Curriculum Vitae
Scott Peat
Current Address:Brigham Young University
Department of Biology
401 WIDB
Provo, UT 84602
Phone #: (801)422-8723
E-mail address:
2005 – Present: Brigham Young University
Ph. D. Candidate: Molecular Biology
Dissertation: Phylogenetic Systematics, Population Genetics, and Coevolution of Insect Associated Nematodes
Advisor: Dr. Byron J. Adams
GPA: 3.96
2002 - 2005:California State University Fresno
M.S. Biology: Spring 2005
Thesis: A Phylogenetic Analysis of Sarcocystis neurona
Advisor: Dr. Paul Crosbie
GPA: 3.914
2000 - 2002: California State University Fresno
B.S. Biology, Spring 2002
Cumulative GPA: 3.652
1998 - 2000: Fresno City College
Associates of Arts with Honors
GPA: 3.89
2005 – Present:Brigham Young University
Teaching Assistant
Fall 05 - Fall 08: Evolution Lab
Fall 07: Phylogenetic Systematics Lab
2002 - 2005: California State University Fresno
Teaching Assistant
Fall 04: Core General Biology Lab and Undergraduate Biology Lab
Spring 04: Core General Biology Lab and Undergraduate Zoology Lab
Fall 03: Core General Biology Lab and Undergraduate Biology Lab
Spring 03: Undergraduate Biology Lab and Undergraduate Zoology Lab
Fall 02: Undergraduate Biology Lab and Undergraduate Zoology Lab
Summer 08: Brigham Young University Graduate Research Fellowship
Summer 08: Charles Redd Center for Western Studies Graduate Student Grant
Summer 2006: Best Student Oral Presentation:Society of Nematologists Annual Meeting
Summer 2006: N.A. Cobb Travel Award
Fall 2004: Best Student Presentation: Northern California Society of Parasitologists
Fall 2004: Faculty Sponsored Student Research Award
Spring 2004: Graduate Student Research Merit Award
Spring 2004: Honorable Mention, Oral presentation: Central California Research
Fall 2003: Faculty Sponsored Student Research Award
Fall 2003: Associated Students Educational Research Projects Grant
Fall 2002: Faculty Sponsored Student Research Award
Spring 2002: Grillione Biology Scholarship
Adams, B.J., Peat, S.M., and A.R. Dillman. 2007. Phylogeny and Evolution. In Entomopathogenic Nematodes: Systematics, Phylogeny and Bacterial Symbionts edited by K. Nguyen and D.J. Hunt. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp 693-733.
Peat, S.M., and B.J. Adams. 2007. Natural selection on the luxA gene of bioluminescent bacteria. Symbiosis 46: 101-108.
Peat, S.M., Adams, B.J., and B.C. Hyman. 2007. Population Genetics and Phylogeny of Entomopathogenic and Insect-Parasitic Nematodes. In Molecular Approaches and Techniques for the Study of Insect Pathogens edited by S.P. Stock, N. Boemare, I. Glazer, and J. Vandenberg. CABI Publishing (In Review)
Abstracts Presented at Scientific Meetings:
Peat, S.M., ffrench-Constant, R., Waterfield, N., and Adams, B.J. 2007. Detection of destabilizing selection in the luxA gene of bioluminescent bacteria. Nematode Bacterium Symbioses Workshop. 21 Apr – 23 Apr 2007. Tucson, AZ.
Peat, S., R. French-Constant, N. Waterfield, and B.J. Adams. A phylogenetic analysis of Photorhabdus and the evolution of bioluminescent intensity. Poster Presentation. Society of Nematologists Annual Meeting. Lihue, Hawaii. June 2006.
Peat, S.M., R. French-Constant, N. Waterfield, and B.J. Adams. The effect of rooting and outgoup choice in the recovering of significant cospeciation between Heterorhabditis and Photorhabdus. Oral Presentation. Society of Nematologists Annual Meeting. Lihue, Hawaii. June 2006.
Peat, S.M., R. French-Constant, N. Waterfield, and B.J. Adams. A phylogenetic analysis of Photorhabdus and the evolution of bioluminescent intensity. Oral Presentation. American Society of Microbiologists Regional Meeting. Provo, Utah. March 2006.
Professional Memberships
Society of Nematologists
Soil Ecology Society
Research Interests
Insect Parasitic Nematodes (population genetics, phylogenetic systematics, genomics, and coevolution)
Evolution of Symbiotic Relationships
Parasitism gene evolution