
Consumer Council Meeting

8thDecember 2016

Room 101Esme Green Building

Counties Manukau Health

100 Hospital Rd


Present: / Samantha Barber, Rosalie Glynn, Ezekiel Robson, Kelly Wright, Myra Barrett, John Coffey, Rosina Taueki, Debbie Siau, Barbara Broome, Allan Edmondson
Apologies: / Stella Cattle
In Attendance: / Renee Greaves
Insert heading as required
Welcome and Karakia
Previous minutes were not discussed, any matters arising or areas of correct please forward to Renee prior to our first meeting in the New year. ( Being 9th February)
Outside perspective and 2016 highlights- / Consumer Council Members
2. / Project SWIFT-Health Together technology
As per PowerPoint presentation- Transition from Project SWIFT to Healthy together technology, address problem areas.
  • Two focus areas: Upgrading our core systems like IPM and concerto-stability.
  • Introducing technology to move unreliable paper and paper based order processes online and make information available at the point of care.
  • Focussing on the connected patient journey, from hospital services and into primary healthcare and back again. The information that should follow you through this journey.
Swift- helped with the gap analysis and the way forward.
One patient record-Electronic Medical Record
SWIFT project, was working alongside Northern Health Record investigations- regional approach supported by Ministry of Health.
Potential for National System.
If we need to align to National system, we need to formulate a new plan given these big plans. Re-evaluate the work of SWIFT, working group and project streams, and where we should shift the focus. Ie. align to electronic pharmacy programmes.
SWIFT was approx. 13 work programmes.
Enabling the workforce to be more mobile and flexible.
Healthy Together Technology-Hospital Services:
8 project streams:
E-Radiology Orders: Introducing online ordering and tracking for radiology orders
IPM Upgrade: Upgrading IPM and introducing some new functionality
Concerto Upgrade: Upgrading concerto to the latest version which has a different look and feel.
E Laboratory Orders: Replacing the current electronic ordering and tracking system for Laboratory and introducing electronic lab orders to rest of the hospital.
E Pharmacy: Replacing Ascribe and joining the shared regional pharmacy system.
E Prescribing: Introducing Med chart for electronic prescribing and tracking of drug administering.
E Vitals: Automating the calculation and escalation of the Early warning scoring, electronic capture of nursing assessments.
Point Of Care Devices: Providing mobile devices to registrars and house officers. Shared mobile devices for nurses. Extending the Wi-Fi network to meet the increased demand.
Working together:
Timeframes –We are trying to align with other DHB projects
Working with Health Alliance as part of the team.
C. council feedback:
We need to design a system that is accessible in English, test it robustly, and then create in other cultural contexts.
Testing with consumers, that needs to be costed as part of the process- needs to be a sufficient level.
Cataloguing the touch points for patients in each project- relate to consumers experience.
Engagement around clinician engagement, need to measure the practise change, and the time saved is reinvested in relationship building with our patients and whaanau, not a shorter interaction.
Consumer input into each of the work streams, engagement plan for each project. / Tim Elvis and Katherine Rive
3. / Renewal of appointment and rotation of Council Members
This was discussed and decisions will be made in February 2017.
Rosalie confirmed that she has accepted the invitation to continue as chair for the next 2 years, as per her discussion with the Director of Nursing. / Rosalie Glynn
4. / Humans of South Auckland
Background to Jasmine: Was a Media studies and dance teacher in South Auckland.
Activity with her students to google South Auckland- either images or news
Negativity, Policing, Gangs, Poverty,
All the things that were in the media were around my neighbourhood.
I was a teacher in school, and a 14 year old student of mine had committed suicide.
We as a media school class, were going to become the media.
I always wanted to do Humans of … page.
I got my camera and a $2 note book; we made a video that we wanted to promote positive stories in south Auckland. We uploaded to Facebook, overwhelmed by messages- people sharing their stories and taking their photos. It was me and others in the community. We started the Facebook page.
Dave- community worker, advocator for the underdog- Become the change you want to see in the hood…
Walz- story…
2015: Ko Awatea wanted to start TEX Manukau, with 5 stories from Humans of South Auckland.
Community initiatives driven from these stories been told.
Re showed the map of positive things happening in the same neighbourhood.
“This is the perception of South Auckland that I choose to take” / Jasmine Jenke- Ko Awatea Fellow
5. / What is your why?
What values motivate you to do the work you do?
What experience/s in your life, helped shape your values that motivate you to do the work you do?
These are the questions to ponder as you consider whether you will put your name forward to serve another 2 year term on the Consumer Council. / Rosalie Glynn
Held till the next meeting
Meeting finished: 4.10pm
Next meeting: Thursday 9th February 2-4pm Ko Awatea room 203
  • PWCC= Patient & Whaanau Centred Care
  • Counties Manukau Health ( CMH)

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