Department of Human Services
NJ Council on Developmental Disabilities
Request for Proposals
The New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities is announcing the availability of funds for organizations to develop programs or systems around the issue of transition. Contracts begin October 1, 2011. The Council is looking for cutting edge programs and systems that address the transition issue and promote systemic change. The focus should be self directed driven with a concentration on one specific region and or a population that historically has been marginalized or under supported. However, the program should lend itself to all regions and populations.
Details of the scope of work are available in the full RFP Package. The proposal is comprised of 5 major components:
A narrative description of your program; Organizational capacity including partnerships, subcontractors and consultants; Sustainability plan; Goals and timelines; Budget with narrative explanation
NOTE: A nonfederal match of 25% is required. The nonfederal match may consist of "in-kind" value and/or nonfederal cash contributions. Project activities located in counties designated as federal poverty areas require a minimum of 10% matching resources.
Authorization for Issuance of RFP
· NJCDD reserves the right not to fund any proposal under the announcement.
· Authorization for subsequent funding emanates from:
a. NJ Council on Developmental Disabilities Authorization under state NJSA:30-1AA and
b. Administration on Developmental Disabilities federal authorized funding for FY-12 under federal PL100-142 (Part B).
· The New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities reserves the right to reject any or all applications when any circumstances indicate it is in the best interest of the Council to do so.
· All NJCDD grants are contingent on available funding for the Council.
· This award is made under the authority of Public Law 106-402, subject to Codified Federal Regulation 45 Part 7. The US Department of Health and Human Services, CFDA #93.630 provides the funding for this award.
The Council reserves the right to cancel or modify any RFP process or to delay or cancel any awarding of an agreement if it is in the best interest of the Council to do so.
Private for-profit corporations, non-profit organizations, or legally chartered partnerships are eligible to apply. Applicants must be in a form of legal entity (such as LLC, corporation, etc.). Institutions of Higher Education, individuals with appropriate credentials and experience, and/or a research organization or collaborative are also eligible to apply. Individuals should apply only where there is a clear capacity to meet the requirements. Applicants with corporate offices located in New Jersey will be given preference. NOTE: Applicants who are listed with the NJ Department of Treasury, Purchase and Property, as State Vendors still must complete the NJCDD RFP application and meet all deadlines and criteria in order to compete for this funding.
Applicants must disclose any conflicts of interest between themselves and Council members, employees and their immediate families.
The Council has posted the RFP for this campaign on its WEB site at www.njcdd,org and is distributing it to known vendors. Anyone interested in receiving a copy of the RFP or anyone who has questions about this campaign should contact the Council at 609.292.3745; NJCDD PO Box 700, Trenton, NJ 08625-0700.
Completed proposals are due April 27, 2011 by 4:00.
No incomplete, faxed or emailed applications will be considered.
Proposals will not be considered if they are submitted after 4:00 on April 27, 2011
Materials are available in a variety of accessible formats upon request.
Questions regarding development and submission procedures should be directed to:
Dolores Roselli
(609) 292-0054
Mail your request for an RFP Package to:
NJ Developmental Disabilities Council or NJ Developmental Disabilities Council
P.O. Box 700 20 West State Street, 6th Fl.
Trenton, NJ 08625-0700 Trenton, NJ 08625-0700
c/o Dolores Roselli c/o Dolores Roselli
April 27, 2011 NO EXCEPTIONS.
DATE OF AWARD - Award notifications are to be sent out August 1, 2011. A contract will be initiated at that time and projects begin October 1, 2011.