Thematic fields of the conference
- Interaction between Rolling Stock and Tracks.
- Rolling Stock Dynamics and Railway Traffic Safety.
- Provision of Safety and Efficiency of Transportation.
- Vibration Protection of Railway Crews and Human Operators.
- Repair Quality and Operational Reliability of Rolling Stock.
- Engineering Support of Locomotives and Cars Maintenance and Repair.
- Innovative Technologies in Rolling Stock Diagnostics.
- Effective Use of Resources and Power, Rolling Stock Maintenance and Repair Costs Optimization.
- Maintenance and Repair Economy and Management.
- Nano Technologies and Nano Materials in Rolling Stock Maintenance and Repair.
- Railway Transport Risks Management: Rolling Stock Functional Safety Provision.
- Comprehensive Development of Maintenance and Repair Personnel Potential.
Application procedure
We invite to participate in the Conferenceteaching staffof the universities, management and specialists from transport and industrial enterprises,both local and foreign.
Each participant may present one individual paper and one paperwith co-authors. It is possible to participate in the conference without report. Distant participation with publishing article in the conference proceedings is also possible.
Conference proceedings will be included in RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index).
The conference fee
Participation for foreign specialists, PhD students and students is free of charge.
For timely publication of the conference proceedings it is necessary to send the organization committee the following documents untilOctober 15th, 2017:
– text of the article (softcopy);
– title of the article, abstract, key words (in the separate file);
–information about authors (in the separate file).
–completed application form.
Contact address
644046, 35, Marksa Prospect., Omsk, Russia, Omsk State Transport University, Research Department.
E-mail: .
If you have any questions concerning the Conference, please contact:
tel./fax: (3812) 31-16-27 - Kurzyukova Olga Nikolaevna –Head of the Patent Information Service.
Contact phones:
Ponomarev Yevgeniy Vladimirovich – Head of OSTU Research Department – +7 (3812) 31-68-94.
Shantarenko Sergey Georgievich – Vice-Rector for Research, Head of the Chair “Technology of transportation engineering and rolling stock repair” – tel./fax +7 (3812) 31-13-44.
Application for Participation
in the 4nd All-Russian
Scientific and Technical
Conference with International Participation
“Technical Provision of RollingStock
Repair and Dynamic Quality Enhancement”
(Send it together with the report (article)
until 15th ofOctober 2017)
E-mail ______
Postal address ______
Thematic field of the conference______
Title of the report (article) ______
Necessary technical means for the article presentation (please specify)______
Form of participation (personal, correspondence) ______
Period of stay: Arrival ______
Departure ______
Participant’s signature
Article layout:
the article must containsurname and initials of the author(s) (Times New Roman, 14, center adjustment), name of the article (Times New Roman, 14, semi-bold, capital letters, center adjustment),abstract (Times New Roman, 12, italics, justified alignment).
Text of the articleshould be typed in Microsoft Word,page sizeА4 (210 х 297 mm).
Field size should be as follows: left, right, top –
20 mm, bottom - 32 mm.
Main font: Times New Roman, 14.
Table titles and text, picture captions should be typed inTimes New Roman, 14.
Line spacing: 1,25 (4 mm).
Throughout indentation should be equal to 1,25 cm.
Drawings should be done in original files(JPEG or TIFF, image resolution not less than 300 pixels/ inch).
Drawings done inMicrosoft Word should be inserted like objects.
References in the article should be done in square brackets, bibliography should have a title.The number of co-authors must not exceed three persons. Recommended volume of the article is 5-7 pages. Illustrations, charts, tables included in the article are counted in the total volume of text.
Authors should avoid repetitions of the same data in the tables, charts and text.
Articles designednot in accordance with the above requirements will be rejected. Rejected materials are not returned to the authors.
Organization committee has a right to make literary editing of the article content without consent of the authors.
Presented documents
Electronic copy of the paperis presented in English language to the organization committeeby e-mail. Filename should consist ofthe surname of the first author: surname.doc.
Title of the article, abstract and key words must be presented in English language in the separate file.
Information about authors must be presented in the separate file (surname, name, patronymic, academic degree, academic rank, place of work including the postal address, and position).
Organization committee has a right to reject presented materials if the deadline is over or if the article is designed improperly.
All information about the conference can be found on the OSTU web-site
Example of article arrangement
P. Petrov, I. Ivanov
Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract. Abstract.
Text text text text text text text text text text text
Acquired data are shown in the table 1.
Table 1
Results of the experiment
Kinds of energy resources are shown on the pic. 1.
Pic. 1. Kinds of energy resources
November 9-10, 2017
1. SidorovS. Organisation competitiveness management: Textbook. – Moscow.: “Economics” Publishing, 2010. – 500 p.
Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation
Federal Agency of Railway Transport
«Russian Railroads» JSC
Omsk State Transport University
The 4nd All-Russian
Scientific and Technical Conference with International Participation
“Technical Provision of Rolling Stock Repair and Dynamic Quality Enhancement”