eLi Steering Committee Fall 2015 Kickoff Meeting MINUTES - DRAFT

Thurs., Sept. 10, 2015
3pm, 164 Fallerius

PRESENT: Stephanie Kreischer, Matt Cupach, Carmen Morrison, Vickie Rose, Pamela Henney, Christine Schearer & Mike Welker

Major Price, Craig Ali, Rose Hughes, Michelle Slattery

Meeting Called to order at 3pm

Item/Proposal / Discussion/Outcome / Follow-up ACTION ITEM
  1. Membership Update

  • Chair - eLi Coordinator: Mike Welker
  • Adj. Liaison: Stephanie Kreischer
  • IT Director : Major Price
  • Asst Dean: Craig Ali
  • Student Svcs. Rep: Rose Hughes
  • 2 Faculty for each Division (pref 1 FT & 1 Adj)
  • BiT – Matt Cupach & Carmen Morrision
  • HS – Vickie Rose & Teresa Webb (Resigned – replacement needed)
  • LA & PS – Pamela Henney, Christine Schearer & Michelle Slattery
/ Committee reviewed makeup/composition and representation.
At this time, no additional representation needed/ proposed.
UPDATE: Teresa Webb has resigned from the college / ACTION ITEM:
Teresa Webb has resigned – Mike will ask Jim Hull & Kelly Gray for replacement HS rep to be named

  1. Review 4 areas Strategic Goals
    1a – eLearning Goals:
a)Determine How NCSC eLearning is doing with Access
b)Determine How NCSC eLearning is doing with Success
c)Create a market Diffentiator for NCSC eLearning Offerings
d)Streamline all internal NCSC processes for eLearning Students
e)Increase ELearning enrollment / Team reviewed eLearning Goals… suggestions made for potential market differentiator of transfer or Service Learning, as well as Time on Task?
No other goals added at this time. / ACTION ITEM:
Have eLearning team evaluate Transfer, Service Learning & time on task as potential Market Differentiators.
Have eLEarning Team review goals and revise/ prioritize goal(s) for 2015-16 and propose tactics to achieve.
a)ID internal Best Practices for Success
b)ID internal & External Best Practices for Faculty to improve Success
c)Develop long-term Best Practices Training Initiative / No other suggestions for goals added at this time. / ACTION ITEM:
Have BEST PRACTICES Team review goals and revise/ prioritize goal(s) for 2015-16 and propose tactics to achieve.
a)Transform NCSC learning spaces to have more physical & pedagogical flexibility
b)Transform NCSC learning spaces to have more tech flexibility
c)Align room utilization & capabilities with pedagogy
d)Find funding resources to implement, equip, Train & Support 21st c. learning Spaces
e)Develop process to regularly assess state of the art of learning spaces
f)Integrate NCSC learning space transformation plan into NCSC Strategic planning / Discussion whether to remove Goal C – consensus was to leave for now to allow for training alignment with training on equipment allowing for priority in scheduling.
Goal A suggestion to add documentation to it?
Have LEARNING SPACES Team review goals and revise/ prioritize goal(s) for 2015-16 and propose tactics to achieve.
1d – INNOVATION Goals:
a)Recognize Innovation in Success
b)Disseminate and Scale Innovations in Success
c)Cultivate a Collegial Culture of Innovation / No other suggestions for goals added at this time. / ACTION ITEM:
Have INNOVATION Team review goals and revise/ prioritize goal(s) for 2015-16 and propose tactics to achieve.
2 - Review Sub-Committee/Teams
    Christine (LEAD), Stephanie Doug
    Pamela(LEAD), Carmen, & Vickie
    Mike (LEAD),Carmen, Michelle, Craig & Rose
    Matthew (LEAD), MikeTeresa
/ Update that Carmen had asked to step down as lead of the Innovation, but will still serve on Team, Pamela agreed to take lead as Vickie is new to eLiSC.
No other suggested revisions to team memberships.
UPDATE: Teresa Webb has resigned from the college / ACTION ITEM:
Each Team lead will organize a meeting of their team before the next eLi SC Meeting.
Teresa’s HS replacement will be assigned to Learning Spaces Team. That team will get the new member up to speed.

1. New Faculty Training Programs -
eLi was granted a small development budget for 2015. Based on this, eLi & Adjunct Liaison office ran surveys at Adjunct & FT Faculty Convocations, gathering data on faculty availability, time/ topic interest with revived Certificate program (“Teaching Success”), revived Faculty Learning Community and new Teaching Circles. Signup email and hard copy forms were sent out with a deadline of 9/10. Only 6 faculty (total adjunct & FT) signed up. Faculty were notified that all September planned events were canceled per eLiSC review. / Brief discussion on how data was collected from faculty and details of sign-ups. Moved for Best Practices team to take data and come back with recommendations. / ACTION ITEM:
Mike will get Christine & BEST PRACTICES Team Faculty survey data.
BEST PRACTICES Team will review data and come back to October eLiSC with revised plan for faculty development offerings for 2015-16.
  1. Request for eLearning Student Orientation
    A couple faculty have asked about eLi creating a new Distance student orientation to help to best prepare NCSC distance students for success.
/ Trade-offs of adding mandatory requirements to eLearning courses were discussed.
Ideas came up of mailing a Welcome letter (based on best Practices), other means for an orientation and targeting ways to improve student communications (both as institution and Faculty).
Moved for eLearning Team to come up with a proposal. / ACTION ITEM:
eLEARNING Team will come back to October eLiSCwith proposal for a workable eLearning student orientation.
  1. Process to Apply Value on Investment Rubric
    Issues have come up where learning space investments are being made without fully evaluating capabilities. As such, the Value on investment rubric implementation process needs to be put into action.
/ Brief discussion of context/ background of this and reminder of approved Value on investment rubric.
Moved to give issue to LEARNING SPACES Team for recommendation on how to implement. / ACTION ITEM:
LEARNING SPACES Team will come back to October eLiSC with updated proposal for how to implement the Value on Investment Rubric.
  1. Open Floor/ Other Items for Year?
/ Mike shared draft of a pool of faculty loaner multimedia equipment to purchase and stock in each NCSC building for faculty to checkout. Suggestion of adding Wacom Bamboo tablet for Collaborate annotating. / ACTION ITEM:
Mike will come back to October eLiSC with updated faculty loaner hardware pool proposal.
  1. Set Remaining Fall meeting Schedule

Determine day/time of remaining Fall meetings. / Group asked Mike to setup a Doodle for the October meeting, with most popular day/time being the meeting. / ACTION ITEM:
Mike will create and send out a Doodle for October eLiSCmeeting with deadline. Will followup with next eLiSC meeting day/time based on most popular day/time.

Meeting Adjourned at 4pm