Pupil Premium Spending 2014-2015


Spending / Cost / Impact
Extra Teacher in KS2 to support single age/smaller classes / £25000.00 /
  • Quality first teaching improved with 87% of teaching and learning judged good or better in in June 2015 compared to 62% in October 2014.
  • Pupils Voice – stated that they prefer being in single aged classes.

IPC / £3000.00 /
  • Improved motivation to learn in lessons – with over 85% of pupils undertaking IPC related extended homework projects.
  • Pupil Voice – stated that they enjoy the topics as they find them interesting and challenging.
  • Parents Voice – stated that they enjoy the homework and benefit form joining in with the end of topic celebration/showcase event.
  • Parents feel more involved in their child’s education.

Extra teacher time for smaller maths group in Y6 / £5000.00 /
  • Progress of Y6 PP pupils in Maths - 100% made 2 levels plus of progress and 10% made 3 levels of progress.
  • Progress on Y6 non PP pupils in Maths - 85% made 2 levels of progress and 15% made 3 levels of progress.

Specialist Dyslexia Teacher / £7500.00 /
  • Earlier dyslexia diagnosis and support given for pupils across the school.
  • Specialist dyslexia programmes running weekly.
  • Teacher training and support for strategies to support pupils in class.
  • Pupil confidence and self-esteem improved due to understanding dyslexia.
  • Parents acknowledge and appreciate the support.

Assertive Mentoring Resources / £1500.00 /
  • Improved communication between home and school due to pupil assessment files.
  • Maths vocabulary has improved due to weekly skills test.
  • Basic Maths skills have improved with 80% of pupils improving on their weekly score throughout the year.

SEN/Dyslexia resources / £1000.00 /
  • Dyslexia teacher able to deliver programmes to support pupil learning.

Extra time for SEN Teacher / £5000.00 /
  • Progress of Y6 PP pupils in Reading - 80% made 2 levels plus progress and 40% made 3 level of progress.
  • Progress on Y6 non PP pupils in Reading - 85% made 2 plus levels of progress and 30% made 3levels of progress

Extra Curricular Clubs
Band/Trips/Sports / £15000.00 /
  • 12 pupils accessed a residential trip through PP funding.
  • Due to a minimum number requirement the trip was able to run for the first time in three years due to PP funding.
  • The outdoor and adventurous curriculum was met through the trip with pupils facing challenges, moving out of their comfort zone and learning the importance of working as a team in challenging circumstances.
  • 80% of PP pupils accessed extra curricular activities throughout the year.