ILRHR529: Internal HR Consulting
Cornell University ILR School
Course Project
This Course Project is designed to give you the opportunity to apply what you learn in this course by setting up a practice HR consulting engagement with a colleague or acquaintance. While you will not be required to actually implement an HR solution, you will conduct or plan a realistic sequence of activities that will help you build skills in the consulting process.
If you are currently associated with a company or organization, find someone there who is prepared to serve as your consulting client. This could be someone who may actually be interested in having you serve as an internal consultant on a certain problem, or it could be your manager or a colleague who is prepared to help you practice your consulting skills.
If you are not associated with a company or organization, locate a friend or acquaintance who is willing to play the client role based on a real or imagined scenario. The time commitment on the part of this client will be two or three hours, at most, and will only occur in parts one and two of this five-part project. The client will identify an HR issue that requires attention, discuss that issue with you, and work with you to identify how diagnostic data would be collected if this were an actual project.
You will document your practice consulting engagement within the five parts of this document and then submit it at the end of the course.
When you complete all five parts of this document and are ready to submit it, refer to the instructions in the final assignment, Course Project, Part Five: Implementation.
Part One—The Consulting Relationship
You will begin the course project by scheduling a contracting meeting with the person who has agreed to serve as the client in a practice consulting engagement.
If you have not already done so, download the Preparation Checklist for Contract Meeting template found on a Tool page in this module. Although you will not be asked to submit that as a completed template, you will want to use it as you prepare for your initial contract meeting.
Conduct the contract meeting following the agenda below as well as the guidelines and suggestions provided in the course content. The HR problem described by your client may be real or imaginary, but the exercise will likely be easier and more meaningful if the selected problem is real. Regardless of whether the problem is real or imaginary, your client should be encouraged to play out the client role in a realistic manner, enabling you to practice the consultant’s role.
Under each agenda item below, enter one or more bullet points. For some of the items, these may be talking points that you prepare before the meeting. For other items, such as Client Summary of Problem, the bullet points should reflect the points raised at the meeting. Part One of the course project will be completed when you have conducted this meeting and entered bullet points under each agenda item. As you add your content to this document, take as much space as you need for each item.
Note: Both Part One and Part Two require some discussion with your client. You may wish to look at Part Two now to decide whether you will schedule two meetings or use a single one to cover the information required for both parts.
1. Opening (What do you say to open the meeting?)
2. Client Summary of Problem (How does your client describe the HR problem he or she is using for this practice engagement?)
3. Consultant Response (How do you respond to show that you hear and understand your client’s description of the problem?)
4. Client Wants and Offers (What do your clients say they want from you and from this consulting engagement? What offers do they make regarding the project, especially in relation to availability of staff and resources?)
5. Consultant Wants and Offers (What are your essential wants in relation to this project? What do you consider desirable but not absolutely essential? And what exactly are you offering to the client?)
6. Terms of Agreement (What are the terms of a consulting engagement you could agree on if this were a real project?)
7. Control and Commitment (What points do you make regarding project control and commitment?)
8. Summary of Actions and Time Frame (What specific actions would you take if this were an actual project? What specific actions would the clients need to take? What would be the key target dates in a time line for such a project?)
Part Two—Problem Diagnosis and Assessment
For Part One of this project, you met with your client to obtain his or her understanding of an HR problem and to work out the terms of a consulting engagement.
For Part Two, brainstorm with your client how this problem could be diagnosed. Following the meeting, use the space below to outline specific steps that this project could take in order to capture relevant data aimed at understanding the exact nature and scope of the issue. Base the steps on tools and content provided in Module Two as well as input from your client, and explain what tools and methods you would use to conduct a proper diagnosis and assessment.
Part Three—Feedback and Solutions
In Part Two, you outlined specific steps and tools that you might use in your consulting scenario to gather and assess data that will provide an understanding of the nature and scope of the issue.
In the space below, use what you’ve learned in Module Three to draw up an agenda that you could use to present your findings and recommendations to the appropriate stakeholders if this were an actual project. Under each item on your agenda, indicate what preparation would be needed for that item or what approach you might take, as well as how much time you would allot to it in the meeting. Use as much room as you need in this document.
If you haven’t already done so, you may wish to download the tools Checklist for Feedback Meeting Preparation and Feedback Meeting Review Sheet. These are provided for ongoing use as templates before and after actual feedback meetings in your future consulting work. You may find it helpful to become familiar with them before you draw up your proposed agenda below.
Part Four—Implementation and the Change Process (Business Case)
In Module Four, you have been learning about how to select and implement the most appropriate solution that emerged from the consulting project, as well as how to manage the associated change process.
For this part of the Course Project, your assignment is to develop a business case that could be used to convince management and colleagues of the importance of implementing a certain solution.
Begin by thinking of an HR intervention that might address the problem raised by your client in the earlier parts of this project. (In a real project, this would occur following research into the nature and scope of the project; for this practice project, you can make some assumptions about what such research may show and select an HR intervention you believe may be appropriate in that situation.)
If you have not already done so, we recommend that you download the Balanced Scorecard Worksheet tool and sketch in some notes that relate to objectives and metrics relevant to the problem you’re addressing. For this use of the balanced scorecard, it’s best to start with the objective and metric most closely associated with the problem and your proposed solution and then identify objectives and metrics in other areas of the organization that will likely be affected positively by your solution. You won’t be submitting that worksheet, but it will help you with this part of the Course Project.
Your specific assignment here is to create a brief bullet-point outline similar to one you might use if you were giving a PowerPoint presentation to stakeholders. Note what the proposed intervention is and briefly outline the business reasons for it. Use as much space as needed below this paragraph.
Part Five—Implementation and the Change Process (Checkpoints)
In Part Four of this Course Project, you proposed an HR intervention and made a business case for implementing it.
In this final part of the project, imagine you and a project team are now involved in implementing that HR intervention.
Using the Checkpoints for the Change Process tool and the other content in Module Four to help you, draw up a brief plan for implementation and enter it below. What specific steps will you include in your plan to ensure that the questions in each of the three checkpoints are adequately addressed?
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