Guidelines for Lectors
“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Ps 119: 105)
Immaculate Conception Church
Newburyport, MA
Proclaiming and Explaining the Word of God
When the Scriptures are read at church, God is speaking through us to God’s people; and Christ, present in His own Word, is proclaiming the gospel. The reading of God’s Word needs to be listened to by all with revernce; they are a principal element of every liturgy. We thank you for your willingness to serve in this minsitry.
Vocal Expression of the Different Texts
Texts are to be delievered in a full clear voice and the tone of voice should correspond to the genre of the text. The tone should also be suited to the form of celebration and to the solemnity of the gathering.
At Home:
Schedules are created two months at a time beginning in January. Please notify the Parish Office two weeks prior to the start of the new schedule of any dates you are NOT available to serve. When you receive your schedule, please look it over carefully and make note of the times for which you have been scheduled. Every attempt will have been made to avoid scheduling you for a date/time for which you have asked not to be scheduled, but mistakes do happen. If you cannot serve at a Mass for which you have been scheduled, please make every attempt to find a substitute. If, on the day you are scheduled, you are sick or otherwise cannot be there, please try to call someone to fill in beginning with the scheduled alternate. This is of great importance, as it is not fair to another lector nor to the assembly, to ask someone who has not had the opportunity to preapare the readings to step in at the last minute.
The Workbook for Lectors is a wonderful resource for preparing the readings not only for your scheduled Mass, but for every Sunday.
Please dress appropriately knowing that you will be proclaiming the Word of God.
At Church:
When you are schedule for a particular liturgy, please arrive approximately 15 minutes early and let the priest know that you are present. Go to the ambo and check the Lectionary to make sure it is open to the correct page and familiarize yourself with the Prayers of the Faithful. Take the Book of the Gospels from the sacristy and go to the front door of the Church and join the altar servers and presider who will gather for the entrance procession.
The lector carries the Book of Gospels in the procession. You will process behind the servers and in front of the priest. Because you carry the Book of Gospels, you donot bow before the altar, but simply walk around the altar and place the Book of the Gospels on the altar. Then go to your seat reserved in the sanctuary (ambo side) and remain standing there until after the Opening prayer.
Move to the ambo and pause until all the assembly are seated and focused on you. Begin to proclaim the readings as theyare written in the Lectionary. They are introduced with the words, “A reading from…”
There is no need to say, “The first reading is a reading from…” Pause for a moment so the assembly can take in the reading. When the reading is finished, pause for a few seconds then say simply and slowly, “The Word of the Lord.”
When the first reading is completed, take your seat so that the cantor may lead the responsorial psalm. When the Psalm is finished, do not race to the ambo but give the cantor a chance to return to his/her seat. Return to the ambo and proclaim the second reading. When finished, put the Lectionary on the shelf of the ambo so that there will be room for the Book of the Gospels. Return to your seat.
Prayer of the Faithful
At the end of the Creed, return to the ambo and pick up the folder with the Prayers of the Faith. The priest will say the beginning prayer.
Read each petition slowly and clearly. At the end of each one, wait for the people to respond, “Lord, hear our prayer,” pause a moment, then go on to the next one.
After the final petition, remain at the ambo while the priest says the prayer. After the assembly has said, “Amen,” return to your seat and remain there until it is time for Communion.
Reception of Communion
During the Sign of Peace, offer a sign of peace to the other people in the sanctuary. During the Lamb of God, as the Extraorindary Ministers of Communion (EMC) are coming into the sanctuary, line up with them behind the altar. The priest will bring you the Body of Christ. One of the EMCs will bring you the Precious Blood.
After the final blessing and dismissal, wait for the priest to move to the front of the altar with his back to the assembly. You will move to the front of the altar with the servers. Bow to the altar when the priest does. Recess to the back of the church in the same order in which you came in: after the servers and before the priest.
After Mass, before you leave, make sure the Lectionary and the Prayers of the Faithful are turned to the correct page for the next Mass and return the Book of the Gospels to the sacristy.