The Parks Community Association

07740 291542


To whom it may concern,

My name is Amy Chapman, and I am writing on behalf of The Parks Community Association as the current Secretary.

As you may know, we are currently in the process of setting up our local community centre, which is based on The Parks development. The community centre is going to be a huge asset to the community; providing many different types of groups, such as fitness classes, local interest groups, parent meetings, church events etc and will also host several sports pitches and a multi use games pitch. We are trying to make a positive difference to the local community by making the centre the best it can be.

As part of this, we are getting in touch with anybody who has expressed an interest in hosting an activity at the centre.

We are not currently in a position to set any firm dates on when the centre will open (or indeed, when activities can begin); however we would like to get an understanding of who would like to run what and when. We have currently set the below hiring costs for the facilities at the community centre and would only be taking bookings for 3 months at a time – this will allow us to monitor our costs and charges. This will all be subject to extension/change in the future, however, as I’m sure you can understand, we need to provide what will work for the community and this will take us some time to fully understand.

Charities and voluntary Associations, local education and recreation groups / £11 / £8
Private / £15 / £10
Private PARKS RESIDENT / £13 / £9
Commercial and business enterprises / £18 / £12

(NB: Special rates can be discussed with The Parks Community Association)

If you are interested, please do get in touch with us using the below form. Send these by email to or call us to arrange a hard copy delivery if that is easier for you. We will collate all returned bids and consider with the committee.

Thank you for your time in completing this and we will get back to you as soon aspossible with regards to a possible booking.

We look forward to working with you and creating a stronger community.


Amy Chapman (and the rest of the committee)

The Parks Community Association


CONTEXT (who you are and what you do)
PROPOSAL (what you would like the centre for)
TIMINGS (when would you like the centre, for how longfrequency etc)
STAFFING, RESOURCES & ADMIN (who will run the activity, legal checks, insurance requirements, equipment, storage requirements etc)
PAYMENT (how will you pay for your hire? Cheque, cash etc?)
CONTACT DETAILS (how can we contact you? Please advise your email and phone number)