COURSECode / Name / Level / Year / Semester
BUS 645 / Theory of Consumer Behavior / BA Graduate / 1 / II
Status / Number of ECTS Credits / Class Hours Per Week / Total Hours Per Semester
Elective / 7.5 / 3+0 / 45+0
Instructor / Assistant
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teoman Duman
Working Time:
Wednesday /
E-mail address:
1. LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND GOALS / The purpose of this course is to explore theoretical concepts of consumer behavior. As well as covering subjects such as perception, learning, motivation, values, personality, attitudes, decision making and cultural issues in the classroom environment, a consumer research study will be conducted by the students during semester to have a chance of experiencing theoretical subjects in the marketing environment.
2. GRADING POLICY / Mid-Term Exam 20% (Chapters 1-11)
Final Exam 20% (Chapters 12-22)
Participation in the research study 30% (Details will be given in class.)
Presentation of research study 10%
Article reporting and chapter presentations 20%
3. COURSE READINGS AND TEXTS / 1- Schiffman L. G. and Kanuk, L. L. (2007). Consumer Behavior. 9th edition. Pearson: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
2- Keller, K. L. (2008). Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring and Managing Brand Equity. 3rd edition. Pearson: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Chapter: 2.
3- Spiggle, S. and Sewall, M. A. (1987). A Choice Sets Model of Retail Selection. Journal of Marketing, 51(April), 97-111.
4- Fornell, C., Johnson, M. D., Anderson, E. W., Cha, J., & Bryant, B. E. (1996). The American customer satisfaction index: Nature, purpose and findings. Journal of Marketing, 60(October), 7-18.
5- Gutman, J. (1984). Analyzing Consumer Orientations Toward Beverages Through Means-End Chain Analysis. Psychology and Marketing, 1, 3/4, 23-43.
6- MacInnis, D. J. and Jaworski, B. J. (1989). Information Processing from Advertisements: Towards an Integrative Framework. Journal of Marketing, October, 53, 1-23.
Date / Class Hours / Topic
Week 1 / 3 / Chapter 1: Consumer Behavior: Its origin and strategic implications
Week 2 / 3 / Chapter 2: Consumer research
Research study meeting
Week 3 / 3 / Chapter 3: Market segmentation
Chapter 4: Consumer motivation
Week 4 / 3 / Chapter 5: Personality and consumer behavior
Chapter 6: Consumer perception
Article presentation and research study meeting
Week 5 / 3 / Chapter 7: Consumer learning
Chapter 8: Consumer attitude formation and change
Week 6 / 3 / Chapter 9: Communication and consumer behavior
Chapter 10: Reference groups and family influences
Week 7 / 3 / Article presentation and research study meeting
Week 8 / 3 / Chapter 11: Social class and consumer behavior
Chapter 12: The influence of culture on consumer behavior
Week 9 / 3 / Chapter 13: Subcultures and consumer behavior
Chapter 14: Cross cultural consumer behavior: An international perspective
Week 10 / 3 / Article presentation and research study meeting
Week 11 / 3 / Mid-term exams
Week 12 / 3 / Chapter 15: Consumer influence and diffusion of innovations
Chapter 16: Consumer decision making
Week 13 / 3 / Article presentation and research study meeting
Week 14 / 3 / Research study meeting
Week 15 / 3 / Research study presentation