Save the sharks: Manly Beach hosts rally against cull in Western Australia
- by: Andrew Priestley
- From: Manly Daily
- January 31, 2014 3:01PM
Osha-Ann Rudduck (wearing a shark suit) pictured at Manly Beach meets surfers Simon Neugebauer(L), and Sebastian Paho. Source: News Limited
MORE than 2,000 people are expected at Manly Beach tomorrow to protest against shark culling in Western Australia.
The protest is part of a string of events across Australia aiming to bring attention to WA's decision to capture and kill sharks that come within a kilometre of the state's coast.
The protests come just as it was announced two sharks have been caught on Perth's drum lines, which were deployed only hours ago to catch and kill big sharks off metropolitan beaches.
The first was a 1m tiger shark caught off Cottesloe, which was released by Fisheries Department officers because it was below the 3m catch limit.
The second shark, a 2.6m tiger shark, was caught about 11.30am.
Although both sharks will be released rather than culled, it was only a matter of size that will keep them breathing.
The operation claimed its first shark on Australia Day.
The death of the first shark, on Australia day. It was caught and killed on a drumline. Source: Supplied
Man and beast co-existing: It may not always be this way, but do we have the right to kill them? Source:NewsComAu
With the Federal Government's approval, the scheme involves shooting sharks longer than 3m caught in strategically placed "drum lines".
The cull was introduced following seven fatal shark attacks in the state in the past three years.
The blue-and-white-themed protest will be held tomorrow from 11am, with the organisers saying: 'It's time for Sydney to get involved in the nation-wide day of protest against the culling of endangered great whites and other shark species.
'We'll be meeting at the end of Manly Corso, right on the beach, at 10.30am to set up.
'So get your placards ready and we'll meet up at 11am to hear some inspirational speakers & make a stand against this misinformed, irresponsible and ridiculous shark cull.'
Sir Richard Branson has come out in support of the protests - saying the culling will drive tourists away from the area, not increase it.
"I'm sure one of the reasons he (Premier Colin Barnett) did it was because he was thinking it would encourage tourism. It's going to do quite the reverse, I think," Sir Richard told Fairfax radio on Friday.
You're advertising a problem that doesn't exist in a major way and you're deterring people from wanting to come to Perth
"You're advertising a problem that doesn't exist in a major way and you're deterring people from wanting to come to Perth and your beautiful countryside around it.
Save the sharks: Sir Richard Branson sides with the protesters Source: AFP
"All you're going to achieve, I think, is to worry people unnecessarily."
He said it was "very sad" such a bad example was being set to the rest of the world.
"Last year, Australia was praised all over the world for creating the biggest marine reserves. This year, the world is looking at Australia - and particularly Western Australia - and wondering 'what on earth is going on?"
Ricky Gervais also showed his support - his image on Twitter urged WA to cancel the cull.
Co-organiserSharnie Connell said the protest aimed to pressure the WA government to end the culling operation, which she said flew in the face of scientific evidence.
Ms Connell, an aquarist at Manly Sea Life Sanctuary, said the cull would be ineffective in preventing attacks and damage the ocean ecosystem.
"It won't make the beaches safer. People have been attacked at beaches with nets and drum lines," Ms Connell said.
Shark species targeted include tiger, bull and great white sharks.
Ricky Gervais joined in the protests against WA’s policy via Twitter.