The Byzantine Empire and Russia

Read each paragraph below. Then write what you think is the main idea of each paragraph on the lines provided.

1. The first Russian state began in Eastern Europe between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea. In this area, trade routes began. It was along these trade routes that city-states arose. Novgorod, Smolensk, and Kiev were among the major city-states. Eventually, Kiev became the most important of these city-states. The prince of Kiev came to be thought of as the most important of all the princes of all the various city-states. However, the Kievan state often operated as a loose confederation of states. Only rarely did Kievan Rus operate as one political unit.

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2. Kievan Russia was deeply influence by Byzantine culture. The Russians took their style of architecture and much of their alphabet from the Byzantines. They also patterned their systems of law, money, and art and literature after Byzantine models. Prince Vladimir married the sister of a Byzantine emperor. This brought peach and promoted trade between the Russians and the Byzantines. Probably the most important Byzantine influence on Russia was religious. After Vladimir converted to the Eastern Orthodox faith, Byzantine priests moved into Russia. The Byzantines then had a strong influence over religious beliefs and practices in Russia.

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3. The Mongols moved out of Central Asia and attacked Russia in 1237. In just three years, all of Russia came to be ruled by these fierce, nomadic warriors. And the rule was harsh. In towns such as Riazan, Torzhok, and Kozelsk, the Mongols killed all the people. In other towns, the people were turned into slaves. The conquered people were made to pay heavy taxes without regard for their ability to pay. The Mongol rule lasted for almost 250 years. During this time, the Russian were mostly cut off from western Christendom and developments there. Many historians believe that Mongol rule held back the growth of Russia by as much as 200 years.

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4. The princes of Moscow slowly increased their strength and rose to overthrow the Mongols. At first, the Muscovite princes were like the princes of the other city-states and even acted as the chief tax collectors for the Mongols. Slowly, however, the Muscovite princes grew more independent. Russian troops under Moscow’s leadership defeated a large Mongol army at the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380. The Mongols retaliated by burning Moscow. Finally, the Grand Prince of Moscow, Ivan the III [Great], ended Mongol control in 1480. Ivan then took over most of north Russia and laid the base for a Russian national state.

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