Chair Approved


Present: Cllr. A. Vaughn (Chair), Cllrs: P. Booth, S. Boughton, S. Hoy, M. Newton, N. Tile and K. Read Ellie Gent (WTC Admin staff)

1. Apologies for absence.None

Prior to commencement of business safety announcements were given.

2.Minutes of last meeting. The Minutes of the last meeting held on 6th February 2018 were accepted as a correct record and signed accordingly.

3.To consider planning applications received from theColchester Borough Council (CBC) Planning Team for the observations of the Town Council.

4 applications from CBC were received and considered.

COL 180284REGISTERED 29 Jan 18Mark Russell

Proposal: Application to discharge conditions 4 & 6 of planning permission 172360

Address: Wivenhoe Family Health Centre, 71 The Avenue, Wivenhoe, CO7 9PP

Applicant: Mr T Sallows

WTC cannot comment on condition 6 as they are unaware of what the boundary treatment is and would like Colchester Borough Council to clarify this.

COL 180317REGISTERED29 Jan 17Simon Cairns

Proposal: Application to discharge condition 3 of planning permission 173117

Address: Christmas Cottage, Blyths Lane, Wivenhoe Colchester CO7 9BG

Applicant: Mr Terry Garland

No comment.

COL 180478REGISTERED19 Feb 2018Eleanor Moss

Proposal: Proposed extension and alterations

Address: 2 Mede Way, WivenhoeCO7 9HP

Applicant:Mr Gavin Short

To take into consideration the views of the neighbours, loss of permeable land and to ensure that all materials and associated vehicles are kept off the highway and contained within the development boundary during the construction period.

COL 180563REGISTERED28 Feb 2018Chris Harden

Proposal:Erection of single storey side extension. The extension will comprise an enlargement of the existing kitchen and a new living room.

Address: 14 Amberley Close, Wivenhoe Colchester CO7 9RB

Applicant: Mr Anthony Stiffell

To take into consideration the views of the neighbors, loss of permeable land and to ensure that all materials and associated vehicles are kept off the highway and contained within thedevelopment boundary during the construction period.

4. To note any Appeals made on applications previously considered by the

Town Council.

No Appeals were received.

5.To receive the decisions of the Planning Authority on applications previously considered by the Town Council

3 Decisions were received and noted.

173163REGISTERED 4 December 2017Chris Harden

Proposal: Proposed single storey side extension to rear of the property

Address: 10 Anglesea Road, Wivenhoe, Colchester, CO7 9JR

Recommendation: General Observation Comment: Wivenhoe Town Council have concerns about overlooking. Views of neighbors to be sought

DECISION: Approved Conditional

No comment

173305REGISTERED 19 December 2017Mark Amos

Proposal: Install 2No skylights on North and South roof plans and convert existing garage into bedroom. External window and door changes to front, rear and side elevations

Address:72 Ernest Road, Wivenhoe, Colchester, CO7 9LQ

Recommendation: Comment Type: General Observation Comment: Wivenhoe Town Council have concerns about overlooking. Views of neighbors to be sought

Decision: Approve Conditional

No comment

180035REGISTERED 8 January 2018Chris Harden

Proposal: Conversion of existing garage to study and erection of 7 sqp rear extension to garage

Address: 8 Valley Road, Wivenhoe, CO7 9JN

Recommendation: Comment Type: General Observation Comment: If parking is NOT provisioned in line with CBC’s policy on parking standards, Wivenhoe Town Council would object. Views of neighbors to be taken into account.

Decision: Approve Conditional

No comment

6. Neighbourhood Plan. Nothing to report.

7.Neighborhood Plan – A meeting will take place on Friday 9th March 2018 between Wivenhoe Town Council Councillors and The University of Essex. The new location for the Universities expansion will be discussed.

Councillors also discussed the handwritten signs at the traffic lights at the junction to Wivenhoe on the A133. Ellie to contact Colchester Borough Council and request these be removed.

It was proposed by Cllr. Aldis, seconded by Cllr. Newton and AGREED unanimously that Cllr. Singleton should be able to spend up to £500 on a new screen and any extra equipment available.

8 Date of Next Meeting. This was agreed as Tuesday 3rd April 2018.