Tier AssessmentCandidate name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Research Operations: ElectronicDate: Click or tap here to enter text.
Management of Research ParticipantsCandidate testing level: F ☐ S☐ A☐
Mode: Direct Observation
Competency / Fundamental / Skilled / AdvancedUses systems and system reports to manage patient/participant research activities and charge routing. / Uses the system with little assistance to manage common research patient activities. Recognizes key reports to manage processes. / Uses the system independently to manage all research patient activities. Effectively troubleshoots common issues. Uses reports regularly to manage processes. / Can navigate complex issues independently within research systems to manage research patient activities. Provides documentation of instance(s) where the competency has been applied outside of the individual's job tasks.
- Observe the candidate as they do each of the following tasks:
GUI = could do the task with reference guide; IND = could do without the guide; FLU = could do without the guide, and with notable fluidity/speed
TASK / Observation (use key above) / NotesAssociate a patient with a study / GUI IND FLU / Clickortapheretoentertext.
Add an order / GUI IND FLU / Clickortapheretoentertext.
Open an encounter for a study visit / GUI IND FLU / Clickortapheretoentertext.
Link a study visit to an encounter / GUI IND FLU / Clickortapheretoentertext.
Navigate and document patient’s study visit / GUI IND FLU / Clickortapheretoentertext.
Access and view a patient’s chart / GUI IND FLU / Clickortapheretoentertext.
Generate an Enrollment Log Report / GUI IND FLU / Clickortapheretoentertext.
- Manager, ask employee to tell you the name of the charge report and the frequency of pulling the report and reviewing charges. (N/A for Oncology RN staff)
- Advanced Only: Have the candidate describe any instances where s/he has demonstrated advanced application of knowledge and understanding of electronic management of research participants outside of his/her individual job or assigned studies. Some examples might include:
- a description of difficult challenges they have met or helped others to address
- providing mentorship to others outside of their team
- developing and provided training to others, and/or
- evidence that they are seen as a go-to resource for several faculty or staff
CandidateName (Print): ______
Evaluation Level
This documentation demonstrates:
☐Fundamental Competency
☐Skilled Competency
☐Advanced Competency
Attester comments about candidate’s competency level:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Attester Name (Print): ______
Attester Title (Print): ______
Attester Signature:______Date:______
Assessment – – RO: Electronic Management of Research Participants - Page 1