Group for Learning in Art and Design
GLAD Committee
Terms of Reference
GLAD is an Art, Design and Media Higher Education community organisation and, as far as is possible, avoids complex bureaucratic structures. The role of the committee is to promote, inform and stimulate discussion and consideration of the developments in the learning and teaching of these subject areas in Higher Education.
The Committee has decided that it would be helpful to establish some principles on Constitution to inform its work. These are:
Committee Membership and Structure
- Committee Members will be drawn all sections of the Art, Design and Media community and where possible, representative of disciplines in Art, Design and Media as articulated in the QAA Subject Benchmark Statements. Particular emphasis is placed on the nature of learning and teaching in Art, Design and Media, with the focus on practice-based learning and research. In addition, the Committee will be representative in the following contexts:
- Mixed economy institutions (HE and FE)
- Specialist Art and Design institutions
- Mid-large multi-discipline Universities
- Geographical and regional areas
In addition to their knowledge and experience of learning and teaching in Art, Design and Media, it is expected the Committee will make an additional contribution through their involvement with complementary societies, networks and policy and reference groups.
At least one member will be elected from outside the subject area, with the knowledge and experience to make a significant and complementary contribution to the group.
- New Committee members will be sought from the wider Art, Design and Media community in one of the following ways:
- By open invitation to the Art Design and Media academic community via networks and HEA. Interested individuals will submit a proposal to the Secretary for consideration by the Committee.
- Individuals may be proposed by a current Committee member. Nominees will be invited to submit a proposal to the Secretary for consideration by the Committee.
It is not normally the process that GLAD would take a formal vote but in the event that formal votes are required then decisions are taken by a simple majority. In the event that there is tied vote the Chair has a casting vote.
- There are four officers of GLAD, the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. The Chair and Vice Chair will normally be elected by ballot coordinated by the Secretary. The Secretary and Treasurer will normally be elected at meetings. Where there are several candidates for the latter posts a ballot will be considered. Out-going Officers will ensure newly-elected officers are fully briefed prior to taking up the post.
- The size of the GLAD Committee is likely to vary but will normally consist of between nine and twelve members. The minimum for any GLAD meeting to make binding decisions on the organisation shall be five and to include the Chair and Vice Chair. In order to maximise representation of the sector, no two members will be drawn from the same institution. An exception may be made, for existing members due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g. career moves, institutional mergers).
- Co-opted Committee members: the GLAD Committee may choose to co-opt additional members for specific projects of a fixed term.
- The GLAD Committee also may choose to call on the expertise of advisers from within the community.
Operational Framework
- There will normally be four meeting per year, plus an annual away-day. The Committee will be expected to host general meetings on a rotational basis. Consideration will be given to the location of the host institution in each case. The annual away-day will be held in the autumn set the agenda for the forthcoming academic year. The accommodation and evening meal will normally be subsidised by GLAD where funds permit.
- Committee membership of GLAD is contingent upon individuals, having institutional support and being able to meet their own travel and subsistence costs to attend meetings. Exceptions must be agreed by the full membership and will normally relate to special circumstances or specific projects.
- Committee members are expected to show commitment by attending all meetings ensuring continuity and sustaining GLAD projects and activity . Where a Committee member is unable to attend for three consecutive meetings, the Chair will request they withdraw from the executive. Where exceptional circumstances are agreed by the group, an exception can be made.
- As the purpose of GLAD outlines it is a body which exists to support
teaching & learning and associated research in the art, design and media sector. In consequence GLAD will normally undertake to hold at least one full scale national conference within each 24-month period. The nature and frequency of these conferences are determined through the GLAD meeting process. Normally the establishment and organisation of the conference will be the responsibility of a delegated sub-group.