Geology and Mining

Chapter 11

This lecture will help you understand:

Earth’s internal structure and plate tectonics

Rocks and the rock cycle

Geologic hazards

Mineral resources

Mining methods

Impacts of mining

Reclamation and mining policy

Sustainable use of minerals

Central Case Study: Mining for … Cell Phones?


We extract raw minerals from beneath our planet’s surface

Turning them into products we use everyday

Geology is the study of Earth’s physical features, processes, and history

A human lifetime is just the blink of an eye in geologic time

Our planet consists of many layers

Most geologic processes occur near the surface

Our plant consists of layers

Core is solid iron in the center

Molten iron in the outer core

Mantle is less dense, elastic rock

Lithosphere is harder rock that is both mantle and crust

Crust is the thin, brittle, low-density layer of rock

Plate tectonics shapes geography

Plate tectonics is movement of lithospheric plates

Heat from inner Earth drives convection currents

Pushing the mantle’s soft rock up (as it warms) and down (as it cools) like a conveyor belt

The moving mantle drags the lithosphere

Continents have combined, separated, and recombined over millions of years

Pangaea is when all landmasses were joined into one supercontinent 225 million years ago

Earth has 15 major tectonic plates

Different types of plate boundaries

Divergent plate boundaries

Rising magma (molten rock) pushes plates apart

Creating new crust

Transform plate boundaries

Two plates meet, slipping and grinding

Friction spawns earthquakes along strike-slip faults

Fault is a fracture in the crust

Tectonic plates can collide

Convergent plate boundaries is where plates collide

Subduction is when one plate slides beneath another

Molten rock erupts through the surface in volcanoes

Ocean crust slides beneath continental crust

Two plates of continental crust collide, lifting material

Built the Himalaya and Appalachian Mountains

Tectonics creates Earth’s landforms

Tectonics builds mountains

Shapes the geography of oceans, islands, and continents

Some large lakes formed in immense valley floors

Topography created by tectonics shapes climate

Altering patterns of rain, wind, currents, heating, cooling, which ….

Affect rates of weathering and erosion and the location of biomes, which …

Affect evolution and extinction

The rock cycle alters rock

Rock cycle is the heating, melting, cooling, breaking, and reassembling of rocks and minerals

Rock is any solid aggregation of minerals

Mineral is any element or inorganic compound

Has a crystal structure, specific chemical composition, and distinct physical properties

Rocks help determine soil characteristics

Which influence the region’s plant community

Helps us appreciate the formation and conservation of soils, minerals, fossil fuels, and other natural resources

Different types of rocks

Magma is molten, liquid rock

Lava is magma released by a volcano

Igneous rock is formed when magma cools

Sediments are rock particles formed by physical erosion

Or chemically from precipitation of substances

Sedimentary rock is formed as sediments are pressed together and bound by dissolved materials

Compaction and transformation also create fossils

Metamorphic rock is rock deep underground is subjected to great heat or pressure, changing its form

The rock cycle

Geologic and natural hazards

Some consequences of plate tectonics are hazardous

Cause geologic hazards, such as earthquakes and volcanoes

Circum-Pacific belt: the “ring of fire”

An arc of subduction zones and fault systems

Most of Earth’s volcanoes and earthquakes occur along the “ring of fire”

Earthquakes result from tectonic movement

Earthquake is a release of pressure along plate boundaries and faults

Some can do tremendous damage to life and property

Especially with loose or saturated soils

Cities built on landfills are vulnerable

Buildings can bebuilt or retrofittedto decrease damage


Volcano is when molten rock, hot gas, or ash erupts through Earth’s surface

Lava can exit in rift valleys, ocean ridges, subduction zones, or hot spots (holes in the crust)

Lava can flow slowly or erupt suddenly

Pyroclastic flow is fast-moving cloud of gas, ash, and rock

Buried Pompeii in A.D. 79

Volcanoes have environmental effects

Ash blocks sunlight

Sulfur emissions lead to sulfuric acid

Block radiation and cool the atmosphere

Large eruptions can decrease temperatures worldwide

Mount Tambora’s eruption caused the 1816 “year without a summer” and killed 70,000

Yellowstone National Park is the site of the most recent “mega-eruption” (640,000 years ago)

2010’s eruption in Iceland disrupted air travel throughout Europe

Landslides are a form of mass wasting

Landslide is a severe, sudden mass wasting

Large amounts of rock or soil flow downhill

Mass wasting isthe downslope movement of soil and rock due to gravity

Occurs naturally but can be caused by humans when soil is loosened or exposed

Mudslides are soil, rock, and water movement caused by saturated soil from heavy rains

Lahars are extremely dangerous mudslides

Caused when volcanic eruptions melt snow

Mass wasting events can be colossal and deadly


Tsunami is when huge volumes of water are displaced by earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides

Can travel thousands of miles across oceans

Damage coral reefs, coastal forests, and wetlands

Saltwater contamination makes it hard to restore them

Agencies and nations have increased efforts to give residents advance warning of approaching tsunamis

Preserving natural vegetation (e.g., mangrove forests) decreases the wave energy of tsunamis

One dangerous tsunami

March 2011 tsunami

The earthquake and tsunami killed 9,000 people and caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damage

Radioactive material escaped from a nuclear power plant

Indonesia Tsunami 2006

We worsen the impacts of natural hazards

We also face other natural hazards such as floods, coastal erosion, wildfire, tornadoes, and hurricanes

With overpopulation, people must live in susceptible areas

We choose to live in attractive but vulnerable areas such as coastlines and mountains

Engineered landscapes increase frequency or severity of hazards

Damming rivers, suppressing fire, clear-cutting, mining

Changing climate through greenhouse gases changes rainfall patterns, increases drought, fire, flooding, storms

We can reduce impacts of natural hazards

We can decrease impacts of hazards through technology, engineering, and policy informed by geology and ecology

Building earthquake-resistant structures

Designing early warning systems (tsunamis, volcanoes)

Preserving reefs and shorelines (tsunamis, erosion)

Better forestry, agriculture, mining (landslides)

Regulations, building codes, insurance incentives discourage development in vulnerable areas

Mitigating climate change may reduce natural hazards

Earth’s mineral resources

We use mined materials extensively

We don’t notice how many mined resources we use

The average American uses 37,000 lb of new minerals and fuels every year

This level of consumption shows the potential for recycling and reuse

We obtain minerals by mining

We obtain minerals through the process of mining

Mining in the broad sense is the extraction of any nonrenewable resource

Fossil fuels, groundwater, and minerals

Mining in relation to minerals is the systematic removal of rock, soil, or other material to remove the minerals of economic interest

Because minerals occur in low concentrations, concentrated sources must be found before mining is begun

We extract minerals from ores

A metal is an element that is lustrous, opaque, and malleable and can conduct heat and electricity

An ore is a mineral or grouping of minerals from which we extract metals

Economically valuable metals from ore include:

Copper, iron, lead, gold, aluminum

We process metals after mining ore

Most minerals must be processed after mining

After the ore is mined, rock is crushed, and the metals are isolated by chemical or physical means

The material is processed to purify the metal

An alloy is when a metal is mixed, melted, or fused with another metal or nonmetal substance

Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon

Smelting is heating ore beyond its melting point, then combining it with other metals or chemicals

Modifies the strength, malleability, etc., of metals

Environmental costs of processing minerals

Processing minerals has environmental costs

Most methods are water- and energy-intensive

Chemical reactions and heating to extract metals from ores emit air pollution and toxic wastes

Tailings are ore left over after metals have been extracted

Pollute soil and water

Contain heavy metals or chemicals (cyanide, sulfuric acid)

Surface impoundments store slurries of tailings

Accidents release pollutants into the environment

We also mine nonmetallic minerals and fuels

Sand and gravel provides fill and construction materials

Phosphates provide fertilizer

Limestone, salt, potash, etc., are also mined

“Blood diamonds” are mined and sold to fund, prolong, and intensify wars in Angola and other areas

Poor people are exploited for mine labor

Substances are mined for fuel

Uranium is used in nuclear power

Coal, petroleum, natural gas, oil sands, oil shale, methane hydrate are not minerals (they are organic)

Economically important mineral resources

Mining methods and their impacts

Mining provides jobs and money for communities

It provides raw materials for products we use

Mining has environmental and social costs

Large amounts of material are removed during mining, disturbing lots of land

Different mining methods are used to extract minerals

The method used depends on economic efficiency

Strip mining removes surface soil and rock

Strip mining is the removal of layers of soil and rock to expose the resource just below the surface

Overburden is soil and rock that is removed by heavy machinery

After extraction, each strip is refilled with the overburden

For coal, oil sands, sand, gravel

Causes severe environmental impacts

Strip mining destroys natural communities over large areas and triggers erosion

Subsurface mining: underground work

Accesses deep pockets of a mineral through tunnels and shafts up to 2.5 miles deep

Zinc, lead, nickel, tin, gold, diamonds, phosphate, salt, coal

The most dangerous form of mining

Dynamite blasts, collapsed tunnels

Toxic fumes and coal dust

Collapsed tunnels cause sinkholes

Acid drainage

Acid drainage is when sulfide in newly exposed rock reacts with oxygen and rainwater

Produces sulfuric acid

Sulfuric acid leaches toxic materials from rock

Flows into streams, killing fish and other organisms

Pollutes groundwater used for drinking and irrigation

Although acid drainage is natural, mining greatly accelerates it by exposing many new rock surfaces at once

Open pit mining creates immense holes

The world’s largest open pit mine

Placer mining uses running water

Using running water, miners sift through material in riverbeds

Used for gold, gems

Debris washes into streams

They become uninhabitable for wildlife

Disturbs stream banks

Causes erosion

Harms plant communities

Mountaintop removal reshapes ridges

Entire mountaintops are blasted off

“Valley filling”: dumping rock and debris into valleys

For coal in the Appalachian Mountains of the eastern U.S.

Degrades and destroys vast areas

Pollutes streams; deforests
areas; causes erosion,
mudslides, flash floods,
biodiversity loss

An area the size of Delaware has already been removed

Mountaintop removal is devastating

Mine blasting cracks foundations and walls

Floods and rock slides affect properties

Coal dust and contaminated water cause illness

Lung cancer, heart and kidney disease, pulmonary disorders, hypertension, death

The poor people of Appalachia suffer while we benefit from coal-produced electricity

Critics argue that valley filling violates the Clean Water Act

In 2010, the EPA introduced rules to limit damage

Solution mining dissolves resources

In solution mining (in-situ recovery), resources in a deep deposit are dissolved in a liquid and sucked out

Water, acid, or other liquids are injected into holes

Used for salt, lithium, boron, bromine, magnesium, potash, copper, uranium

Less environmental impact than other methods

Less surface area is disturbed

Acids, heavy metals, uranium can accidentally leak or leach out of rocks and contaminate groundwater

Ocean mining

We extract minerals (e.g., magnesium) from seawater

Minerals are dredged from the ocean floor

Manganese nodules: small, ball-shaped ores scattered across the ocean floor

These reserves may exceed all terrestrial reserves

Logistical difficulties in mining have kept extractions limited, so far

Restoring mined sites only partly works

Governments in developed countries require companies to reclaim (restore) surface-mined sites

Reclamation aims to bring a site to a condition similar to its pre-mining condition

Remove structures, replace overburden, replant vegetation

The U.S. Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (1977) mandates restoration

Companies must post bonds to cover restoration costs

Restoration of mined sites

Even on restored sites, impacts may be severe and long-lasting

Complex communities are simplified

Forests, wetlands, etc., are replaced by grasses

Essential symbioses are eliminated and often not restored

Water can be reclaimed

Moderate the pH

Remove heavy metals

The General Mining Act of 1872

Encourages metal and mineral mining on federal land

Any citizen or company can stake a claim on, or buy (for $5 per acre), any public land open to mining

The public gets no payment for any minerals found

Supporters say it encourages a domestic industry that is risky and requires investment to locate vital resources

Critics say it gives valuable public land basically free to private interests

People have developed the land (e.g., for condominiums) that have nothing to do with mining

Efforts to amend the act have failed in Congress

Minerals are nonrenewable and scarce

Many minerals are rare and could become unavailable

Once known reserves are mined, minerals will be gone

For example, indium, used in LCD screens, might last only 32 more years

Gallium (for solar power) and platinum (fuel cells) are also scarce

Estimating how long a reserve will last is hard

New discoveries, technologies, consumption patterns, and recycling affect mineral supplies

As minerals become scarcer, prices rise

Years remaining for selected minerals

We can use minerals sustainably

Recycling minerals addresses:

Finite supplies

Environmental damage

35% of metals were recycled in 2009 from U.S. solid waste

35% of our copper comes from recycles sources

Recycling decreases energy use

It also lowers greenhouse gas emissions

We can recycle metals from e-waste

Electronic waste (e-waste) from computers, printers, cell phones, etc., is rapidly rising

Recycling keeps hazardous wastes out of landfills while conserving mineral resources

Cell phones can be refurbished and resold in developing countries

Or their parts can be dismantled or refurbished

Today, only 10% of cell phones are recycled

Recycling reduces demand for virgin ores and reduces pressure on ecosystems
