NDP/CSF 2000-2006

Spring 2007 Report

NDP/CSF Environment Coordinating Committee 2000-2006

1.  In recognition of the time constraints that Committee Members and OP Authorities were under, particularly with regard to the finalisation process underway for the NDP 2000 – 2006, and in order to make the best possible use of available resources, the twelfth convening of the Environment Coordinating Committee was held by written procedure and in full consultation with all relevant parties.

Measure Reports on Environmental Integration

2.  Following a request by the Secretariat in early March, the majority of the reports for the individual Measures selected for priority monitoring and reporting were received and subsequently circulated among all Committee Members for their perusal and feedback. It was acknowledged that there were difficulties in finalising all appropriate Measure Reports in advance of the deadline dates for the Environment Coordinating Committee, but the Secretariat appreciated the efforts made to accommodate the Committee in its deliberations.

3.  Overall, it was noted by the Managing Authorities that the revision of the reporting template had continued to facilitate a more detailed and in-depth level of monitoring and reporting by the Measure Managers on the achievement of environmental integration since the mid-term review. It is generally acknowledged that a higher degree of real environmental integration was required and that the steps taken since the mid-term review have begun to show effect. Evidence of this has been provided in a number of instances – through cited examples – regarding the use of appropriate project selection criteria, the introduction of best practice guidelines and codes and the greater use of effective performance indicators. It has been pointed out that such measures are serving to raise environmental standards, embed monitoring and compliance practices and increase official and public awareness of the importance of environmental integration into the planning and implementation of individual projects. However it is also clear that there is still room for improvement and the Environment Co-ordinating Committee urges all relevant parties to continue to seek ways to improve their environmental performance. It is noted that it is Government policy that environmental integration should be achieved across all appropriate sectoral areas and that this is particularly relevant under the NDP Measures. The Committee also welcomed the fact that the newly published NDP 2007 - 2013 places environmental integration at the heart of all relevant future activities.

Feedback on the overall integration of the Environmental Principle into the outgoing NDP

4.  In response to its request, the Secretariat received a number of valuable comments on the overall integration of the environmental principle into the outgoing NDP. These comments, in conjunction with ongoing feed back over the previous years, can be summarised as follows:

a)  The selection of the individual measures/sub-measures for priority monitoring and reporting as a result of the mid-term review resulted in a noticeable improvement in the quality of reporting – the information provided has been more extensive, more detailed and better focussed.

b)  Despite these improvements, a number of Authorities pointed to the fact that further work was still required to copper-fasten environmental integration into relevant measures and programmes with particular mention being made of the use of environmental indicators for relevant projects.

Suggestions on how to improve integration of the Environmental Principle into the new NDP 2007 - 2013

5.  The Secretariat asked the OP Authorities for their views on how best to ensure environmental consideration and integration into the new NDP. It was considered that we should build on the lessons learned under the outgoing NDP. As above, the Managing Authorities suggested some core areas for improvement in the new Plan and a summary of these are outlined below:

a)  Horizontal Principle Reporting Templates should be agreed and provided to the Measure Managers (or their equivalents) as early as possible at the beginning of the new Plan to allow them time to familiarise themselves with the new requirements.

b)  The Measure Managers will require early guidance on the monitoring and reporting requirements for Horizontal Principles under the new NDP. It was also suggested that consultations will be required to facilitate the development of appropriate indicators.

c)  While there has been general acceptance that there has been ongoing improvement in reporting under the outgoing NDP, it has also been suggested that this could be further enhanced in terms of presentation, the provision and analysis of meaningful information and the greater use of effective indicators. It is also noted that the project selection criteria process could be better used to promote environmental integration. Such steps would facilitate more rigorous environmental evaluation of relevant projects.

6.  The Secretariat of the Environment Co-ordinating Committee wishes to thank the Committee Members, the Managing Authorities and Measure Managers for their valuable contributions to the work of the Committee. The feedback and suggestions that have been received on the current Plan will assist in determining the nature of the corresponding arrangements for the new NDP. This is seen as important for the realisation of the environmental sustainability objectives of the 2007 – 2013 NDP.

7.  The Secretariat remains available to assist in any way that may be deemed helpful.


Environment Co-ordinating Committee

17 April 2007