Disappearing Frogs - Research
Group Members:______
Date:______Class Period______
Using , students must answer the following questions:
Each question set is labeled with the name of the section in which it appears on the website.
Natural History:
- What are the two species that are considered mountain yellow-legged frogs?
- What has this frog adapted to do that most other amphibians cannot?
- In what two states do these frogs live? Where are they usually found?
Life Cycle:
- How long does it take most frogs to develop from an egg to a tadpole and into a frog?
- How long does it take the yellow-legged frog tadpoles to metamorphose (change) into frogs? Why does it take so long?
Ecosystem Role:
- When the frog is a tadpole, what do they eat? Are they carnivores, omnivores,or herbivores?
- When the frog is an adult, what do they eat? Are they carnivores, omnivores, are herbivores?
- Why is the mountain-yellow legged frog so important to their ecosystems? Explain.
Current Status:
- Recent studies have shown that these frogs are now missing from _____% of their natural locations in the Sierra Nevada, and ______% are missing from their localities in the Transverse Ranges.
- What is usually the main cause of amphibian losses around the world, but is likely only a minor factor in the loss of the yellow-legged frog?
Disappearing Frogs (Continued)
Introduced fish:
- Why were the areas that the yellow-legged frog lived devoid of (missing) fish?
- Where did the fish come from, and why were they added?
- What evidence do we have that removing the trout would actually help the frogs?
- Why are the trout such a problem for the frogs?
- Why don’t the frogs grow in the small, shallow ponds without trout in them?
- What impact has the Chytrid fungus (chytridiomycosis) had on the frog populations?
- The last sentence in this section states: “Regardless of the mechanism, these persistent frog populations may well be the only hope for preventing the extinction of the mountain yellow-legged frog.”
Using what you know about natural selection, what do you think this means?
- What is the major contaminant affecting the yellow-legged frog populations? Where is it coming from?
- Researchers are trying to determine if low concentrations of pesticides make frogs more vulnerable to what disease?
UV Radiation:
- Why do researchers think that UV radiation is not a major factor in the decline of the yellow-legged frog?
Conservation Efforts:
- What did the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) implement to help frog populations?