Teaching Tips and Tools: Vizia

Vizia is a great took to help you make your videos interactive.

Sign up for Vizia free! To sign up you either need to create an account or use google account to sign in and get started. Your account is free and all the videos you create are located within your account.

Viziais agreat new way to add interaction to videos! Vizia’s tagline is to “the end of passive viewing” which is a great way to get students to not just watch your videos, but to interact. The best part is you can string together multiple videos, strip and edit video/s to create your complete lesson. So, you are probably asking exactly what can I add to a video to make it more interactive? Your students can engage by either the use of quizzes, polls, and CTAs right in your video. The only downfall is that you either need to have your video in one of two ways, either a YouTube video or Wistia. Once you start with one of your videos you can add in the interaction to engage your students throughout the video. Once you have finalized and shared the video with your students you can use the analytics involved to monitor responses. Vizia is just one of many different programs in which you can add engagement to your videos.

How to use Vizia easily:

  1. Start by clicking the Login in botton on the right hand side of your screen or by clicking on the Get Started button on the middle of your screen.

  1. Sign up with your google account, create a new account, or sign if you have an account.
  1. Once you have your account you first click on the plus sign and word video on the upper right hand of your screen and you will be prompt to put in the YouTube or Wistia link of your video.
  1. Now your video is loaded and all you do is scroll along the timeline below your video to find the spots you desire to add interaction and select which item you would like to include.

  1. The interaction buttons are located at the bottom of the screen and you just choose which one you desire and you put in your information. Here is a snapshot of the quiz interaction. Once you set your question, answers, and select the correct answer all you have to do is hit save.

  1. The screen below shows the polling function. Just type in your question and possible answers and hit save.

  1. The next example is the response interaction in which you ask an open-ended question and students type in their responses. Once you have your question, just hit save.

  1. The last engagement tool you can add is a Call to Action button. In this case, you type in any information for the viewer, put in the button and a title, and put in the website location you would like the viewer to visit.

  1. Once you have completed the task of adding in your interaction, interaction, assessment function you can preview the video by selecting the red preview button. After this point I do suggest if you want to obtain the best result with the responses to turn in the gate video option which require students to provide their name and email address at the beginning of the video to watch the video. Responses can either be open with google sheets or downloaded as a CSV file and opened in excel to see responses.
  1. Last thing to do is to share your video with your students in which you will need to share the link if you would like to do this within your Blackboard course now. The embedded function unfortunately doesn’t work with Bb yet. It does work with several other items such as Word Press and Weebly.

So how can you use Viziain your class?

This program for any class use within your Face to Face or Online courses. The multiple interaction functions that can be added to the videos offers variety to the instructor to gage and assess student’s retention of the information. The easy to use analytics allows instructors to navigate and assess quickly. The format is very easy to use and videos are ready to go as soon as you share the video. You can use your own videos or other videos with permission so the options are endless to what you can create for your students.