3rd April 2011
Mothering Sunday
Vicar, Revd David Roscoe
01254 201236 0793 916 2023
9:15amBCP Holy Communion
The Fourth Sunday in Lent p. 135+
2 Corinthians 1: 2-7Karen Woods
John 19: 25-27Vicar
510, ‘One More Step Along the World I Go’
548, ‘Praise Him, Praise Him’
408, ‘Lord Jesus Christ’
612, ‘Tell Out My Soul,’
This Week
Tonight6pm, Confirmation Class
Monday, 7:30pm, MU Deanery Meeting, Church
Tuesday6:30pm, Messy Church
Wednesday7:30pm, Study Course, Vicarage
10:30am, BCP Holy Communion
7:30pm, Family Communion
Those who are ill;
Mae Chambers, Nellie Parker, Dorothy Pearce
Elizabeth Nixon, Hilda Foulds, Lauren Eastham
Edna Sunderland, John and Anne Taylor
Arthur Bakewell, Richard Haworth, Stuart Smith
Those who have died,
Lilian Wilson
If you wish to sponsor this news sheet to help
offset the cost of printing, pleasecontact Sheila Haworth on 722602, the cost is still only £5
Articles for the magazine should be sent to Sheila Howarth by the second Sunday of the month to;
On the 17th April Jo Eccles is running 26.2 miles at the London Marathon.
She would be really grateful if you could sponsor her. She is running for 2 charities close to her heart the first Clic Sargent for children with cancer and the second the Muir Maxwell Trust for children with epilepsy. Please visit her sponsor page ( or alternatively contact Jo (200062) to donate. She has raised over £750.00 so far and would love to raise more. On the 18th April Jo has said that she is never running again!!
Children’s Society Boxes
Please could any Children’s Society Boxes still not returned yet be brought to Church to be emptied and returned – Thank You
Next Messy Church
This Tuesday 5th April, 6:30pm in the Hall
St Francis vs Immanuel Men’s Evening
Snooker, Darts and Dominoes, St Francis’ Hall, Monday 11th April, at 7:30pm
We need ten men to represent Immanuel in this friendly tournament – please sign the list at the back of Church to participate. A Potato Pie Supper is being provided by our friends from St Francis.
Church Spring Cleaning
Saturday 16th April in the morning
Please keep this date free in your diary and come along to help - a job for everyone!
Lent Course
Our six week Lent Course is held on Wednesdaysat 7:30pm at the Vicarage. Everyone is invited to join in any session.
Church AuctionTuesday 3rd May at 7pm
If anyone needs Auction Items picking up from now until the Auction, please contact David
Please put this date in your diary and encourage friends and family to come along and support the Auction
Adult Confirmation Class
Classes will start on Tuesday 12th April, 7pm at the Vicarage, all adults wishing to be Confirmed this year are welcome to come along or speak to David to find out more
Our AGM is to be held on Sunday 10th April after Church – please could reports from the organizations be sent to Karen Woods asap
Electoral Roll
Please could any changes in address since last April be given to David to keep the Roll up to date. If anyone is unsure if they are on the Electoral Roll please see David
PCC Election nominations
As agreed at last year’s AGM the PCC will be re-elected this year according to a rolling 4 year cycle.
Please see nomination form at the back of the Church for details.
Easter Lillies
Please add your name to the list if you wish to contribute to the Ester Lillies – donations may be put in the box provided
Creed – I believe in God Almighty (tune: Hyfrydol)
I believe in God Almighty,
he who made both heaven and earth.
I believe he is our Father,
and through him we have our birth.
I believe and trust in Jesus,
God the Father’s only Son.
I believe he came to save us
for he loves us, every one.
And I love his Mother Mary,
for through her my Lord was born;
born to suffer death and sorrow,
born to rise on Easter morn.
I believe he lives for ever,
death for him was not the end.
He returned to God his Father
that his Spirit he might send.
I believe his Holy Spirit
lives within our Church today.
And he gives his truth and guidance
so that we will know the way.
I believe, when life is over,
Christ will take us home with him,
and in joy we’ll live for ever,
evermore in peace Amen.