Kansans For Life Political Action Committee

Questionnaire for School Board Candidates

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Pleasecompletethisform,includinganycommentsyouwishtomake,andreturnitbymailor e-mail to Kansans For Life PAC. All must be returned in order to be officially endorsed by KFL PAC. The deadline for returning this questionnaire is February 10, 2015

1. StatutoryProtectionforUnbornChildren

Kansans For Life believesthatunbornchildrenshouldbeprotected by law, and that abortionshouldbepermittedonlytopreventthedeathofthemother.Underwhat circumstances,ifany,doyoubelievethatabortionshouldbelegal?

A)  ______Innocase.

B)  ______Onlytopreventthedeathofthemother.

C)  ______Onlytopreventthedeathofthemother,andincasesofincest,andin casesof forcible rape reported to law enforcement authorities within seven days.

D)  ______Only in the first trimester.

E)  ______Legal in all circumstances throughout pregnancy.

F)  ______Other(pleaseexplain).

2. ParentalConsent

Kansasallowsschoolofficialstorequireparentalconsent before dismissing minors for medicalservices.Kansans law requires consent from both parents before a minor can obtain an abortion. Will you support or oppose a school policy that also requires both parents consent before a minor can be dismissed from school for an abortion?

A)  _____ Support

B)  _____ Oppose

C)  _____ No position on this

3. SexEducation

Schoolcurriculafrequentlypresentsabortionasjustanotherformofbirthcontrol. Will you support or oppose curricula which scientifically and accurately treats the development of the fetus as a human being and also states that abortion ends the life of a human being (which is the current wording in Kansas law)

A)  _____ Support

B)  _____ Oppose

C)  _____ No position on this

4. Electioneering

Do you support or oppose a policy prohibiting all campaign literature, voter’s guides, and/or electioneering for or against any candidate for public office from distribution on all public school properties?

A)  _____ Support

B)  _____ Oppose

C)  _____ No position on this

5. Libraries

Do you support or oppose having factual, scientifically accurate, and age-appropriate books on the pro-life side of the abortion issue (as already exists on the “other side” of the issue), to be placed in public school libraries without restrictions?

A) _____ Support

B) _____ Oppose

C) _____ No position on this issue

6. Sex Education

The Kansas legislature has considered several sex education policies in recent years. Do you support or oppose sex education programs that solely promote true risk avoidance (abstinence only) from teen sexual activity?

A)  _____ Support

B)  _____ Oppose

C)  _____ No position on this issue

D)  _____ Support, but with restrictions: ______

7. OutsideSpeakers

Inmanyschooldistricts,speakersfromPlannedParenthoodandsimilar groups have readyaccesstostudentsoncampus.Asthenation'slargestsingleabortion provider, PlannedParenthoodpresentsabiasedview.Pro-lifeorganizations, whichcould provideabalancetosuchviews,areoftendeniedequalaccesstostudents.

Willyousupportor oppose equalaccesstothestudentbodyforpro-life speakers where outside familyplanningspeakersarepermittedoncampus?

A)  _____ Support

B)  _____ Oppose

C)  _____ No position on this issue

8. Internet Access

Every school has their own server on the internet. Many of these servers block pro-life internet sites. Do you support or oppose a policy of allowing educational organizations [501(c)3] to have access through the server, and placing some restrictions on biased, not education, political sites?

A)  _____ Support

B)  _____ Oppose

C)  _____ No position on this issue

9. Community/VolunteerExperienceinRelationtoLife







SignatureofCandidate Date


Pleaseprintortypename Phone # E-mail


Candidatefor(nameofschoolboard,districtnumber or position)


Nameofcampaignchairman Phone # E-mail



For further explanation of answers or to provide comments, please use additional paper.

If you wish to contact KFL PAC, call Karyn at 1-800-928-5433 or (316) 687-5433

Return completed questionnaire to:

Kansans For Life Political Action Committee

P.O. Box 783285

Wichita, Kansas 67278-3285

Fax # 316-687-0303

Thank you so much for your time and thoughtful responses.