Note from the President

I wish you all a happy, prosperous and moth-free 2013.

As you can see from the list of upcoming events, 2013 is shaping up to be an active year for IHBS. Thanks to the Membership Committee, notably Christine Brown and Louise Shelley, for keeping the speakers coming our way.

Feel free to invite friends to our programs. Unlike some other rug and textile groups, IHBS does not charge a fee for non-members attending a program. But that is a matter for the Board of Directors to discuss further.

But we do have membership issues. Paid membership has fallen somewhat in recent years. We do not have anyone who has volunteered to be Membership Chair. We do not have a brochure to hand out to attract new members. Please let me know if you are willing to lead an effort to attract new members.

Several members have approached me with a suggestion to hold a “garage sale.” We all have rugs and textiles that no longer fit our collections. I certainly do. But here again, we need someone to take the lead. And this would be complicated enough that, in my view, the Board would need a written proposal to consider. It would need to cover issues like location, security, what potential customers to invite and how to invite them, financial considerations such as whether a percentage of sales would go to IHBS, etc. Let me know if you want to take the lead.

You will soon receive a dues statement for 2013. Watch for it.


Next Event

DATE: January 13, 2013
TIME: 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm
LOCATION: Sumner Village Community Room
EVENT: Annual Business Meeting and Pot Luck Dinner
HAPPY HOUR – 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
POTLUCK DINNER –Dinner will be served from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. The IHBS has been holding successful potluck dinners for many years. Participants should bring a favorite dish that can either be an appetizer, entrée, salad or dessert. Whatever you bring should serve about eight people. The IHBS will provide wine, beer, and some non-alcoholic beverages.
SHORT ANNUAL MEETING –between 7:30 and 8:00 pm. Election of Board of Directors and announcements.

SPEAKER: Julia Brennan
SUBJECT: Design, Inauguration and Installation of the Queen Sirikit Museum of Textiles, Bangkok Thailand
Textile conservator Julia Brennan will introduce the Queen Sirikit Museum of Textiles, and chronicle her project of designing and setting up the lab and storage; training the team of five collections care and conservation staff; establishing a conservation mandate for the largest textile museum in Southeast Asia (climate control, enviornmental standards, pest management etc); developing the inaugural exhibits; designing and preparing 155 mounts and mannequins; outreach with the grand palace treasuries and other textile collecting communities; and show the finished splendor of the museum.

Turn LEFT onto M ST NW (0.1 mile)
M ST NW becomes CANAL RD NW. Bear left onto CANAL RD (2.6 miles).
Turn RIGHT onto ARIZONA AVE NW (0.2 mile).
Turn LEFT onto MACARTHUR BLVD NW (1.3 mile).
Turn RIGHT onto SENTINEL DR (<0.1 mile).
End at Sumner Village Condominiums; at the gatehouse, go straight and then make the first right, which leads to the community building.


DATE: February 24, 2013
TIME 3:00-4:30pm
LOCATION:Arlington County Library;the auditorium on the ground floor

1015 N Quincy St

SPEAKER: Karthika Audinet
SUBJECT: Two Great Textile Traditions of South India
Designer Karthika Audinet will introduce hand loomed fabrics and hand painted textiles from the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Beginning with a brief history of the traditions, materials, techniques and influences of trade and politics, she will go on to explore the evolution of these living traditions in contemporary India. Case studies of the impact of patronage, the role of the nation’s premier design school, craft councils, non profits and co-operatives will illustrate how these traditions provide livelihoods, retain authenticity and yet bring about social change.
Karthika Audinet acquired 20 years of expertise in design while working for high - end clients in Asia, Europe and USA. She holds masters degrees from The National Institute of Design, India, and Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle, France. In 2008, Karthika set up Designers and Artisans, a company that aims at designing and marketing exquisite hand crafted products, imparting design education, and vocational training for artisans. Recent clients include the World Bank, St. Coletta of Greater Washington and Corcoran College of Art and Design. Karthika’s furnishing fabrics can be seen at the WashingtonDesignCenter. You can also see more of her work at and

Directions to Arlington County Library:
Starting at KeyBridge going into Virginia:
1. Head south on FrancisScottKeyBridge into Virginia
2. Turn right on Lee Highway (just past the Marriott Hotel). Go 2 miles along Lee Highway.
3. Turn left onto N Quincy St (by Honda dealer). Go 1 mile.
4. The Arlington Central Library is at left, at 1015 N Quincy St.
There is free parking both above and below ground on the left, just as you approach the library. There is also a larger free parking lot above ground next to the library if you turn left at 10th Street N.
DATE: March 24, 2013
SPEAKER: Cecilia Anderson
SUBJECT: Southwestern US Textiles
DATE: May 19, 2013
SPEAKER: Yolanda Alcorta
SUBJECT: Guatemalan Textiles

Some Other Upcoming Textile Events and Other Events of Interest

For Other Future Events of Interest,

Please check our web site:

John Howe's Textile Museum "Rug and Textile Appreciation Morning" Blog

Eccentric Wefts

Textile Museum

IHBS member John Howe writes two blogs on rugs and other textiles.

The first of these is: Textiles and Text

This blog is exclusively devoted to attempting to increase the number of people who can enjoy some of The Textile Museum's free Saturday, Rug and Textile Appreciation Morning programs.

A second blog is Eccentric Wefts

On this blog, John treats aspects of rugs and textiles and related things that interest him.

You can see several recent posts on each of these blogs by visiting their respective home pages. Recent posts are listed on the right in red.

Both blogs offer you the option to "subscribe." If you do, you will be notified automatically of any new post.

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