T-Ball Teaching Points
- Grip: fingertips, 4-seam with 2 fingers (if hands are big enough)
- Hand position: Show the baseball to the person behind you
- Elbow: Up (shoulder height)
- Snap wrist on release: Maximize rotations on baseball. (Visible with black tape).
- Arm Circle: Big!
- Front Shoulder: Pointed at target
- Lower Body: Inside of back foot should face target. Step towards target with lead (glove foot) and push off with back leg.
- Always try to catch the ball between the shoulders with two hands. Move your feet when you throw and when you catch.
- Attempt to catch the ball in the palm of your glove (will decrease number of balls that hit off the tip of the glove).
- Reinforce proper glove/hand position. For throws above the waist, thumbs should be together, pointed upwards. For throws below the waist, pinkies should be together, facing downwards.
- When starting out with beginners, have a coach or parent throw to players to ensure proper/safe velocity.
- Field groundballs out front of the body while bending at the hips, knees, and ankles. Feet should be shoulder width apart.
- Keep body in front of ball.
- Keep glove on the ground until ball is in the pocket and then cover it up with your throwing hand (“alligator”).
- For fly balls, work on catching the ball above the head without obstructing view with the glove (can start with tennis ball).
- Grip: loose (don’t squeeze the bat), line up your “knocking” knuckles
- Stance: Feet just outside shoulders, knees slightly bent
- Keep your eye on the ball!
- Stride: Short stride, right back at the pitcher.
- Hands to the ball.
- Swing hard!
- “Squash the bug”
- Focus on hitting ground balls/line drives. Hit the top of the ball.
- Home-1st base: Focus on dropping the bat (not throwing), stepping on the front of the base, running all the way through the base and turning head right.
- Home-2nd : Again focus on dropping bat, rounding first base, touching the inside corner of the bag, and stopping at 2nd base.
- 1st-3rd:
- 2nd-Home: Practice rounding 3rd base and scoring. Emphasis should be placed on rounding 3rd, and stepping on the inside corner of the base. Run all the way through home.
- One knee: Have players line up 5-6 feet from each other, with throwing knee on ground and glove knee up. Players will support their throwing hand just below the wrist and snap their wrist forward to see how many rotations they can get on ball. Progress can be monitored by observing black tape on ball.
- Target Practice: Lay a trash can or big bucket on the ground at an age appropriate distance away and give players turns trying to throw the ball in the target. Emphasize stepping with the correct foot and having the front shoulder pointed at the target.Also pay close attention to arm circle (big).
- Tennis ball drill: Start out with a tennis ball and bare hands. Have a coach lightly toss a tennis ball to the player. Reinforce catching with non-dominant (glove) hand and proper thumb direction (up or down, depending where throw is). Once players are comfortable with a tennis ball and their bare hand, you can progress to a glove and baseball.
- Partner catch: Have the players partner up with a player of a similar same skill level, and simply play catch. This will work on proper throwing and catching technique.
- Tennis ball drill: Similar to the catching drill, start out rolling ground balls with a tennis ball and no glove. This will help players feel comfortable getting in front of the ball and also using both hands. Progress to gloves and baseballs once players are comfortable. Once players are comfortable with ground balls, progress to fly balls.
- Don’t swarm drill: Set-up designated zones that each player is “allowed” in. Cones can be used to set-up these zones. If the ball enters a player’s zone he/she is allowed to field it. If the ball is not in their zone, they should cover their base or position awaiting a throw.
- Have players take three swings and on third swing run through first base. Mark a spot 7-8 feet behind first base that the players should reach to emphasize running through the first base.
- Once all players have gone through, start players back at home plate. Again have the players take three swings and on the third swing they run from home to first to second. Emphasis should be placed on rounding first base, touching the inside corner of the bag, and stopping on second base.
- Start players at each base with the proper stance (facing next base) and in a running position. Have a coach at home plate with baseballs. Coach will then either throw a ground ball or pop fly. Make sure players are reading the ball appropriately and advancing or staying put, when necessary.
- If time necessitates, players can go from 1st-3rd and 2nd to home.