WEEK ONE - I Timothy 1
I Timothy 1:12
And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;
I COR. 10:31
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse - I Timothy 1:12
Read - I Timothy 1:1-7
Examine -
1. Who wrote this book?
2. What is he and how did he become this?
3. To whom is it written?
4. How is this different from the books of Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians?
5. What did Paul consider Timothy?
6. Where was Timothy?
7. Where did Paul go?
8. Why was he to stay there?
9. To what were they not to pay attention?
10. What do these things do instead of edifying?
11. What is the main thing about the commandment?
12. What 3 things should our charity be characterized by?
13. What have some done?
14. Define Vain Jangling-
15. What did they want to be?
16. Are they qualified?
Apply - Do you worry about trivial things that really do not matter?
Are you thinking about building up (edifying) others?
List some "fables" (questions) that only lead to more questions.
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse - I Timothy 1:12
Read - I Timothy 1:8-13
Examine -
1. What is the law?
2. When is it this way?
3. For what is the law not made?
4. For whom is it made? (15 things)
5. How does Paul describe the Gospel?
6. To what was it committed?
7. What has God done for Paul? (vs.12)
8. What did he "count" Paul?
9. Where did he put him?
10. What 3 things was Paul before?
11. What did he obtain?
12. How did he do these things?
Apply -
We would say that the disobedient and liars are not near as bad as others in the list from question 4, yet God sees them that bad. Do you see your sin as God sees it?
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse - I Timothy 1:12
Read through the Bible – Psalms 19-20
Read - I Timothy 1:14-20
Examine -
1. How does Paul describe God's grace?
2. Why did Jesus come into the world?
3. Who is Paul among this class of people?
4. Paul was a "chief sinner". God's saving him showed forth what?
5. What was a pattern to us?
6. List five descriptions of God that Paul says about Him?
7. What two things does God deserve in vs. 17?
8. Why did Paul write this book? (vs. 18)
9. What has happened to some?
10. Who are two of them? (vs. 18)
11. What did Paul do to them?
Apply -
Go back to question #6 and list the 5 things again. Out beside each one list what this means to you.
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse -I Timothy 1:12
Read through the Bible – Psalms 21-22
Read - I Timothy 2:1-6
Examine -
1. Define Exhort -
2. What 4 things does Paul expect in our prayer life?
3. BONUS: See if you can find out what they mean.
4. For whom should we pray?
5. What specifically should we pray for authorities?
6. Why should we do this?
7. What does God want for all men? (Two fold)
8. How many Gods are there?
9. What is a mediator?
10. Who is it?
11. For what did He give Himself?
12. To what did this testify?
Apply -
Do you pray for political leaders, parents, bosses at work, Pastors and such? We are commanded to pray for them.
If you have not been, confess it as sin and seek to do so in the future.
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse - I Timothy 1:12
Read through the Bible – Psalms 23-24
Read - I Timothy 2:7-8
Examine -
1. To what three things was Paul ordained?
2. Is Paul lying?
3. Where should men pray?
4. Does this mean women should not pray?
5. Who should be leaders in prayer?
6. What does "Holy hands" mean?
7. Do just your hands need to be Holy?
8. What does I Peter 1:15-16 say about Holiness?
9. Should the character of these men have anything to do with them praying?
10. Look up the following verses and see if our prayers are affected by our relationship with fellow man.
Matt. 5:22-24 -
Matt. 6:12 -
I Peter 3:7 -
Apply -
What is your prayer life like? Are you clean (Holy) before God? How is your relationships with others?
On a scale of 1-10 where is your prayer life?
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse - I Timothy 1:12
Read through the Bible – Psalms 25-26
Read - I Timothy 2:9-15
Examine -
1. How should women adorn themselves?
2. How should the modest apparel be on?
3. What four things should they not have?
4. Does this mean these things are wrong?
5. Can they be wrong?
6. Women who profess ______should be different!
7. Does this just mean old women?
8. How should women learn?
9. What is subjection?
10. Define usurp-
11. Does this mean a women cannot teach at all? (Titus 2:4)
12. Why is this true? (That a woman should be in subjection)
13. Who was deceived?
14. What is a women's consolation?
Apply -
This passage primarily applies to women but, men; you should gain from this how your wife and daughters should respond to situations. Look for a potential young lady who already obeys these principles when the time comes to look for a wife. Girls, how does this match your life? Does your dress reflect godliness or worldliness? How?
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse - I Timothy 1:12
Read through the Bible – Psalms 27-28
Read - Review I Timothy 1-2
Examine & Apply -
1. Who wrote I Timothy?
2. To whom was it written?
3. Where was Timothy?
4. Of what was Paul chief?
5. Why did Jesus come into the world?
6. Who once was a blasphemer?
7. Why was it written?
Paul deals with how to pray in the first part and how to dress in the second.
Has your prayer life improved since the beginning of the week?
Are you coming tonight ready to learn?
Ask God to give you an open mind.
Don't forget your verse.
Prayer Requests this week:
Praises this week:
Philippians 4:6
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.