State of Delaware w Department of State

Delaware Commission for WomenCommission Meeting Minutes


Telephone: (302) 577-5287

Email Address:


Facsimile: (302) 577-7113



Date: September 24, 2014 Time: 4:00 p.m.

Locations:  Carvel State Bldg. Wilmington (577-5287)

 Cannon Bldg. Silver Lake, Dover (760-7034)

 Other Location:

Teleconference #: 1 (800) 377-8846 PC: 88395925#




DCW Attendance & Location  - Wilmington  - Dover  - Phone-In  - Absent



Sherese Brewington-Carr, Chair

Brian J. Bartley

Belinda J. Criddell

Theresa L.I. Del Tufo

Rebecca L. Evaristo

Robin M. Fisher

Lynn Ingersoll

Daneya Jacobs

Kathleen Jacobs

Charlotte King

Sarah Elizabeth Lockman

Rosemary T. Madl-Young

Sally F. McBride

Raetta McCall

Chiqui Gavilan

 Valerie Miesel

Alisa E. Moen, Esq.

Chandra Pitts


Staff of the Office of Delaware Commission for Women and Guests


Romona S. Fullman, Director

Nina DeVoe, CRO
Carmen S. Goméz, A. A.



I.  Call to Order/Roll Call – meeting called to order at 4:08 by Chair Brewington-Carr.

Guest: Celine Walker and Tiffany Clarke, students from the University of Delaware Family Policy Class

Chair welcomed new Commissioner Adelina Reyes Gavilan (Chiqui)

No quorum achieved

II.  Approval of the Agenda – Agenda accepted by consensus.

III.  Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes / Actions to be Taken / Leaders / Due Date
Chair suggested Commissioner review minutes and sends their changes/approval electronically. / Commissioners submit minute approval and edits.

IV.  Expression from the Public – None

V.  DCW Chair Report (Sherese Brewington-Carr)

·  Chair will send condolences to the family of Sarita Wright, a young esteemed Deputy Attorney General who passed away.
·  Chair met the CEO (president and publisher) of Gannet (The News Journal) Susan Leap. Chair will extend an invitation to attend meeting.
·  Attendance is needed to attain a forum for decision-making, member voting, etc.
·  If commissioners are unable to commit due to other engagements or need time off, please notify chair.
·  E-mails should be replied in a timely manner.
·  If commissioners want to change meeting date and time, please respond to poll / Chair
Invitation to attend a commission meeting / Chair
DCW participated in SB 212 which was Pregnancy Protection Act is intended to make sure protecting the rights of pregnant worker. / It was successful and signed in law unanimously. Chair attended the ceremony / Chair

VI Director’s Report (Romona S. Fullman)

Director’s Report was provided in writing and electronically, for questions forward to Director Fullman.
DCW Budget Hearing is November 18th 3:00 – 4:30. / Chair will send more information as it gets / Nov. 18, 2014

VII.  Committee / Commissioners Report

·  Hall of Fame Committee Chair (Becky Evaristo)
·  Chair Brewington-Carr sent an e-mail (09-23-14) detailing on what’s going on with Hall of Fame. Next step is to put the Hall of Fame Process on-line.
·  The Office is in the process of getting the nomination forms out. She also recommended a look at the Hall of Fame Process it is concise and detailed.
·  Please send questions to Committee chair.
·  Chair Brewington-Carr has one additional edit – change following:
Page 5 – How does nominee served in her life or field on HF Process.
·  Chair Brewington-Carr reported that the “She’s on her Way” will be separate from the Hall of Fame Award Ceremony.
·  Committee Chair Evaristo will send out an e-mail to Commissioner requesting recommendations for possible Selection Committee Members. / For more detail refer to Director.
Questions/concern can be e-mailed to committee chair.
Chair/Committee Chair ask for volunteers
E-mail sent out by 10/03/14 / B. Evaristo
Outreach Commissioner Rosemary Madl-Young along with Commissioner Kathleen Jacobs and DHR Administrative Assist Kelly Fox staffed the Economic Summit exhibit table.
•She discovered women need to dialog and be brought in.
•Networking and distributing information/materials to participants/attendees.
•No discussion about women economic/entrepreneur.
•No breakdown to address women’s issues.
•Discussion on engineering and construction.
CRO DeVoe provided overview of the summit’s purpose.
Commissioner Bartley reported that there is an attempt to get a conference to discuss the “2014 Shriver Report” by the end of the year, and suggested that commissioner Madl-Young be involved.
Commissioner Meisel reported that she, Commissioner King and Director Fullman met to discuss the Shriver Report.
Director Fullman will get a copy of the film “Pay Check to Pay Check” and have discussions to organizations/agencies in Sussex County.
Chair Brewington-Carr needs to look at the strategies statewide in rolling out the report. An opportunity for how to get details out and expose the report. Chair will discuss with Commissioner King. / Director will obtain film.
DCW Chair

VIII.  Old Business (None)

IX New Business (None)

Meeting adjourns at 5:45 p.m.