February 27th - March 15th

Well, Our Cookie time is upon us once again!

Hope you’re ready for the dedicated FUN! Of course you all have our Girl Scouts taking orders, practicing their selling techniques, smiles and how to make change! I hope they’re making nice profit plans!

At this time you should get:

- a list of sites,

- a troop site planning form,

- a site sale requests form for the girls &

- a “parent’s hints” form of imperative guidelines.

(If you have any more site suggestions please let me know, it is possible to expand, even in the middle of the sale!) Note: Churches can be very good sites, but we do not arrange them. You must call the church to which you or a troop member belongs and arrange to sell there several weeks in advance. Warning: some Service Units, Mercer Island's for example, do set up churches so you would have to go through them. We found this to be the situation at St. Monica's. [But South Bellevue does not. I am a parishioner/choir member at St Margaret’s Episcopal as well as St Madeleine Sophie Catholic.]

The troop leader or TCM (Troop Cookie Manager) should fill out the site planning form and bring it to the rally. This will help you to determine the number needed at the appropriate times. Please note the girls’ preferred sites. More choices from them, better results possible. The best response is, “any spot except…” then have them list the few unwanted. Tell them to keep an open mind!

Well, as many know, I enjoy talking with all of you. I have actually found that working with several people is fine as long as they give the troop #. You may contact me throughout the sale to cancel or request sites. But please, no complaints. . unless absolutely necessary! —— thank you.

If you sign-up for a large store site, either plan it for several of your members or work with another troop…please don’t waste the space. Your site sale manager should be given the assignment forms as soon as possible.

The forms are the most important part. PLEASE have them on hand at the sites, to keep record of: who is in charge, at what time, at what location & Managers remarks. On the back of it you will find the site sale worksheet, which can be very helpful for keeping troop inventory.

Some Inventory Suggestions -

In the beginning, for one sale shift at a site with one door to be manned, you bring at least: 1 case Trefoils; 1 case Mints; 1 case Samoas; 6 boxes Tag-a-Longs; 4 boxes SF Chocolate Chip; 4 boxes (yeah! One of my favorites!) Lemon Chalet Cremes; 4 boxes Dulce de Leches; 4 boxes Do-Si-Dos. (If a Large site, you may want this much for each table or door.) Feel it out!

[Suggestion from me: Keep your order of the odd flavors down, you can usually get more rather quickly if needed. You may find troops desperately trying to get rid of them by the end of the sale! But keep in mind: We have some pretty nummy flavors now … I don’t envy your decisions! (The Dulce de Leche may be a challenge of unfamiliarity…)]

After you receive your forms, you are responsible for the sites you are given & confirming them! [The original chart will be scanned and placed on the webpage for easy confirmation.]

If your troop cannot be there at the assigned time, call and/or email me and cancel. Then tear up the form or cross it out. We have had some troops show up at sites to find another troop there —form in hand! If you wish to hand a site assignment over to another troop, be my guest. But don’t cancel it with me or it could get assigned to another. Please be considerate of other troops, and don’t leave a site unused. IF YOU CANNOT ASSURADELY BE THERE DONOT SIGN UP!!

Please note any rules or requests the business may have on the assignment form. Also, check out the site Safety-wise, as with any Girl Scout activity.

You can bring a TV tray or small table to most sites.

Use Posters, Signs, Balloons, Tablecloth, & of course your imagination! I have seen some great innovative display methods in our Service Units! (Oh! I have found that some stores were willing to fill helium balloons for free! We gave them a "thank you" box or two of cookies.)

Courtesy is essential— if someone says, "No thank you, I've already bought some." or, "My family is also selling them." please respond with, "Thank you for helping to support Girl Scouts," and, "Have a nice day (or evening)."

Throughout the sale if you receive a 10:00 a.m. shift you may arrive as early as 9:00 a.m.—or whenever the business opens; or you may stay past 8:00 p.m. if you have received the ending shift.

Please keep in mind — Most troops prefer to sign up for sites taking place the first weekend of the sale. But throughout the sale we encounter customers claiming jubilantly that they did not know about it being in progress. And of course, customers who ate all of their favorite cookies from the earlier days will happily come back for more!

Good Site Sales Luck to all! If you have any questions you may try to reach me at 425.228.5223 or, more easily call Virginia Anderson's recorder at 425.271.5822. I am also teaching Monday Tuesday & Thursday at the HOME Program 425.204.4800. Cell# 425.736.4864. Fax can be done if we need to get an assignment form out quickly and email doesn’t work. (My email address is: but you can also get information through my website )

Thanks for your participation. Good Luck!

Dedicatedly yours,

Mrs. Adrienne M. Anderson Smith

Renton Hills Site Sale Coordinator

P.S.: Please, think about a clever expression of gratitude for our business’ hosts. After the sale we must thank them for their generosity and good will. - amas