Los Angeles Unified School District
For the Computerized
First make a folder for Student Body by clicking the right mouse button on your desktop. You will see a menu, click the left mouse button on new, and then folder. A new folder will appear on your desktop, type in the name STUDENT BODY. Insert your ledger disk in the A drive, open my computer, and drag the program to your student body folder. Open the folder and then open your ledger document. Enter your school data: name of school, telephone number, district, bank, info and then save, use save as, and save it in the student folder. (Now you will not have to enter that information again.) To start posting on July 1, 2003, just open the document from your desktop and begin. To save your work in progress, click save as, and rename it Working Copy. Make sure it is being saved to the student body folder, then press save. You should have two copies of the ledger in your folder, your master and your working copy. It is not necessary to save a copy for each month. To start a new month use the Master. There are three tabs in your document: Ledger; TB & FC; and CHECKS.
LEDGER: You post to the ledger exactly the same way you did in the manual ledger, the only difference is that eachsheet will represent one month. You need to enter the balances from the previous month above line 1 for the next month. Put the first three letter of the month on Excel’s line B8. You will print the month even if you do not have any activity. (Just put, NO ACTIVITY,in column E on line #15.) PLEASE KEEP THE LEDGER SHEET BINDER IN A SAFE PLACE, REMEMBER THIS IS YOUR PERMANENT RECORD.
TB & FC: This is your Trial Balance and Financial Condition. The only thing you need to do is make sure the correct date is at the top of the trial balance and also on the bank reconciliation section. You need to input the bank data for the current month in the bank reconciliation section, everything else is done by the computer. (In December, March, and June you will send a copy of these reports, along with a copy of your bank statement, to Student Body Fiscal Services Branch, 333 S. Beaudry Ave. 26th Floor.)
CHECKS: We have added a sheet for those schools that have more than 8 outstanding checks at the end of the month. All you need to do is list the checks and attach the sheet to your TB/FC.
PRINTING: Although the program will work on Apple, it does not print properly. So it is recommended that you use an IBM computer for this document. You will print the “Ledger” on 8 ½”X14” paper (legal size), and print the TB&FC and CHECKS on 81/2”X11” paper (letter size).
To keep your ledger sheets it is recommended that you purchase a legal size binder, they are available at Office Depot for about $15.95 plus tax, ($17.26) or you may purchase them from Auxiliary Services for $17.00. We will provide a template for the holes, because it requires four, and they will have to be done manually.
If you have any problems, please contact your Coordinating Financial Manager. If you do not know who has your district, then call the office at (213) 241-2195)