The Arc of California
Board Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2013
7:00 p.m.
Attending: Dwight Stratton, President; Dick Fitzmaurice, Vice President; Sandy Waterbury, Secretary; Peter Bowers, Treasurer; Tony Anderson, Executive Director; Pat Heineke, Past President; Michael McGinnis, The Arc of Butte County; Bruce MacKenzie, Alpha Resource Center; Tim Hornbecker, The Arc of CA; Pat Napoliello, Arc of San Francisco; Gwen Lopez, The Arc of CA; Steven Dale, Arc of Contra Costa; Barbara Gunther, Placer Arc; Betsy Katz, Placer Arc; Greg deGriere, Arc Ca and UCP; Chad Carlock, Attorney; Barbara Maizie, Arc of Contra Costa; Jim Stream, Arc Riverside
The meeting was called to order by President Stratton at 7:00 p.m.
Agenda: M/S/C Pat Heineke-Pat Napoliello Approval of Agenda
Minutes: M/S/C Fitzmaurice-MacKenzie Approval of minutes.
President’s Report: President Stratton welcomed everyone and introductions were made. Stratton also noted that we have an important meeting with elections being held tomorrow.
Executive Director’s Report: Tony previewed the upcoming meeting by mentioning the new slate for tomorrow’s elections. He also remarked on the interesting speakers that will be presenting tomorrow. In addition to this, Tony reviewed many areas that The Arc of CA has been working on such as: prevention, work force development, NCE training, health advocacy, family issues, and education and public policy issues.
Finance Committee: Peter reviewed the financial statements and the budget for 2013-2014. It was noted that we currently have a $227 deficit and need to increase our revenue. It was also noted that if possible, The Arc of CA would like to have dues paid at the beginning of the month to help our cash flow.
Pat Napoliello made note of the $21,758 in retirement to staff we owe and our not making any budgeted effort to pay. She commented that this is not a demonstration in good fiduciary responsibility. She encouraged the board to remedy this debt.
CCE: Michael reported that CCE visited Arc of Alameda programs this meeting. CCE had four recommendations: restore the 10% cut in supportive employment, repeal the ½ day cuts, repeal the 4 holiday cuts, and rate increase of 5% for 5 years. The board agreed that this is the direction we would like to proceed in.
Nominating Committee: Pat Heineke reviewed the slate for the upcoming election: Dick Fitzmaurice-President, Sandy Waterbury- Vice President, Bruce MacKenzie-Treasurer, and Betsy Katz-Secretary.
The Arc of US and NCE: The national convention will be held in Seattle this year in August and will focus on education. Pat Napoliello reported that the Disability Policy Seminar in Washington DC was a huge success with a record number of people attending. She also stated that we should watch action alerts and read the Fusion newsletter.
Tony reported on happenings at NCE.
Public Policy Update: A handout was reviewed noting public policy changes over the past legislative year. Some successes were: closure of developmental centers no later than 12-2014, restoration of 1.25% cuts, partially restored adult dental treatment. Some losses noted were: copays and deductibles not covered, Medi-Cal rate cut, and continuation of family participation fee.
Additions to Agenda: None
Recess: Meeting called to recess 9 p.m.
The Arc of California
Board Meeting Minutes
June 22, 2013
9:00 a.m.
Attending: Dwight Stratton, President; Dick Fitzmaurice, Vice President; Sandy Waterbury, Secretary; Peter Bowers, Treasurer; Tony Anderson, Executive Director; Pat Heineke, Past President; Michael McGinnis, The Arc of Butte County; Bruce MacKenzie, Alpha Resource Center; Tim Hornbecker, The Arc of CA; Pat Napoliello, Arc of San Francisco; Gwen Lopez, The Arc of CA; Steven Dale, Arc of Contra Costa; Barbara Gunther, Placer Arc; Betsy Katz, Placer Arc; Greg deGriere, Arc Ca and UCP; Chad Carlock, Attorney; Barbara Maizie, Arc of Contra Costa; Jim Stream, Arc Riverside, Patty Schulz, Arc of Ventura; Lori Ramirez, Arc Fresno; Dave Schneider, Arc of San Diego; Ron Luter, Arc of Alameda: Barbara Maizie, Contra Costa Arc;
The meeting was called to order by President Stratton at 9:00 a.m.
Certification of Quorum: There are 126 votes required, 201 votes were present.
Presentation of Nominated Slate of Officers: Pat Heineke presented the slate of officers: Richard Fitzmaurice-President, Sandy Waterbury-Vice President, Bruce MacKenzie-Treasurer, Betsy Katz-Secretary, and Dwight Stratton, Past-President.
Nominations from Floor: None
Presentation of Nomination Committee Candidates: Unanimous Slate
Nomination Committee: Dwight Stratton, Pat Napoliello, and Peter Bowers
Community Organizing: Tim reported that over 1,750 people have been trained over the last 3 years. This has enabled us to get groups together at the Capitol as needed for advocacy and rallies. Trainings will be conducted in three regions across the state. The next training will take place in Sacramento on November 11, 2013.
Board discussed presenting KTLP IPP training to self-advocates. Trainings could take place in areas where we don’t have a chapter to encourage chapter development. Also suggested was to connect with People First.
M/S/C Bowers-Napoliello Approve strategic plan for community organizing.
Capitol Regional Organizing Project: Tim reported that they are slowly organizing and will be looking at transportation, housing, and immigration issues.
The Arc Sacramento: The group is building through community organizing and has met a few times. They are listing issues important to family members. The interim president is parent Raymond Hampton.
Bakersfield Organizing: They have organized for bus stop accessibility in the area.
Lawsuit Update: Board members and invited guests discussed the lawsuit.
Chapter Highlights-The Disney Way: Kevin presented an innovative program at The Arc of La and Orange County which implements key ideas from Disney. He shared his success by having a different focus each month.
Chapter Highlights-Shift Happens: Lori reported on the success her chapter has had in implementing a “caring chain.” She also presented the service projects created by the partnership with A New Aktion Club.
Chapter Highlights-HealthMeet: Tim reported on their success with “Wellness Wednesdays.” They are creating a database for CDC and providing health screenings.
Chapter Highlights-Wall of Respect and My Play Club: Jim presented a public service announcement promoting a playgroup for children with disabilities. He also presented a slideshow on “The Value of One” ribbon cutting at a park.
Swearing in New Officers: New officers were sworn in to elected positions.
Message from Outgoing President: Dwight expressed his thoughts as outgoing president and his thanks to all for their support.
Message from Incoming President: Dick expressed his expectations for the upcoming term as President.
New Business: The next board meeting will take place in Riverside on Friday October 25 and will be in conjunction with the dedication of the mural at Arc Riverside. In addition to this, the meetings for the next year will be planned and put on the website.
Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 2:42 in the memory of Dr. Harland Deboer.