Architecture PreservationMs. Moos Mr. O’Brien

Course Overview:

This course is part of the 4 year CTE certification sequence. The course addresses the construction and design principles of architecture preservation in a studio setting. Through designing and building tangible and functional objects we study different material and topics which address the development in building materials, and technology.

During the fall and spring semester we will explore and study different materials and topics. The materials will be: wood, cardboard, plaster and metal. In each study of material, we utilize a variety of 2 and 3 dimensional representations and building methods. Additionally, we study the following topics such as: wiring and lighting design, structure, and the design process.

We will create samples of wood joinery, small functional products as well as scaled design models. During the process of creating such products we will investigate and research building methods and building materials.

Outline of Units 2014-2015


Unit 1: Structure

How do buildings stand up?

How do building materials affect the design of a building structure?

Unit 2: Wiring

What are the components of a simple circuit?

How is wiring integrating into the design of an object?

Unit 3: Wood Joinery

How can wood joints form a structure?

How has the development of technology affected wood working techniques?

Unit 4: Design and Build a Light Source

How are design methods applied during a product development?

How does material knowledge effect design choices?


The outline of the spring units will be handed out in the beginning of the spring semester

Required Material:

Ring binder with loose sleeve paper or notebook

Keeping an organized binder will provide continuity for the class and aid you in studying for exams and presentations. You will often need to refer back to work that has already been covered, if you do not take adequate notes and maintain handouts you will not be able to accomplish this review.

You must have a notebook or binder and a pen/pencil everyday

Grading Policy

Test/ Quizzes/ Portfolio Work 50%

CCSS Writing Performance Task 20%

Homework 10%

Class-work/ Participation/preparedness/clean-up 20%

Homework – 10%

You will be assigned 3 WRITTEN home-works per marking period.

-Once we see and record your grade you will hold your homework in your personal folder so you can have them on hand to study for exams.

-We EXPECT you to complete the assigned work by the assigned date.

Test/ Quizzes/ Portfolio Work- 50%

Test: There will be 1 major test per unit study. It will be based on the material covered in the quizzes, and the projects.

Quizzes: Weekly you will be required to take a quiz that will test you on the material that you have read for your homework, discussed in class.

Portfolio Work: There will be a minimum of one project over the course of the marking period. A project may consist of several elements, such as: drawings preliminary and final, 3 D work, and a written research paper.

Classwork/Participation- 20%

Notebook: Notes must be taken in your notebook and all handouts must go into your folder.

Class discussion: You are required to participate in class discussion. While a lesson is discussed, or while student’s work is being discussed. You may not put down other student’s work!

Work place / Clean-Up: It is your responsibility to clean your work area, or the one you share with others. You are responsible to return all material and cleaned tools to where it belongs.

***** Extra Credit: Extra means in addition to for a student to qualify for extra credit they will have to have handed in all the required assignments.


Hand in only what is your work. You copying someone else’s work and handing it in as

your own is plagiarism. Copying the homework in the class before makes it a ZERO.

Summing this all up: Pay attention in class, do the work in class and at home and you will pass this class. Everything you do or do not do impacts your grade.

We are looking forward to having a good time in this class!!

Classroom Procedures

1. Be on time. Lateness will affect academic performance.

2. You are held responsible for the tools you use.

3. You need to clean up and return the material to the appropriate location.

4. You have to follow safety procedures at any time.

5. You are responsible for your work. You need to make sure it is put away before you

leave the class.

6. All school wide rules apply in this studio.

Teacher CONTACT Information

If you have any questions about the above classroom requirements or the course please contact us at any time via email at .,

Student Partnership Contract for Architecture Preservation

Fall 2013

Student Name: ______

I have read the classroom rules and requirements for the CCT Architecture Preservation Department. I understand the rules and requirements and will honor them for the 2013/2014 School Year.

Student Signature:______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/ Guardian:

 Home Phone Number ______

 Cellular Phone Number ______

 E-mail address ______

Please let us know if your child has any allergies or other conditions you would like us to know about.