Pursuant to a request by LUPZ Chair, Trudy Jones, this Resolution supporting the attached proposed amendments to the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) was adopted unanimously by the West Side Coalition of Neighborhood Associations on October 4, 2017.

Whereas; the IDO applies City-wide within the City of Albuquerque municipal boundaries and; whereas, these changes will have a major influence on land use decisions and consequences for Albuquerque residents long into the future and;

Whereas; the City of Albuquerque’s IDO initiative intends a massive City-wide re-zoning without consideration for protections, mandated in the zoning change Resolution 270-1980 and;

Whereas; the Westside Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (WSCONA) has raised numerous concerns with the City’s rushed process, the lack of a meaningful outreach, and the perpetual ‘moving target’ nature of the Comprehensive Plan Amendments (ABC-Z) and the associated Integrated Planning Ordinance (IDO) and;

Whereas; WSCONA has significant concerns that policies in the IDO creates sweeping shifts in power from citizen boards such as the EPC and Board of Appeals over to the Planning Director and staff and;

Whereas; WSCONA is concerned that the proposed IDO relegates certain existing Community Areas with significant and specific historical identities to be reclassified and aggregated into homogenous assessment areas and;

Whereas; WSCONA has significant concerns regarding the elimination of sector plans in the City’s Metropolitan Redevelopment Areas and whereas; this issue is not being addressed prior to the IDO being approved and;

Whereas; neighborhoods have in good faith provided copious comments and recommendations regarding the IDO for more than 2 years and;

Whereas despite the enormity of the work involved, significant issues still remain unresolved—it is still a work in progress and;

Whereas; pursuant to the LUPZ Committee request for additional amendments, the Westside Coalition supports the attached Addendum of Proposed Amendments—with the understanding that other amendments may be necessary;

Therefore Be It Resolved; that the West Side Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, feels strongly that for all the above reasons, the IDO should not be approved until all proposed amendments submitted are given appropriate consideration, and until any approvals or changes thereof have been reviewed by the public in an open process—until the public has had a meaningful opportunity to be heard.