Supplement to:
Reuteran and Levan as carbohydrate sinks in transgenic sugarcane
Rolene Bauer1*, Carin E. Basson2, Jan Bekker3, Iban E. Munoz3,Johann M. Rohwer4, Lafras Uys4, Johannes H. van Wyk5, Jens Kossmann3
1 Institute for Microbial Biotechnology and Metagenomics, Department of Biotechnology, University of the Western Cape, Private Bag X17, Bellville 7535, South Africa
2 Institute for Institute for Wine Biotechnology, Department of Viticulture and Enology, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa
3 Institute for Plant Biotechnology, Genetics Department, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa
4 Triple-J Group for Molecular Cell Physiology, Department of Biochemistry, StellenboschUniversity, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa
5Department of Botany and Zoology, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa
*Corresponding author: ; Tel: +27 21 959 2817; Fax: +27 21959 3505.
Variation in sucrose concentrations in sugarcane internodal tissue
This supplement provides an ad hoc survey of sucrose concentrations in sugarcane as reported in the literature. The purpose is not to present a rigorous statistical meta-analysis, but to obtain a first estimate of the range in which sucrose concentrations may vary [10]. Only those values measured in the first few internodes, counting from the immature end, were considered.
Data were taken from 12 papers, representing measurements from 27 sets of plants comprising 8 varieties. The concentration range, unit and varietal as reported in the various papers are given in TableS1. Not all studies measured consecutive internodes, and missing values were obtained by spline interpolation. To aid in comparison, the resulting values were converted to a common unit (mmol/L, mM) using the conversion factors in TablesS2 andS3.
Experimentally determined concentrations are often reported as amount of sucrose normalised by the amount of protein in a sugarcane internode. TableS2 provides some experimental data for the mass of protein in internodes 3–10; the average was used in unit conversions.
Sucrose is also quantified as some fraction of the total internodal fresh or dry weight. Estimates of the volumes of the different subcellular compartments are summarised in TableS3. Unfortunately, no data for the phloem and xylem vessels could be found. Although these data are unpublished, they were used in the data analysis of Bosch [3].
The data from TableS1, converted to mM, are graphically represented in Fig.8 of the main paper. The data have not been corrected for factors such as sugarcane cultivar, growing conditions or experimental methods. Furthermore, this analysis assumes that the concentrations as originally reported in the literature represent the total internodal volume. It is further assumed that compartment ratios remain constant and that sucrose is distributed uniformly throughout an internode.
1.Bindon K, Botha F (2002) Carbon allocation to the insoluble fraction, respiration and triose-phosphate cycling in the sugarcane culm. Plant Physiol116: 12–19
2.Bosch S, Grof C, Botha F (2004) Expression of neutral invertase in sugarcane. Plant Sci 166: 1125–1133
3.Bosch S (2005) Trehalose and carbon partitioning in sugarcane. Ph.D. thesis, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa
4.Botha FC, Whittaker A, Vorster DJ, Black KG (1996)Sucrose accumulation rate, carbon partitioning and expression of key enzyme activities in sugarcane stem tissue. In:Wilson JR, Hogarth DM, Campbell JA, Garside AL (eds)Sugarcane: Research towards efficient and sustainable production. CSIRO Division of Tropical Crops and Pastures, Brisbane, pp 98–101
5.Botha FC, Black KG (2000) Sucrose phosphate synthase and sucrose synthase activity during maturation of internodal tissue in sugarcane. Aust J Plant Physiol27: 81–85
6.Glasziou K (1960)Accumulation and transformation of sugars in sugar cane stalks. Plant Physiol35: 895–901
7.Komor E (1994) Regulation by futile cycles: the transport of carbon and nitrogen in plants. In:Schulze ED (ed) Flux control in biological systems. Academic Press, San Diego, pp 153–201
8.Rae AL, Perroux JM, Grof CPL(2005) Sucrose partitioning between vascular bundles and storage parenchyma in the sugarcane stem: a potential role for the ShSUT1 sucrose transporter. Planta 220: 817–25
9.Rose S,Botha F (2000) Distribution patterns of neutral invertase and sugar content in sugarcane internodal tissues. Plant Physiol Biochem38:819–824
10.Uys L (2006) Computational systems biology of sucrose accumulation in sugarcane. Master’s thesis, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa
11.Walsh K, Sky R, Brown S (2005) The anatomy of the pathway of sucrose unloading within the sugarcane stalk. Funct Plant Biol32:367–374
12.Whittaker A, Botha FC (1997) Carbon partitioning during sucrose accumulation in sugarcane internodal tissue. Plant Physiol 115: 1651–1659
13.Zhu YJ, Komor E, Moore PH (1997) Sucrose accumulation in the sugarcane stem is regulated by the difference between the activities of soluble acid invertase and sucrose phosphate synthase. Plant Physiol115: 609–616
Table S1 Sucrose concentration ranges, their units, sugarcane varietal, literature reference and internodes analysed. Abbreviations: DM - Dry mass, FM - Fresh mass. An asterisk (*) indicates a hybrid between LA Purple and Mol5829
Data set / Range / Units / Varietal / Reference / Internodes1 / 155–462 / µmol/g / LA Purple / 13 / odd 3 to 11
2 / 29–471
3 / 12–291
4 / 21–446
5 / 10–279
6 / 35–387
7 / 10–273
8 / 13–309
9 / 9–406
10 / 26–35 / Mol5829
11 / 11–55 / % DM / H33/1937 / 6 / 5,7 and 10
12 / 1.5–8 / % FM / 5 to 10
13 / 100–542 / mg/g DM / N19 / 5 / 3 to 10
14 / 28–203 / µmol/mgprotein / 2 / 3,6,9 and 12
15 / 29–186 / µmol/mgprotein / 9 / 3,6 and 9
16 / 43–186 / mmol/L / 1 / 3,6 and 9
17 / 132–293 / µmol/gFM / N19 / 3 / 3,6 and 11
18 / 113–283 / US 6656-15
19 / 138–504 / mg/g DM / NCo376 / 4 / 3 to 10
20 / 0.6–1.3 / mmol/g DM
21 / 40–436 / mmol/L / Not specified / 7 / 3 to 10
22 / 10–46 / % DM / Q117 / 8 / 3 to 10
23 / 5–118 / mg/g FM / Q124 / 11 / 3 to 10
24 / 13–68
25 / 17–141
26 / 25–139
27 / 26–128
Table S2 Total mass of protein per sugarcane internode (mg/internode). The average of 4 data sets was used in calculations. SD, standard deviation
Internode / Protein content (mg/internode) / Average / SD3 / 4.5 / 4.0 / 4.1 / 5.8 / 4.6 / 0.8
4 / 6.2 / 12.9 / 8.6 / 10.8 / 9.6 / 2.9
5 / 7.3 / 10.0 / 10.1 / 9.7 / 9.3 / 1.3
6 / 8.8 / 9.6 / 9.7 / 12.9 / 10.3 / 1.8
7 / 11.2 / 11.3 / 11.5 / 14.9 / 12.2 / 1.8
8 / 12.4 / 11.4 / 11.5 / 13.4 / 12.2 / 0.9
9 / 14.3 / 12.6 / 12.7 / 13.9 / 13.4 / 0.9
10 / 15.6 / 15.1 / 15.1 / 14.1 / 15.0 / 0.6
References / [12] / [5] / [5] / [4]
Table S3 The compartment volume per gram fresh mass per sugarcane internode (L/g FM)
(S. Bosch, unpublished data)
3 / 8.56×10-5 / 8.35×10-4 / 1.09×10-4 / 7.26×10-4
4 / 8.84×10-5 / 8.23×10-4 / 1.05×10-4 / 7.18×10-4
5 / 9.06×10-5 / 8.06×10-4 / 1.01×10-4 / 7.05×10-4
6 / 9.20×10-5 / 7.84×10-4 / 9.61×10-5 / 6.88×10-4
7 / 9.29×10-5 / 7.59×10-4 / 9.12×10-5 / 6.68×10-4
8 / 9.44×10-5 / 7.41×10-4 / 8.72×10-5 / 6.54×10-4
9 / 9.68×10-5 / 7.30×10-4 / 8.41×10-5 / 6.46×10-4
10 / 9.97×10-5 / 7.24×10-4 / 8.16×10-5 / 6.42×10-4