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Table of Contents

16th-18th century -- general collections

16th century -- general collections

17th century -- general collections

17th century -- general collections -- series

17th century -- contemporary printed material (in chronological order)

17th century -- modern editions (in chronological order)

17th-18th century -- general collections

18th century -- general collections

18th century -- contemporary printed material (in chronological order)

18th century -- modern editions (in chronological order)

18th century -- war era -- contemporary printed material (in chronological order)

18th century -- war era -- modern editions (in chronological order)

18th century -- post-war -- contemporary printed material (in chronological order)

18th century -- post-war -- modern editions (in chronological order)

18th-19th century -- general collections

19th century -- contemporary printed material (in chronological order)

19th century -- modern editions (in chronological order)

16 th -18th century -- general collections

Barclay, Donald A., Maguire, James H., and Wild, Peter, eds. Into the Wilderness Dream: Exploration Narratives of the American West, 1500-1805. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1994. * F592.I68

1 6 th century -- general collections

Mancall, Peter, ed. Travel Narratives from the Age of Discovery. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. * G95.T73

17th century -- general collections

Axtell, James, ed. America Perceived: A View from Abroad in the 17th Century. West Haven: Pendulum Press, 1974. * E162.A972

17th century -- general collections -- series

Tyler, Lyon Gardiner, ed. Narratives of Early Virginia, 1606-1625. New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1907. * E187.O6 v.5

Observations by Master George Percy, 1607.

A true relation, by Captain John Smith, 1608.

Description of Virginia and proceedings of the colonie.

The relation of the Lord De-La-Ware, 1611.

Letter of Don Diego de Molina, 1613.

Letter of Father Pierre Biard, 1614.

Letter of John Rolfe, 1614.

Proceedings of the Virginia Assembly, 1619.

Letter of John Pory, 1619.

Generall historie of Virginia by Captain John Smith, 1624; the fourth booke.

The Virginia planters’ answer to Captain Butler, 1623.

The tragical relation of the Virginia Assembly, 1624.

The discourse of the old company, 1625.

Hall, Clayton Colman, ed. Narratives of Early Maryland, 1633-1684. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1910. * E187.O6 v.11

An account of the colony of the Lord Baron of Baltamore, 1633.

Instructions to the colonists by Lord Baltimore, 1633.

A briefe relation of the voyage unto Maryland, by Father Andrew White, 1634.

Extracts from a letter of Captain Thomas Yong to Sir Toby Matthew, 1634.

A relation of Maryland, 1635.

Extracts from the annual letters of the English province of the Society of Jesus, 1634, 1638, 1639, 1640, 1642, 1654, 1656, 1681.

Letter of Governor Leonard Calvert to Lord Baltimore, 1638.

The Lord Baltemore’s case, 1658.

Virginia and Maryland, or, The Lord Baltemore’s printed case uncased and answered, 1655.

Babylon’s fall, by Leonard Strong, 1655.

Refutation of Babylon’s fall, by John Langford, 1655.

Leah and Rachel, or, The two fruitful sisters, Virginia and Mary-land, by John Hammond, 1656.

Journal of the Dutch embassy to Maryland, by Augustine Herrman, 1659.

A character of the province of Maryland, by George Alsop, 1666.

From the journal of George Fox, 1672, 1673.

Reports of conferences between Lord Baltimore (Charles, third baron and second proprietary) and William Penn, and their agents, 1682, 1683, 1684.

Salley, Alexander S., ed. Narratives of early Carolina, 1650-1708. New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1911. * E187.O6 v.12

The discovery of New Brittaine, 1650.

Francis Yeardley’s narrative of excursions into Carolina, 1654.

A relation of a discovery, by William Hilton, 1664.

A brief description of the province of Carolina, by Robert Horne (?) 1666.

A relation of a voyage on the coast of the province of Carolina, 1666, by Robert Sandford.

Letters of early colonists, 1670.

A faithful relation of my Westoe voyage, by Henry Woodward.

Carolina, or a description of the present state of that country, by Thomas Ashe, 1682.

An account of the province of Carolina, by Samuel Wilson, 1682.

Letters of Thomas Newe, 1682.

Journal of Elder William Pratt, 1695-1701.

Letter of Edward Randolph to the Board of trade, 1699.

Reverend John Blair’s mission to North Carolina, 1704.

Party-tyranny, by Daniel Defoe, 1705.

The present state of affairs in Caroline, by John Ash, 1706.

A new description of that fertile and pleasant province of Carolina, by John Archdale, 1707.

From the history of the British empire in America, by John Oldmixon, 1708.

Myers, Albert Cook, ed. Narratives of early Pennsylvania, West New Jersey and Delaware, 1630-1707. New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1912. * E187.O6 v.13

A further account of the province of Pennsylvania, by William Penn, 1685.

Letters of Doctor Nicholas More, and others, 1686.

A short description of Pennsylvania, by Richard Frame, 1692.

An historical and geographical account of Pennsylvania and West-New-Jersey, by Gabriel Thomas, 1698.

Circumstantial geographical description of Pennsylvania, by Francis Daniel Pastorius, 1700.

Letter of John Jones, 1725.

From the “Korte historiael ende journaels aenteyckenings,” by David Pietersz de Vries, 1630-1633, 1644 (1665).

Relation of Captain Thomas Young, 1634.

` From the “Account of the Swedish churches in New Sweden,” by Reverend Israel Acrelius, 1759.

Affidavit of four men from the “Key of Calmar,” 1638.

Report of Governor Johan Printz, 1644.

Report of Govern John Printz, 1647.

Report of Govenor Johan Rising. 1654.

Report of Governor Johan Rising, 1655.

Relation of the surrender of New Sweden, by Governor Johan Clason Rising, 1655.

The epistle of Penn. Lawrie and Lucas, respecting West Jersey, 1676.

The present stae of the colony of West-Jersey, 1681.

Some account of the province of Pennsylvania, by William Penn, 1681.

Letters from William Penn to the committee of the Free Society of Trades, 1683.

Letter of Thomas Paschall, 1683.

James, Bartlett B., and Jameson, J. Franklin, eds. Journal of Jasper Danckaerts, 1679-1680. New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1913. * Dutch envoy * E187.O6 v.14

1 7 th century -- contemporary printed material (in chronological order)

Ward, Edward. Trip to New-England, With a Character of the Country and People, Both English and Indians. London: 1699.

1 7 th century -- modern editions (in chronological order)

Bourne, Edward Gaylord, ed. A Two Years’ Journal in New York, and Part of its Territories in America, by Charles Wolley, A.M [1678]. Cleveland: Burrows Brothers, 1902 (orig 1701). * F122.W86

Murphy, Henry C., ed., trans. Journal of a Voyage to New York and a Tour in Several of the American Colonies in 1679-80, by Jaspar Dankers and Peter Sluyter of Wiewerd in Friesland. Brooklyn: Long Island Historical Society (Memoirs, Vol. 1), 1867. * F116.L8

Whitmore, W.H., ed. Letters Written from New-England A.D. 1686 by John Dunton. Boston: Prince Society (Publications, Vol. 4), 1867.

repr New York: Burt Franklin, 1967. * E186.P91 v.4

Andrews, Wayne, ed. “A Glance at New York in 1697: The Travel Diary of Dr. Benjamin Bullivant.” NYHSQ 40 (1956): 55‑73. * F116.N626

1 7 th -18 th century -- general collections

Martin, Wendy, ed. Colonial American Travel Narratives. New York: Penguin, 1994. * document collection * E162.C69

Mereness, Newton D., ed. Travels in the American Colonies. New York: Macmillan, 1916. * E162.M5

1 8 th century -- general collections

Andrews, William L., ed. Journeys in New Worlds: Early American Women’s Narratives. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1990. * document collection * E187.5 J68 * own

Axtell, James, ed. America Perceived: A View from Abroad in the 18th Century. West Haven: Pendulum Press, 1974. * E162.A975

Peckham, Howard Henry, ed. Narratives of Colonial America, 1704-1765. Chicago: R.R. Donnelley, 1971. * E162.P4

Contents: Historical introduction, by H. H. Peckham.--Madam Knight’s journal: a woman travels to New York, 1704.--The present state of Louisiana: French life in New Orleans, 1743. (Anonymous)--Life and travels of Col. James Smith: an Indian captive in Ohio, 1743.--Cleaveland’s letters and diary: a chaplain at Ticonderoga, 1758.--Major Rogers’ journals: the raid on St. Francis, 1759.--Anne Grant’s memoirs: the children of Albany, 1762-68.--Lieut. Jehu Hay’s diary: under siege in Detroit, 1763.--Journal of Lord Adam Gordon: how our cities looked, 1765.

18th century -- contemporary printed material (in chronological order)

Lawson, John. A new voyage to Carolina containing the exact description and natural history of that country: ... And a journal of a thousand miles, travel’d thro’ several nations of Indians. London: printed in the year, 1709.

Nairne, Thomas. A letter from South Carolina giving an account of the soil, air, product, trade, government, laws, religion, people, military strength, &c. of that province: together with the manner and necessary charges of settling a plantation there, and the annual profit it will produce. London: Printed for A. Baldwin, 1710.

Lawson, John. The history of Carolina; containing the exact description and natural history of that country: together with the present state thereof. And a journal of a thousand miles, travel’d thro’ several nations of Indians. Giving a particular account of their customs, manners, &c. London: for W. Taylor and J. Baker, 1714. * [2]/1718

Rogers, Robert. A concise account of North America: containing a description of the several British colonies on that continent, including the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, &c. ... Also of the interior, or westerly parts of the country, upon the rivers St. Laurence, the Mississipi, Christino, and the Great Lakes. To which is subjoined, an account of the several nations and tribes of Indians residing in those parts, as to their customs, manners, government, numbers, &c. London: 1765.

Cluny, Alexander. The American traveller: or, observations on the present state, culture and commerce of the British colonies in America, and the further improvements of which they are capable; with an account of the exports, imports and returns of each colony respectively,--and of the numbers of British ships and seamen, merchants, traders and manufacturers employed by all collectively: together with the amount of the revenue arising to Great Britain therefrom. In a series of letters, written originally to the Right Honorable the Earl of ********* by an old and experienced trader. London: 1769.

Cluny, Alexander. The American traveller: containing observations on the present state, culture and commerce of the British colonies in America, and the further improvements of which they are capable; with an account of the exports, imports and returns of each colony respectively,--and of the numbers of British ships and seamen, merchants, traders and manufacturers employed by all collectively: together with the amount of the revenue arising to Great-Britain therefrom.: In a series of letters, written originally to the Right Honourable the Earl of ********. [Philadelphia?]: 1770. E=11603

Kalm, Pehr. Travels into North America; containing its natural history, and a circumstantial account of its plantations and agriculture in general, with the civil, ecclesiastical and commercial state of the country, the manners of the inhabitants, and several curious and important remarks on various subjects. 3 vols. London: 1770-1771.

repr Benson, Adolph B., ed. Peter Kalm’s Travels in North America: The English Version of 1770. 2 vols. New York: Wilson-Erickson, 1937. * E162.K165

repr Benson, Adolph B., ed. Peter Kalm’s Travels in North America: The English Version of 1770. New York: Dover, 1964. * E162.K173

American husbandry: containing an account of the soil, climate, production and agriculture, of the British colonies in North-America and the West-Indies: with observations on the advantages and disadvantages of settling in them, compared with Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols. London: Printed for J. Bew, 1775.

Burnaby, Andrew. Travels through the middle settlements in North-America, in the years 1759 and 1760: with observations upon the state of the colonies. Dublin: 1775.

Burnaby, Andrew. Travels through the middle settlements in North-America, in the years 1759 and 1760: with observations upon the state of the colonies. 2nd ed. London: for T. Payne, 1775. * 3/1798

repr Burnaby, Andrew. Travels Through the Middle Settlements in North-America, in the Years 1759 and 1760, with Observations Upon the State of the Colonies. Ithaca: Great Seal Books, 1960. *

18th century -- modern editions (in chronological order)

Hinke, William J., ed. “Report on the Journey of Franz Louis Michel, from Berne, Switzerland, to Virginia, October 2, 1701-December 1, 1702.” VMHB 24 (1916): 1-43, 113-141, 275-303.

O’Callaghan, E.B., ed. Voyage of George Clarke ... to America (1703). Albany: J. Munsell, 1867.

Cope, Gilbert, ed. “The Journal of Esther Palmer and Mary Lawson, from Philadelphia to Maryland, Virginia, and Carolina and Thence Back to Philadelphia Again [1704-1705].” Journal of the Friends’ Historical Society 6 (1909): 63-71.

Cope, Gilbert, ed. “The Journall of Susanna Freeborn and Esther Palmer from Rhoad Island to and in Pennsylvania, &c [1704-1705].” Journal of the Friends’ Historical Society 6 (1909): 38‑40.

Cope, Gilbert, ed. “A Jornall of Mary Banister and Esther Palmers Travells in Maryland and Virginei 1705.” Journal of the Friends’ Historical Society 6 (1909): 133-139.

Bell, Whitfield J., Jr., ed. “Adam Cunningham’s Atlantic Crossing, 1728.” MDHM 50 (1955): 195-202.

Hart, Albert Bushnell, ed. Hamilton’s Itinerarium: being a narrative of a journey from Annapolis, Maryland, through Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, from May to September, 1744. Saint Louis: W.K. Bixby, 1907.

repr Bridenbaugh, Carl, ed. Gentleman’s Progress: The Itinerarium of Dr. Alexander Hamilton, 1744. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1948. * E162.H22

Hayes, Kevin J., ed. Itinerant Observations in America: Edward Kimber [1745-1746]. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1998. * E162.K56

Doblin, Helga, and Starna, William A., eds. The journals of Christian Daniel Claus and Conrad Weiser: a journey to Onondaga, 1750. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1994. **

Birket, James. Some Cursory Remarks Made by James Birket in his Voyage to North America, 1750-1751. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1916. * D6.Y3 no.4

Mittelberger, Gottlieb. Gottlich Mittelberger’s journey to Pennsylvania in the year 1750 and return to Germany in the year 1754, containing not only a description of the country according to its present condition, but also a detailed account of the sad and unfortunate circumstances of most of the Germans that have emigrated, or are emigrating to that country. Philadelphia: J.J. McVey, 1898. * F152.M691

repr Handlin, Oscar, and Clive, John, eds., trans. Journey to Pennsylvania. Cambridge: Belknap Press, 1960. * F152.M692

Anderson, Carl Magnus, ed., trans. “Pastor Wrangel’s Trip to the Shore [1764].” NJH 87 (1969): 5‑31. * F131.N52

“Journal of a French Traveler in the Colonies, 1765.” AHR 26 (1921): 726-747; 27 (1922): 70‑89. * witnesses anti-Stamp Act agitation; p 84 predicts colonial independence