychological and historical aspects on which no data are available.
We investigated this statistical link using stepwise linear regressions, which choose the relevant variables in a linear model.
Considering a set of socio-economic indicators , and a motivation M we investigate linear models of the form :
Where and are scalar.
The indicators used are presented in the table “indicator description” below. The availability of the indicators depends on the region of study. It must be noticed that we investigated also indicators that were available from our interviews, but not in the usual socio-economic data bases. The reason is that it was interesting anyway to detect this type of links, even though we knew it was impossible to use them for the dynamic social model on a whole population. In the dynamic model, more rough models would then be used.
The results presented below were obtained by a stepwise forward regression, which tests all possible linear models with only one variable V, selects the best, and then all the models when adding an new variable, and so on until the situation where adding a new variable does not bring enough improvement to the model (according to an information criterion).
The accuracy of the model is given mainly by the R squared variable which expresses the percentage of variance explained by the model. This gives us the indications on the remaining noise of the model which must be added in the generation of farmer motivations.
This implies that some randomness is introduced into the determination of the motivation within the considered generated population.
1.1.2Comments on the results
The first results of statistical models are given in the tables ?? below. The indicators are presented horizontally, and the motivations vertically. For each motivation, the results for the different zones of study are presented together. In some cases, different populations of farms are considered for one zone of the study. This is the case in Auvergne, where two different populations are considered (organic farming and “mesure locale” Haute vallée de l’Allier). In the case of Breadalbane ESA, the different populations come from different availability of some indicators.
The grey boxes signify that the indicator was not available for the considered sample. In the white boxes a sign ’+’ or ‘-‘ indicates that the considered variable has been found relevant by the stepwise regression, and the sign corresponds to the sign of the parameter of the regression.
The first general comments are :
- Generally very few indicators are found relevant. 2 or 3 in general. Some are obviously related to non relevant specificity of the sample.
- The squared R are low in general (very few are higher than 0.5).
- There are almost no common variable selected for all the different populations. Such a result would have been a very good indication for the statistical robustness.
Moreover, the size of the samples and the sampling methods lead to be very careful in the exploitation of these results.
IMAGES project – Final report – version 1
Table 3.39 : Results of the stepwise linear regression linking the social and economic indicators to the motivations.
Table 3.40 : Results of the stepwise linear regression linking the social and economic indicators to the motivations.
Table 3.41 : Results of the stepwise linear regression linking the social and economic indicators to the motivations.
IMAGES project – Final report – version 1