Second Session
GUANGZHOU, CHINA, 23-25May 2016 / CCL/OPACE-2/TT-DEWCE / Doc 3.3(2)(19.05.2016)
ITEM: 3.3
Original: ENGLISH
WIS / Metadata , data exchange and information management
(Submitted by Secretariat)
SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF DOCUMENTThe document provides information on WMO mechanisms that would support the coding, exchange and management of information on extreme weather and climate events.
The meeting will be informed on existing regulations and mechanisms for coding for data exchange and information management through the WMO information System and consider recommendation for providing linkages with CBS, to provide CCl requirements for coding and exchanging information on extremes and hazards
- Coding WMO related data and information
1.1 Coded messages are used for the international exchange of meteorological information comprising observational data provided by the World Weather Watch (WWW) Global Observing System and processed data provided by the WWW Global Data-processing and Forecasting System. The codes are composed of a set of CODE FORMS and BINARY CODES made up of SYMBOLIC LETTERS (or groups of letters) representing meteorological or, as the case may be, other geophysical elements.
1.2 Coded messages are also used for the international exchange of observed and processed data required in specific applications of meteorology to various human activities and for exchanges of information related to meteorology.
1.3 Volume I of the Manual on Codes contains WMO international codes for meteorological data and other geophysical data relating to meteorology; constitutes Annex II to the Technical Regulations (WMONo. 49) and has therefore the status of a Technical Regulation.
1.3 Requirements for coding of new data or products need to be formally expressed by the application commissions ( in this case CCl) and shall be validated the CBS Inter-programme Expert Team on data Representation Maintenance and Monitoring (IPET-DRMM), before its formal adoption based on formal WMO procedures. .
- Exchange of Data and Products through the WMO Information System (WIS)
2.1The WIS provides WMO Members with the ability to collect and exchange data and products under programmes associated with weather, climate, water, and related natural disasters. The WIS focusses on data management and telecommunications aspects, but the actual content of data and products falls outside the scope of the WIS and is a matter for the specific programme supported.
2.2The WIS infrastructure encompasses three types of centres. For regional and global connectivity, Global Information System Centres (GISCs) collect and distribute the information meant for routine global dissemination, while serving as collection and distribution centres in their areas of responsibilities; they provide entry points, through unified portals and comprehensive metadata catalogues, for any request for data held within the WIS. Connected to the GISCs, the Data Collection or Production Centres (DCPCs) are responsible for the collection or generation of sets of data, forecast products, processed or value-added information, and/or for providing archiving services. National Centres (NCs) collect and distribute data on a national basis, and will coordinate or authorize the use of the WIS by national users, normally under a policy established by the respective Permanent Representative with WMO. The WIS is designed to be evolutionary: currently it is based on two parts being developed in parallel.
2.3The Manual on the WMO Information System (WMO-No. 1060) is designed to ensure adequate uniformity and standardization of data, information and communications practices, procedures and specifications employed among World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Members in the operation of the WIS as it supports the mission of WMO. The Manual sets out standard practices, procedures and specifications which have the status of requirements as a technical resolution, which WMO Members are required to follow or implement in accordance with Article 9 of the Convention. The Manual also sets out recommended practices, procedures and specifications with which Members are urged to comply.